
Red and black on both sides: interview with radical hip-hop duo QELD

Interview with Bristol radical hip-hop duo, QELD, discussing their new album, the European militant rap scene and Westbury-on-Trym.

Straight Outta Compton: NWA's righteous anger at the police and reactionary view of women - Miriam

A brief review of the movie Straight Outta Compton by Miriam, a Detroit member of First of May Anarchist Alliance.

Reflections on "Straight Outta Compton"

I just saw Straight Outta Compton near my home, in a tiny theater that dates back to the silent era (1913) and which has miraculously survived the wrecking ball. It brought up so many vivid memories and thoughts since N.W.A.'s music was kinda the soundtrack of my life as I grew into adulthood and was politicized by events depicted in the film.

Fear of a red and black planet: Rap Militante Internazionale

DJ Malatesta at Köpi 137, Berlin.

DJ Malatesta has been active in political rap circles since 1999, and as one half of DDM (Drowning Dog & Malatesta), has played hundreds of shows in over a hundred cities in 16 countries and on two continents. In recent years, he's moved to Milan and seen the development, as a central figure in Rap Militante Internazionale, of an actively anti-authoritarian political hip hop scene in Europe with dozens of acts and venues spreading throughout the continent.

The problem with hip hop: patriarchy, proletarians and revolutionary culture

An article by Crudo about hip-hop as culture of the working class and some of the problems within the music.

Political hiphop in Brum

Pleasantly surprised by some midlands hip-hop

20 Years Later: the Los Angeles riots, hip-hop, rage and Trayvon Martin

A post about the Los Angeles riots, hip-hop and race in America.

The War on Terra, by Verbal Terrorists

“Rhyming for a reason, we ain’t here for the hell of it: Fuck ya deficit!” (Efeks, ‘Mass Production’)

Street Summer season, Channel 4

A naff cultural-historical hip-hop gospel packaged according to MTV aesthetics ...

The Politics Of French Rap

Mr. R's album cover.

This is a small section of a far longer text about music, called "Some Musical Notes" which was originally published on the old endangered phoenix site. It was published at the beginning of 2006.