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Vladimir Putin declares Trump mission accomplished: 'Golf, glitz and gluttony are the key'

Vladmir Putin, in quest of easy secrets, sets his golfers and flatterers on to Donald Trump

Vladimir Putin has ordered his leading US-based intelligence operatives to rush to Greg Norman outfitters' outlets and to make permanent reservations at the Mar-a-Lago restaurant in Florida.

"Forget all the skulking and working confidential sources and organising dead-drops and writing in invisible ink and playing Mata Hari," Putin commanded. "We'll never have to pay another ruble to traitors.

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Trump reveals secrets to Russia: Officials

President Donald Trump disclosed highly classified information to the Russian foreign minister during their meeting last week, two US officials with knowledge of the situation say.

"All we have to do is get tight with glupyy* Donald.

"Golf, glitz and gluttony are the key.

"Flatter him, tell him his tee-shot is the best, and when you're dining at his Lago place, catch his eye, tell him his daughter really has the tightest glutes and whisper a suggestion about what might happen to Alex Baldwin if he tried his rubbish on Moscow's Saturday night TV. Make it graphic. Entrails.

"He'll be all over you like a special escort at the Hotel Ritz Carlton at Red Square."


Mr Putin's order to drop old-style fieldcraft in favour of recreational socialising at the top follows the revelation that Donald Trump merrily revealed highly classified information, including jeopardising a critical source relating to ISIS, during a meeting with the Russian Foreign Minister and the Russian Ambassador.

"Imagine," said Putin, setting down a 200 kilogram barbell he'd been using for bicep curls. "He just invited them into the White House and spilled the corn."

"Beans, your Fabulousness," offered a nervous aide.

"Thank you. Now remove yourself to the cellar at the Lubyanka, you weeping sore," snapped Putin.

"All that effort by our cyber patriots, our hacker army, our friends in WikiLeaks. Our extremely special services at the Ritz. Our infiltrations and helpful business deals with friends of friends.

"We never needed any of it.

"That Hollywood fraud Reagan said he'd won the Cold War. Such vanity. Such typical Yankee Running Dog hastiness.

"We've emerged victorious! We needed only wait for the duraki*. The kretin*. Our friend. Donald!

"The man who'll hand us all the secrets and think he's doing great.

"Get our teams to the golfing clinics. Grease the waiters at Mar-a-Lago. Make extra appointments for our diplomats at the White House.

"But hurry! Make all haste. Before his idioty* supporters finally understand what they've got to do.

"Now, hand me the the Kalashnikov. There are bear to hunt."

*Russian words all roughly meaning "moron".