sister-hood is an award-winning digital magazine spotlighting the diverse voices of women of Muslim heritage.

Do not tell us to calm down

No country for dissenters

Welcome to sister-hood


What it means to be a hijabi in America

Hijab (n) – A piece of covering worn by a Muslim woman. Hijab according to an Islamophobe (n) – A headscarf worn by a terrorist or oppressed Muslim woman. Over the last few years, Islamophobia in the US has increased…

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Not Sorry

Ambitious and forthright women need to calm down. How dare such confident women swarm in and take anything but the lead? Show-offs. Who do they think they are? Men? Us women are considered selfish if we do not conform to…

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Resistance, solidarity and Dina Ali

On April 10th, Dina Ali Lasloom, a 24-year-old Saudi woman, stepped off a plane in Manila on her way to seek asylum in Australia only to find herself detained by authorities in the airport. A video shows her left shoulder…

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The age of Trump: Day 108

Day 108 in the Age of …what? Extremism? For sure! Madness? Indeed! Topsy turviness? Yes, I’ll go with that one too. Unlike TV soap operas, I cannot give you snippets of the story so far. So many things are going…

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The anguish of sandals

Right, I want to wear sandals today. Wait, hold on, I had this thought… oh gosh… let me research it. What! Why are there so many different views? Who is right? Hold on, let me reword it and see maybe…

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Married at 13 years of age

In a rural part of Haryana, India, three newly-wedded sisters are home together for the first time since they got married. ‘We have come back to our village to visit our parents,’ explains Meenu, 20, the eldest. Her sisters, Saakshi…

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The age of Trump: Day 101

Day 101 in the age of 45. I’ve been procrastinating on writing this one. What is there to say? We are alive. That’s good. That we have to pause and be grateful for being alive is not so good. In…

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Hijab: OK in magazines, no go in workplaces

The controversial flap of fabric has been wrapping up the headlines for years. Yes, I’m talking about the hijab: the black/printed/turbaned thing Muslim women wear on their head to cover the voluptuous locks of hair they have (that’s right, we…

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Love on a new continent

I am the companion of the new Adam Who has earned my self-assured love. (Fahmida Riaz)   ‘Mommy, when are you going to start dating? You’re not even trying!’ complained my nine-year old on a sunny afternoon in February, two…

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Interviews and Reviews

Film review: Finding Fatimah

Online romance is a prominent part of today’s romantic culture. But what about Muslim dating sites? It is no coincidence that the release of Finding Fatimah coincides with Channel Four’s ‘All The Single Muslims’, the first episode of the Extremely…

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What abuse feels like

I grew up in a loving home in Karachi at a time when Pakistan was a very different place: a colourful, tolerant and safe society. My parents were a wonderful combination. My father was open-minded and did not differentiate between…

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Like a virgin..?

Last week a good friend of mine shared a tweet to our private Facebook group. The tweet, ‘How to find out if she’s a virgin’ was posted by a ‘sheikh’ in support of his ‘Game of Marriage’ course, a free…

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A love letter to Istanbul

Merriam Webster (Not Mariam Webster, as I’ve often wished) defines a love letter as ‘a letter expressing a lover’s affection‘. Poetry – and hip hop music – have told me that the best kind of love is the kind that’s…

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