

Unemployment falls to 5.7% in April

The unemployment rate unexpectedly fell to its lowest level in four months in April, but the number of people with full-time work declined - a mixed report that augurs poorly for a much-needed revival in wage growth and inflation.

The unemployment rate slipped to 5.7 per cent, the Australian Bureau of Statistics said on Thursday, compared with analysts' expectations for a steady 5.9 per cent.

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Jobless rate beats expectations

The unemployment rate fell to 5.7 per cent in April due to an increase of people in part-time work.

The 37,400-strong jump in jobs boosted the Australian dollar, which climbed to US74.51¢ around midday, compared with US74.17¢ before the report.

However, all of the increase in job numbers came from part-time employment, which soared 49,000 while full-time employment fell by 11,600, the data showed.

The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) has repeatedly expressed worries about a "somewhat mixed" labour market. The minutes of its May policy meeting showed that board members had an in-depth discussion about the employment, including the increasing share of part-time work.

The trend towards more part-time jobs is one reason wages are growing at a record low rate, undermining domestic consumption.


The RBA is constrained by the fear of spurring a debt binge in the red-hot property market if it lowered interest rates from the current record-low 1.5 per cent. It has left rates unchanged since it last eased in August 2016. 

The participation rate, which refers to the number of people either employed or actively looking for work, was flat at 64.8 per cent.

CommSec chief economist Craig James said the March jobs data had appeared to be an outlier but "now clearly it is no fluke".

"In fact, jobs have lifted for the past seven months, averaging gains of around 25,000 a month," he said.

"Unemployment is falling and hours worked are up 1.3 per cent over the year – the best annual growth in 11 months. The forward indicators like job ads and business surveys had been pointing to a stronger job market and indeed it does now appear to be reality." 

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Reuters, AAP and Bloomberg