How to Donate

You can support self-determination and self-governance by contributing to the Harvard Project. Like corn seeds, Native nation building efforts must be cultivated, planted, and nurtured to produce a bountiful harvest. Our activities represent the crop and the seeds for future generations. This important work relies on your generous support. Donate today!

Planting takes all kinds of forms and all kinds of ideas. You can plant the seeds of a stronger nation; you can plant the seeds of a better future for your children and your children's children. And when you plant those seeds, they germinate and they grow.”

-- Chief Oren Lyons, Faithkeeper, Onondaga Nation

Checks can be made payable to Harvard University and mailed to:

The Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development
c/o Megan Hill
79 John F. Kennedy Street
Cambridge, MA 02138

If you have any questions, please contact Megan Hill at 617-496-4229 or