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Independents boot brewing giants from industry association

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Australia's small and independent brewers voted "overwhelmingly" on Thursday to remove large brewers from the membership of their trade body.

What was the Craft Beer Industry Association will be renamed as the Independent Brewers Association.

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Previously the association had allowed membership by companies such as Little Creatures, Malt Shovel and Mountain Goat, all of which are owned by global brewing giants. 

Under the new rules membership will be prohibited for brewers that are more than 20 per cent owned by large brewers or other businesses that hold significant brewery holdings in Australia or overseas.

A great day for small brewers

Independent Brewers Association chair and the co-founder of Burleigh Brewing Company, Peta Fielding, says it's a great day for small, independent breweries in Australia.

"We were approached by a number of members thinking it was about time to look at the membership of the association," she says. "The interests of the small brewers and what they were wanting the association to focus on is really quite distinct from the world the larger brewers operate in, whether it be from access to the market through tap contracts or seeking excess relief for smaller brewers as there are for wineries. They weren't necessarily things that aligned with the needs of the big brewers."


Tap contracts have long been a sore point for small brewers with allegations that Lion and CUB – which control more than 90 per cent of beer taps through brands such as Tooheys and VB – use their dominance to edge out rival brewers from the $2.5 billion draught beer market.  

"As an industry association the goal is to offer the opportunity of a collective voice that brewers couldn't have individually," Fielding says. "The very large brewers pretty much independently have the ability to influence the market anyway."   

Fielding acknowledges there have been problems with brewing giants buying up small independent breweries but not being upfront about their ownership. 

"It's a concern if consumers who would like to know it aren't been made aware of it," she says. "Some consumers don't mind who owns it and that is fair enough. For sure, communicating transparency around things like that is absolutely something we think is important."   

The Independent Brewers Association has 159 remaining members and Fielding says Little Creatures, Malt Shovel and Mountain Goat knew the writing was on the wall. 

"One [big brewer] had already acknowledged the direction it was heading and had offered their resignation prior to the vote going ahead," she says. "Now there is a period of 30 days before everything becomes effective. Through this whole process we've really tried to create a structure that creates a real camaraderie. It really is a unique industry where we share a lot." 

The interests of the small brewers and what they were wanting the association to focus on is really quite distinct from the world the larger brewers operate in.

Peta Fielding

There are now more than 400 small, independent brewing businesses, up from just 200 when the association began five years ago.  The industry directly employs more than 2100 people and generates an estimated $655 million in economic output.

Move branded 'divisive' 

Mick Bentley, spokesman for Mountain Goat, which is now owned by Asahi, says the move is divisive.

"While we understand the emotions behind today's decision, we still believe our industry can best address the challenges we face together with a united front that makes us stronger as a whole," he says. "To purposely create division in our industry is not the best way to grow and progress."

Bentley says the Craft Beer Industry Association was originally established around inclusion within the Australian craft beer industry.

"Who owned the brewery was less important than the quality of the beer, the education of the customer and the professional development of the brewers in Australia," he says. "We wish the Independent Brewers Association and their members all the best."  

Chuck Hahn, a master brewer at Lion which owns Little Creatures and Malt Shovel, was one of the original founders of the Craft Beer Industry Association and says the brewers resigned their membership in March. 

"I find it curious people are debating big versus small," Hahn says. "The aim for all brewers should be to brew great beers and introduce Aussie drinkers into a world full of flavour, tasting rather than just drinking and enjoying beers with foods."  

Hahn says brewers have to raise the funds to brew from somewhere, whether it be banks, wealthy private investors, shareholders or elsewhere.

"If we measure brewers by their scale, and they need investment to achieve that scale, what message are we sending them – if drinkers love your beer and you grow as a result, are you are no longer a legitimate brewer?," he says. "We believe it is short-sighted for the craft sector to be squabbling among ourselves. We should be working together to build craft in Australia – feeding off one another's success as we always have done – rather than confusing beer drinkers into thinking ownership structure has any impact on the quality of what they're drinking." 

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