Tate’s tone deaf ‘long-service gift’ leaves workers gobsmacked

Having asked low-paid staff to buy outgoing director Nicholas Serota a new boat last month Tate is now showing its gratitude for long-suffering workers in less rarefied circles — a gift card for the company store which won’t be offered to the staff it recently outsourced.

People who have spent 28 years at Tate, the same as their nautically-minded £170,000-per-year boss, will be… Continue reading

Pre-charge bail: Reforms you need to know about

Anarchists are fabled for getting into direct action-related scrapes with the law, and although the reputation is often undeserved anarchist groups such as Green and Black Cross do keep a close eye on legal matters. In this article, Dennis Coles looks at major changes to pre-trial detention policy.

Recently we were presented with one of those rare occasions when a right-wing Conservative government comes into near open conflict with the… Continue reading

Gallery: Remembering the victims of disability assessment

This gallery contains 18 photos.

Ahead of the General Election on June 8th Disabled People Against Cuts (DPAC) has compiled a gallery of victims of the hated disability benefits assessment scheme, which has caused enormous suffering to disabled people across Britain since it was introduced in 2005 under the last Blair government.

Continued and extended by the Tories, most notably under Iain Duncan Smith, the assessments have proven so toxic that… Continue reading

Protests and occupation in Glasgow and Edinburgh attack Scottish housing troubles

Two protests in Scotland’s biggest cities today have highlighted the damaging impacts on homelessness of the Benefits Cap and Glasgow Council’s failure to deal with its rough sleeping problems.

In Edinburgh, an Our Welfare-called rally saw campaigners occupy Edinburgh Council’s city meeting chambers singing “we shall not be moved” in support of 11 families, including 42 children who are facing eviction from their private rented homes… Continue reading

Revolution and Restorative Justice: An Anarchist Perspective

In this opening editorial of the first issue of Abolition Journal, Peter Kletsan takes apart the concept of “restorative justice” from a libertarian perspective.

Restorative justice has been popularized in recent decades as a respectful and humane alternative to state sanctioned, retributive incarceration. Abolitionists and reformists alike have praised this model of retroactively addressing harm as a way of challenging the monopoly of the state on the concepts of… Continue reading

Manchester’s self-organised homeless challenge Andy Burnham to join them


Organisers at squatted former arts space Cornerhouse have called on new Greater Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham to go a step further than simple charity donations and engage directly with homeless people in finding solutions to the city’s rough sleeping crisis. Cornerhouse, owned by Network Rail, has been occupied by homeless people and Manchester Activist Network (MAN) since January and successfully saw off … Continue reading

Gallery: Yarl’s Wood protests

This gallery contains 14 photos.

Peter Marshall was at Yarl’s Wood this weekend and has kindly let us share his excellent photos of the day, which saw hundreds of people gathered as part of the campaign to shut the infamous migrant detention centre down.

Over 400 women are detained in the facility, some of whom shouted “freedom” through the windows and can be seen in the photos waving, holding signs out for … Continue reading

Louis Further: Notes from the US

Freedom’s US correspondent rounds up of some of the lesser-known stories that have emerged over the last few weeks, including the first leak of the Dakota Pipeline, racist telephone hotlines, Trump incoherence, the courting of Duterte and resistance against healthcare changes, starting with the education sector …

US Education Secretary Betsy DeVos has scrapped some protection for the majority of students who take out loans for their education. These… Continue reading

France: National rally called to back workers who have occupied and booby-trapped factory

CGT union delegates have called for a national rally in support of workers at GM&S who have occupied their workplace and threatened to blow it up rather than let the site be shut down.

The workers, who occupied the car component factory in the Creuse region, north of Limoges on Thursday night, have already destroyed some equipment and used gas and petrol canisters to booby-trap the building, which they say… Continue reading

Venezuela: A call to anarchists worldwide – solidarity is much more than a written word

In this special callout the Editorial Collective of Venezuelan newspaper El Libertario call on anarchists to reject uncritical support for the Maduro regime, as it offers little more to the poor than the capitalists it rails against.

We address all the expressions of the libertarian movement, particularly those of the Americas, not only to draw their attention to the situation we have been living through in Venezuela… Continue reading