Rugby League

Ready for battle: Josh Jackson and Jake Trbojevic.

Trbojevic welcomed into NSW Bash Bros fold

​Jake Trbojevic has been anointed the third member of NSW's bash brothers after Aaron Woods and David Klemmer took the Manly tackling machine under their wings ahead of his State of Origin debut.

Mum's cancer fight driving Nathan Peats

Blues brothers: Nathan Peats and Josh Dugan.

When Nathan Peats thinks about tough, his mind doesn't wander to the 80-minute test of attrition that awaits him during Wednesday's State of Origin series opener, but rather his mum.

Dugan preparing to be targeted by Maroons

Ready for battle: Josh Dugan, Blake Ferguson and Jarryd Hayne.

​NSW centre Josh Dugan is expecting to be targeted by Queensland during State of Origin I next week as he prepares to test his fractured cheekbone in rugby league's toughest arena.

League must crack down on potential Milford ruse

The selection of Anthony Milford to start for Queensland next Wednesday was "very clever".

The pathos of Billy Slater, Boyd Cordner and Nathan Peats has grabbed the Origin headlines so far this week but to me, there's a much more significant story staring everyone in the face.