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Yellow Wave a subversive retake of colonial Australia

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Jane Miller
La Mama Theatre, Carlton
Until May 21

Reviewed by Cameron Woodhead 

Kenneth Mackay led an eventful life. He counted Banjo Paterson and Winston Churchill among his friends, shifted from poet to parliamentarian, and led troops during the Boer War. The irregular cavalry unit that later rode into history as the Australian Light Horse Brigade was his idea, dreamt up slouch-hats and all in his 1895 novel The Yellow Wave.

The book, subtitled A Romance of the Asiatic Invasion of Australia, was a bestseller at the time but has been relegated to obscurity – not just for its haphazard plotting and purple prose, but because its paranoid premise (the invasion of Queensland by rabid Mongol hordes, set on by the Chinese and their Russian masters) is such a flagrantly racist and xenophobic fantasy.

It's a classic "Fortress Australia" invasion narrative, and Jane Miller adapts it to the stage through comedy of great vigour and ridiculousness, celebrating Mackay's romp while acknowledging its uncomfortable resonance in contemporary Australia.

The show reduces a cast of thousands to a cast of three – a wry narrator (Andrea McCannon) and two Asian Australian actors (Keith Brockett and John Marc Desengano), whose jack-in-the-box physical humour and talent for caricature transform all the raging stereotypes and dark history into outrageous camp.

Brockett and Desengano are consummate clowns, and bring as much zing to Mackay's rugged heroes and coy fluttering love interests as they do their lampoons of his Asian characters. (The latter are savagely funny, enlivened by ching-a-ling orientalism, the inscrutable malignity of Fu Manchu-like mandarins, and even improvised martial arts movie sound effects.)

Director Beng Oh wrests snap and spark from a devised performance which resembles the kind of subversive retake of colonial Australia that animated Sisters Grimm's The Sovereign Wife, on the one hand, and something close to the lunatic comic duo from Chinese cross-talk, on the other.

If there's a criticism, it's that The Yellow Wave could use more than bones-of-its-arse production values, so the design is as outlandish and exuberant as the performances.