
US government moves to weaken NSA secret-keeping

The WannaCrypt warning screen.

A bill proposed in US Congress would require the National Security Agency to inform representatives of other US government agencies about security holes it finds in software like the one that allowed the recent ransomware attacks.

Everything new about Android O

Most of the updates coming to Android involve little tweaks.

Today at the annual Google I/O developer conference, we learned about all the updates coming to the latest version of Google's mobile operating system, dubbed Android O for now.

Google Assistant is coming to iPhone


Google's artificial-intelligence-based Assistant is on more than 100 million devices now, and the company is leveraging a longtime competitor to expand the technology to even more people.

Have Apple and Microsoft traded places?

Apple is expected to introduce new versions of its laptops next month.

Apple is planning to update its line of MacBooks, but will the same machines with minor tweaks be enough to win back mindshare from its fresher competition?

What remains of Edith Finch is a fantastical family plot

Every room tells a story, literally, in What Remains of Edith Finch.

Beautifully strange and gleefully morose, What Remains of Edith Finch is a singularly amazing work of video game magical realism. Though brief and lacking any gameplay challenge, this is an incredibly special game by virtue of its narrative and creativity alone.

Disney's driverless plans not Mickey Mouse

Disney's rumoured autonomous vehicles probably won't look like this.

Walt Disney World in Florida appears poised to launch the highest-profile commercial deployment of driverless passenger vehicles to date, testing a fleet of driverless shuttles that could cart passengers through car parks and around its theme parks.

Tetris returns to form, with a Japanese twist

Puyo Puyo Tetris

A party-ready puzzle game with heaps of modes and content to keep you busy, Puyo Puyo Tetris introduces Western gamers to an incredibly popular Japanese franchise, while also providing familiarity via its Tetris twist.

Hackers reportedly hold Disney film for ransom

Disney is due to release <i>Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales</i> on May 26.

Even as many businesses are worried about hackers taking control of their computers as part of the worldwide WannaCry ransomware crisis, Disney may be facing a slightly different ransom situation of its own.