
  • Screenshot: Instant Installation

    Instant Installation

    Installing Kirby means uploading some files to your server and that's it. No fighting with your database setup, no 10-step setup wizard – it's a matter of seconds. Read more →

  • Screenshot: Any Content You Like

    Any Content You Like

    Blog articles, galleries, simple pages or complex product sheets – with Kirby you are not limited to a fixed data structure. You are in control of your content. Read more →

  • Screenshot: The Kirby Panel

    The Kirby Panel

    Scared of the filesystem? Install the fast and powerful Kirby web interface to administrate your website right in your browser. Read more →

  • Screenshot: NoSQL? Kirby Prefers NoDB!

    NoSQL? Kirby Prefers NoDB!

    Kirby is file-based – No database involved. This means first class performance, version controllable content, simple backups and many other awesome sideeffects. Read more →

  • Screenshot: jQuery-Inspired API

    jQuery-Inspired API

    Kirby's highly flexible API is very easy to learn and will boost your productivity while you can focus on building high-quality websites for your clients. Read more →

  • Screenshot: Markdown Syntax

    Markdown Syntax

    Use your favorite editor to write your content with plain Markdown or use Kirbytext, a powerful, extended version of the popular Markdown syntax. Read more →

Made with Kirby and ♥

Latest blog posts

  • Kirby Kosmos Episode 10

    Before Sonja left for her well-deserved holidays, she prepared a new set of super interesting and helpful links for our 10th Kosmos issue. What a great chance to send back a… read more →

  • Case Study: Habita

    Habita is an open and transparent coworking hub based in Istanbul, Turkey. Because a new kind of space needed a new kind of site, Habita built theirs on Kirby, putting its rich… read more →

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