Why tennis star Andy Murray fell into his big slump - and how he can recover

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This was published 7 years ago

Why tennis star Andy Murray fell into his big slump - and how he can recover

By Simon Briggs

'A lot of people think I have got no chance of doing anything at the French [Open] after the last couple of weeks," said Andy Murray on Wednesday, when he arrived in the interview room after losing in the Italian Open, his third defeat in the space of four matches. "But I do think I can still do well there."

Murray's optimism might sound misplaced when you look at his recent performances, especially last week's third-round upset in Madrid, in which he was overpowered by Borna Coric - an honest trier with no killer shot.

Looking for a bounce: Andy Murray.

Looking for a bounce: Andy Murray.Credit: Getty Images

But then Murray has been here before. His record on clay in 2017 - four wins and four losses - is entirely typical of the results he has been posting throughout his career Rather than being an outlier, it is a reversion to the mean. Which is what tends to happen when players lose their self-belief.

No one would be treating the last four weeks as a disaster if a) Murray was not No 1 in the world, and b) a sudden upswing in 2015 and 2016 had not convinced everyone that he had finally overcome his clay-court allergy.

Now, it seems that the cure was only temporary.

The symptoms: lethargy and negativity

Wednesday's meeting with Fabio Fognini represented a horrible draw for Murray. Fognini is one of only two men to take a set off Rafael Nadal on clay this season (the other being Kyle Edmund) and his short, whippy swings give you little idea where he is going to hit the ball next.

Still, in spite of Fognini's expert disguise, it seemed surprising that Murray did not even run for the Italian No 1's drop-shots on seven occasions.

This is a man who has always drawn oxygen from chasing down lost causes and turning them into winners.


"That's not a physical issue," said one former player who watched the match. "It's a mental one. It happens when you're down on yourself, full of negativity. You're thinking 'Oh, that's rubbish, I left the ball short again and he drop-shotted me'. Before you know it, you've thrown your head back in frustration and the moment's gone.

"Sometimes, you might realise afterwards, 'Actually, that wasn't even a great drop-shot. Maybe I could've got it if I'd run for it'."

Unlike Roger Federer, Murray does not play tennis for the sheer joy of the experience. He plays to compete, and finds inspiration in some dark places.

When things are against him, he can become demoralised by the gap between his own expectations and the reality of this challenging sport. However much he protests that it does not matter to him, his position as world No 1 can only exacerbate the issue.

The background: injuries and interruptions

According to the TV commentator Robbie Koenig, this was the nightmare draw for Murray. "He's low on confidence, playing on his least-favourite surface, and he's up against Fognini - whose hand skills are unbelievable - in front of his home crowd. You've got alarm bells right there."

Again, the pattern is not a new one. Murray was magnificent through the last seven months of 2016. This year, though, the highest-ranked player he has beaten is world No 10 Tomas Berdych, all the way back on January 6. And Fognini, as Edmund put it yesterday, is "one of the top-five clay-courters in the world right now".

One specific issue is the serve. After tearing his elbow tendon in the build-up to Miami, Murray was unable to practise that shot - the most important shot in the men's game - for several weeks. He has fallen behind in his confidence levels, allowing his second-serve speed to drop and losing the vital knack of producing an ace when break-point down.

The root cause: hangover from 2016

Where, then, did it all start? Probably with the run of five straight tournament victories that Murray delivered at the end of last season, thus climbing to No 1 in the world for the first time.

"That was an incredible achievement," says Jez Green, a physical trainer who worked with Murray for seven years. "But it was also hugely mentally and physically demanding. When you're playing every day and every week for that length of time, it's difficult to come back from."

Just to add to the risk of burnout, Murray's traditional winter training block - carried out this year under the close guidance of head coach Ivan Lendl - turned into arguably the toughest he has ever undertaken. "It's difficult to say exactly what I would have done differently," Murray said a fortnight ago, "but if I was in that position again, I would certainly make a couple of changes, maybe start the training block slightly later."

In theory, Murray understands the principle of rest and recuperation, which lies behind successful comebacks this year from Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal and Maria Sharapova. In practice, he finds it difficult to sit still when he knows his rivals are working.

The cost can be traced in the illnesses and injuries that have sidetracked Murray this year. Not just the elbow, but the shingles that manifested in a rash just after the Australian Open, and the 'flu that confined him to his bed in Miami.

The solution: back to the grindstone, as ever

Would not a rest, then, be the best solution? It sounds logical. But it is just not the way the man works. He will go back to what he knows best - a week of intensive clay-court training heading into Roland Garros.

According to one expert observer, who has worked closely with the Murray team in the past: "He needs to look at his final with Novak [Djokovic] in Rome last year and identify what he did well: his court position, his second-serve speed, and take it on to the practice court. From there, it will transfer quickly on to the match court. It is crucial not to over-analyse in these moments."

Murray will hook up with Lendl again on the weekend - a reunion that always boosts his morale - and the pair will travel to Paris together. Then, as long as his draw throws up a couple of gentle early opponents, he will fancy his chances of playing himself into form. Note that his past seven appearances at the French Open have produced one final, three semi-finals and two quarter-finals. And not all of those runs came after encouraging clay-court build-ups.

"I'm just not playing good tennis," said Murray. "I need to turn that around. I believe I will. I'm going to have to work hard these next 10 days, make the most of every single day, and then really work my way into the tournament."

The Telegraph, London

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