- published: 27 Dec 2015
- views: 9887
A ruse is a deception, an action or plan which is intended to deceive someone, for example a ruse of war.
Ru, ru, or RU may refer to:
RU may stand for the following universities:
Coordinates: 40°N 100°W / 40°N 100°W / 40; -100
The United States of America (USA), commonly referred to as the United States (U.S.) or America, is a federal republic composed of 50 states, a federal district, five major territories and various possessions. The 48 contiguous states and Washington, D.C., are in central North America between Canada and Mexico. The state of Alaska is in the northwestern part of North America and the state of Hawaii is an archipelago in the mid-Pacific. The territories are scattered about the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. At 3.8 million square miles (9.842 million km2) and with over 320 million people, the country is the world's third or fourth-largest by total area and the third most populous. It is one of the world's most ethnically diverse and multicultural nations, the product of large-scale immigration from many countries. The geography and climate of the United States are also extremely diverse, and the country is home to a wide variety of wildlife.
United State of Electronica, or U.S.E., is a Seattle, Washington-based dance/rock band formed in 2002. It includes the four members of the band Wonderful: Jason Holstrom (guitar), Jon e. Rock (drums, vocals), Peter Sali (guitar, vocals), and Noah Star Weaver (keyboards, vocoder), as well as Derek Chan (bass guitar), Carly Nicklaus (vocals), and Amanda Khanjian (vocals).
U.S.E. was formed when the members of Wonderful and Shane Tutmarc posed as an imaginary electronica band from Mannheim, Germany at a Seattle-area nightclub. When the group noticed the audience's enthusiasm about their improvised dance songs, they decided to form a side project that would take dance music more seriously. Carly Nicklaus, Amanda Okonek and Derek Chan joined the members of Wonderful to develop that project, which would become the United State of Electronica.
U.S.E. released its debut self-titled, self-recorded album with handpainted covers in 2004. With no distribution, U.S.E turned to the Internet and gave the album to the world for free via http://www.mannheimworldwide.com. The album was released nationally through Sonic Boom Recordings in early 2005 and released in Japan in 2005 on Side-Out Records. U.S.E continued to tour the U.S. extensively with The Presidents of the United States of America, Ted Leo and the Pharmacists, The Hold Steady, Aqueduct, Schoolyard Heroes, The Divorce and many more. After "IT IS ON!" reached No. 4 on the Japanese music charts, U.S.E made three trips to Japan in 2005, including the 2005 Fuji Rock Festival and played the Sasquatch! Music Festival in Central Washington.
You Will NEVER Kill This Game! ➤ R.U.S.E Multiplayer Gameplay!
WTF Is... - R.U.S.E.?
R.U.S.E. - Defense of Fort Knox - Japanese DLC
R.U.S.E. Exclusive Trailer
RUSE (R.U.S.E.) Gameplay - Russia vs. Germany
FCM F1 & Maginot Line Defense - R.U.S.E. Operations Gameplay 1vsAll French Defense
“Balena blu”, mendja e sëmurë ruse që shpiku lojën - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme
R.U.S.E - Extrem knappe und ausgeglichene Schlacht! - Gameplay Kommentar [Deutsch/HD]
Ruse Gameplay - Epic BAttles
R.U.S.E. Multiplayer Gameplay ➤ Fighting For Our Independence.. Again!
Ruse Of Fools - The Flood
Ubisoft "R.U.S.E", Making of Visual Effects
R.U.S.E may no longer be purchasable on Steam, but the game is not dead as long as the community continues to support it! Today is a simple Co-op Multiplayer match against 3 Random Hard A.I! Want to Subscribe? - http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=MrFarCryAway If you would like to support the channel further feel free to check out the AFarCryAway ■ Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/user?u=479268 ========================================== Remember to LIKE and FOLLOW me on my social media websites: ■ Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/afarcryaway ■ Twitter: https://twitter.com/AFarCryAway ■ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AFarCryAway?ref=bookmarks ==========================================
Right, this is a pilot of a 'show and tell' style preview/review/introductory content piece called 'WTF is X?', that I may do some of in the future alongside my WoW and SC2 videos. The whole point is to show you a new or little-known title. It's not a review as such, it's more of a 'hey, here's this game, we're playing it, here's how it works, make up your own minds' sort of thing. Nothing more complicated or fancy than that. In this pilot, myself and our resident RTS genius Stormgale sit down on Vent with Ubisoft's latest title, R.U.S.E., an unusual RTS/wargame hybrid set in World War 2, based on the concepts of deception and grand strategy, rather than micromanagement and APM.
Here is some more R.U.S.E. for you! Hope you guys enjoy :) Connect with me: ●Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/sherman_n_banzai ●Twitter: http://twitter.com/ShermanatorYT ●Steam Group: http://bit.ly/1pwdggu ●Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ShermanatorYT ●Instagram: https://instagram.com/shermanatoryt/ ~Thanks for watching!
We've got the first glimpse of Ubisoft's new WWII strategy game, R.U.S.E.! More details at: http://gdc.gamespot.com/story/6206612/ Features & Reviews - http://www.youtube.com/user/gamespot Gameplay & Guides - http://www.youtube.com/user/gamespotgameplay Trailers - http://www.youtube.com/user/gamespottrailers MLG, NASL & eSports - http://www.youtube.com/user/gamespotesports Mobile Gaming - http://www.youtube.com/user/gamespotmobile Like - http://www.facebook.com/GameSpot Follow - http://www.twitter.com/GameSpot Stream Live - http://twitch.tv/GameSpot http://www.gamespot.com
R.U.S.E. is BACK again! Vive la France! Oh and I guess thanks America for that Nuke Tom ;D Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCtTx6yW6Du81lTb97AyS__OW19WVv4MR Connect with me: ●Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/sherman_n_banzai ●Twitter: http://twitter.com/ShermanatorYT ●Steam Group: http://bit.ly/1pwdggu ●Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ShermanatorYT ●Instagram: https://instagram.com/shermanatoryt/ ~Thanks for watching!
Mediet e përkufizojnë si “lojë të çmendur” dhe “Sfida e balenës blu”, pjellë e një mendjeje të sëmurë, e tillë është. Sfida e rrezikshme, që në fillim duket e padëmshme, lidhet me të paktën 130 vdekje në Rusi, e ka detyruar ngadalë policitë e vendeve të ndryshme europiane të mos e shohin edhe me aq indiferentizëm, por të paralajmërojnë prindërit mbi kërcënimin, në dukje të pafajshëm, që u kanoset fëmijëve të tyre.
A collection of only a few of many battles in on of the greatest games conceived to date. -- ( THIS IS THE COMPUTER VERSION) NOT CONSOLE! Unlimited units ! Enjoy the tanks battles and massive air battles. Please If you like the video Thumbs up if you didn't like the video well... thumbs up .. thank you for watching my video. Buy Ruse For Pc Today : x-box or ps3 if you must. BUY THE GAME
R.U.S.E. Multiplayer Gameplay ➤ Fighting For Our Independence.. Again! Today's video focuses on the fictional conflict between the Americans and British as the Americans fight for their independence.. again! Want to Subscribe? - http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c... If you would like to support the channel and help keep me able to provide you with more great content, check out my Patreon! ■ Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/user?u=479268 ========================================== Remember to LIKE and FOLLOW me on my social media websites: ■ Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/afarcryaway ■ Twitter: https://twitter.com/AFarCryAway ■ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AFarCryAway?... ==========================================
Honorable Mention at the 2010 Philadelphia Independent Film Festival Animated music video for RUSE OF FOOLS Directed and animated by Rémy M. Larochelle Produced by Herby Cheng Monestable Production: Monestable Studios http://www.ourstage.com/epk/ruseoffools Bootstrap Recordings LLC 2009 Album : Film Noir
TRAILER JEU VIDEO "ASCENT TO POWER" Production : Ubisoft Réalisation : Chris Delaporte Cutdown : Headeater
If you want to adopt one of the kitten, please write to sebastian.fiebiger@googlemail.com
www.bellaruse.com The official music video for "Complicated Rhythm" by Bella Ruse. From their first full-length album, Kuhzoo. 8 costume changes in under 3 minutes. Shot in just 2 hours on the porch of Joseph and Kay's Minneapolis home. Planned the night before. Produced with zero budget and tragically insufficient equipment. This is one of the most fun projects I've done in a long time. Shot on a Canon 7D, using a rolling chair dolly. Special effects done in After Effects, a program I didn't really know before this project. Color in Magic Bullet Looks. More about the process on the Jakfoto Productions blog: http://bit.ly/kwUmb0 If you like the song, please give some love to the band by buying the album or "liking" them on Facebook! www.bellaruse.com www.facebook.com/bellaruse
Направихме едно двудневно пътуване до Русе за състезанието, като минахме през Габрово където разцъкахме минито и няколко спота по улиците на града. Гледайте Владимир Иванов- Гибона, Лозьо Димитров, Васко Боянов, Део Катунга както и специалното включване на Ширко на минито. www.ashbury.bg http://www.facebook.com/AshburyBulgaria
R.U.S.E may no longer be purchasable on Steam, but the game is not dead as long as the community continues to support it! Today is a simple Co-op Multiplayer match against 3 Random Hard A.I! Want to Subscribe? - http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=MrFarCryAway If you would like to support the channel further feel free to check out the AFarCryAway ■ Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/user?u=479268 ========================================== Remember to LIKE and FOLLOW me on my social media websites: ■ Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/afarcryaway ■ Twitter: https://twitter.com/AFarCryAway ■ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AFarCryAway?ref=bookmarks ==========================================
Right, this is a pilot of a 'show and tell' style preview/review/introductory content piece called 'WTF is X?', that I may do some of in the future alongside my WoW and SC2 videos. The whole point is to show you a new or little-known title. It's not a review as such, it's more of a 'hey, here's this game, we're playing it, here's how it works, make up your own minds' sort of thing. Nothing more complicated or fancy than that. In this pilot, myself and our resident RTS genius Stormgale sit down on Vent with Ubisoft's latest title, R.U.S.E., an unusual RTS/wargame hybrid set in World War 2, based on the concepts of deception and grand strategy, rather than micromanagement and APM.
Here is some more R.U.S.E. for you! Hope you guys enjoy :) Connect with me: ●Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/sherman_n_banzai ●Twitter: http://twitter.com/ShermanatorYT ●Steam Group: http://bit.ly/1pwdggu ●Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ShermanatorYT ●Instagram: https://instagram.com/shermanatoryt/ ~Thanks for watching!
We've got the first glimpse of Ubisoft's new WWII strategy game, R.U.S.E.! More details at: http://gdc.gamespot.com/story/6206612/ Features & Reviews - http://www.youtube.com/user/gamespot Gameplay & Guides - http://www.youtube.com/user/gamespotgameplay Trailers - http://www.youtube.com/user/gamespottrailers MLG, NASL & eSports - http://www.youtube.com/user/gamespotesports Mobile Gaming - http://www.youtube.com/user/gamespotmobile Like - http://www.facebook.com/GameSpot Follow - http://www.twitter.com/GameSpot Stream Live - http://twitch.tv/GameSpot http://www.gamespot.com
R.U.S.E. is BACK again! Vive la France! Oh and I guess thanks America for that Nuke Tom ;D Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCtTx6yW6Du81lTb97AyS__OW19WVv4MR Connect with me: ●Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/sherman_n_banzai ●Twitter: http://twitter.com/ShermanatorYT ●Steam Group: http://bit.ly/1pwdggu ●Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ShermanatorYT ●Instagram: https://instagram.com/shermanatoryt/ ~Thanks for watching!
Mediet e përkufizojnë si “lojë të çmendur” dhe “Sfida e balenës blu”, pjellë e një mendjeje të sëmurë, e tillë është. Sfida e rrezikshme, që në fillim duket e padëmshme, lidhet me të paktën 130 vdekje në Rusi, e ka detyruar ngadalë policitë e vendeve të ndryshme europiane të mos e shohin edhe me aq indiferentizëm, por të paralajmërojnë prindërit mbi kërcënimin, në dukje të pafajshëm, që u kanoset fëmijëve të tyre.
A collection of only a few of many battles in on of the greatest games conceived to date. -- ( THIS IS THE COMPUTER VERSION) NOT CONSOLE! Unlimited units ! Enjoy the tanks battles and massive air battles. Please If you like the video Thumbs up if you didn't like the video well... thumbs up .. thank you for watching my video. Buy Ruse For Pc Today : x-box or ps3 if you must. BUY THE GAME
R.U.S.E. Multiplayer Gameplay ➤ Fighting For Our Independence.. Again! Today's video focuses on the fictional conflict between the Americans and British as the Americans fight for their independence.. again! Want to Subscribe? - http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c... If you would like to support the channel and help keep me able to provide you with more great content, check out my Patreon! ■ Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/user?u=479268 ========================================== Remember to LIKE and FOLLOW me on my social media websites: ■ Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/afarcryaway ■ Twitter: https://twitter.com/AFarCryAway ■ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AFarCryAway?... ==========================================
Honorable Mention at the 2010 Philadelphia Independent Film Festival Animated music video for RUSE OF FOOLS Directed and animated by Rémy M. Larochelle Produced by Herby Cheng Monestable Production: Monestable Studios http://www.ourstage.com/epk/ruseoffools Bootstrap Recordings LLC 2009 Album : Film Noir
TRAILER JEU VIDEO "ASCENT TO POWER" Production : Ubisoft Réalisation : Chris Delaporte Cutdown : Headeater
If you want to adopt one of the kitten, please write to sebastian.fiebiger@googlemail.com
www.bellaruse.com The official music video for "Complicated Rhythm" by Bella Ruse. From their first full-length album, Kuhzoo. 8 costume changes in under 3 minutes. Shot in just 2 hours on the porch of Joseph and Kay's Minneapolis home. Planned the night before. Produced with zero budget and tragically insufficient equipment. This is one of the most fun projects I've done in a long time. Shot on a Canon 7D, using a rolling chair dolly. Special effects done in After Effects, a program I didn't really know before this project. Color in Magic Bullet Looks. More about the process on the Jakfoto Productions blog: http://bit.ly/kwUmb0 If you like the song, please give some love to the band by buying the album or "liking" them on Facebook! www.bellaruse.com www.facebook.com/bellaruse
Направихме едно двудневно пътуване до Русе за състезанието, като минахме през Габрово където разцъкахме минито и няколко спота по улиците на града. Гледайте Владимир Иванов- Гибона, Лозьо Димитров, Васко Боянов, Део Катунга както и специалното включване на Ширко на минито. www.ashbury.bg http://www.facebook.com/AshburyBulgaria
มาเล่น RUSE แก้ว่างนะครับ มาดูกันว่าจะมาถล่มบอทหรือโดนบอทถล่มนะครับ
The hardest part of giving up
Is not knowing when you’re done
I used to think i was tough enough
To last forever, to call your bluff
So how do you know when you’re done
When the battle at hand just can’t be won
This hurt is contagious
And only time will save us
Never alone
I can’t give you all away
Never alone
What will it take to make you stay
Stay, stay
It’s the damaged start i have to stop
All the time it took to find out who we are
My guilt assured for my part
I bear forever i can’t hide this scar
So how do you know when it’s done
When the battle at hand just can’t be won
This hurt is contagious
And only time will save us
Never alone
I can’t give you all away
Never alone
What will it take to make you stay
Stay, stay
You took the time to write me off
You held me close you made me soft
Now i am falling apart
I blurred the line and you took it all
A dying sign, there’s nothing left at all
This hurt is contagious
This hurt is contagious
This hurt is contagious
(and i can’t give you all away…)
And only time will save us
(and i can’t give you all away…)
Never alone
I can’t give you all away
Never alone