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Captain Cook Cruises Offices

  • Australian Office

    Monday to Friday 9.00am – 5.00pm
    Postal: PO Box 349 Milsons Point NSW 1565, Australia
    Tel: 1300 TO FIJI (1300 86 3454) or Intl +61 2 9126 8160

    Email Head Office
  • Nadi, Fiji Islands

    7 days, 8.00am – 5.00pm
    Denarau Marina, Nadi
    Postal: PO Box 23, Nadi, Fiji Islands
    Tel: +67 9 670 1823
    Fax: +67 9 670 2045

    Email Nadi Office

Overseas Representatives

  • United Kingdom

    Debbie Lewis
    Edwardstone Hall, Edwardstone Suffolk, CO10 5PH, UK
    Tel: +44 (0) 1787 211 668 Mobile: +44 (0) 7802 981 908

    Email the UK
  • New Zealand

    Anne Radonich
    RAD Marketing
    Tel: +64 21 631474

    Email New Zealand
  • USA

    Tel: +1 866 202 2371 (toll free)
    or: +1 424 206 5275

    Email the USA

Telephone - Reservations & Enquiries

  • Nadi, Fiji Islands

    Port Denarau Tel: +679 670 1823


  • Central Reservations Australia

    Int: +61 2 9126 8160

    From Australia: 1300 TO FIJI (1300 86 3454)

  • NZ Representative

    +64 (0) 21 631 474

    Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8.30am – 5.00pm

  • UK Representative

    +44 (0) 1787 211 668

  • USA Representative

    +1 866 202 2371 (toll free)

    or: +1 424 206 5275

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Great views incredible, great cruise, great food and staff

Stephanie, AUST, 23/2/2017

Beautiful people, beautiful view, beautiful experience

Tyler, USA, 22/1/2017

Excellent entertainment & cruise. Absolutely amazing with beautiful staff. Had a fabulous birthday

Jessica & Sandy, 15/1/2017


“ This is our 12th cruise, mostly on large liners and to be honest this is the most fun we have ever had. The crew were fantastic and all the guests got to know one another. We love Fiji having visited many times and certainly hope to do another Captain Cook cruise.???

Amelia Jane

Fantastic Day, Great Staff, food entertaining

Angie Common, Western, Australia, 7/29/2016

Best day on holiday ever! Thank you for a beautiful day in paradise!!

Sarah & Shaun, Australia, 7/30/2016

Fantastic Day. Unforgettable. Li was amazing to us.

David & Chritine , Australia, 7/31/2016

Captain Cook Fiji Is a multi - award winner in the industry