'Disturbing' fetishist performed sex acts in bus stops while looking at women's feet

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The Evening Standard

A "disturbing" fetishist targeted lone women at London bus stops and performed sex acts while staring their feet.

Aaron Black, 30, of Boundfield Road, Catford, made "unsettling comments about feet" to the eight victims he preyed on over nine months.

He was today convicted at Inner London Crown Court of eight counts of outraging public decency, six charges of exposure and one sexual assault.

Black picked out seven of his victims at bus stops in Shoreditch and Elephant and Castle between July and September last year.

He performed obscene acts in front of four women in City Road, Old Street and Elephant and Castle roundabout on July 26.

He targeted two other victims in East Road, Shoreditch, on August 14 and Old Street on September 7, before sexually assaulting another woman in Harper Road, Southwark, on September 24.

He preyed on his eighth victim in Molesworth Street, Lewisham, on April 2 while awaiting trial for the earlier offences.

Varinder Hayre, Crown Prosecution Service reviewing lawyer for London, said: “Aaron Black was a serial offender targeting lone women in a disturbing manner, often at bus stops.

“The women he approached gave evidence of the alarm and distress his obscene acts caused them, with many of them subjected to unsettling comments about feet."

The victims gave evidence in court shielded from the Black by screens. 

He will be sentenced on Thursday.