Ask Dr Jeni

My name is Dr Jeni Wellington. I’m a busy mum who also works as a GP. I’m here to take all of the questions you might have about keeping your loved ones safe, happy and healthy. more

It turns out you can (probably) trust Dr Google after all

Ask the GP: It’s not JUST a Virus

Ask the GP: should I worry about my child’s weight?

Do I really need a private GP, or is a medical centre just as good?

Ask the GP: Help! My colicky baby won't sleep

Ask the GP: I'm ready for a second baby. How can I prepare?

How to make the most out of your GP visit

Ask the GP: All things periods, blood and 'that' time of the month

Ask the GP: How much bleeding after birth is normal?

Ask the GP: Does my child need urgent medical attention?

Ask the GP: What your doctor needs from you

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