From the TUC

Workers need legal protection, not voluntary standards

12 May 2017, By

An international standard for health and safety may sound like a good idea to a lot of people, but the current proposals for one would be bad news for many workers. The International Standards Organisation (ISO) is developing a standard, called ISO45001, for the certification of employers health and safety management systems, but throughout the…

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Asbestos review shows shocking complacency

05 May 2017, By

The HSE has published a review of the way that the 2012 Control of Asbestos Regulations have been implemented. There was a requirement on the HSE to do this within the first five years of the regulations being implemented, but the HSE seems to have gone well beyond the requirements of the European Directive in…

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toxic warning on a drum of chemicals

HSE needs to ground its research in the workplace

04 May 2017, By

Unions have long been critical of the failure of the HSE to regulate and enforce on occupational health risks. For instance we have asked for specific regulations on stress, lower exposure limits on dust and silica, and for the removal of all asbestos in the workplace, but none of these have happened. Now that the…

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Personal Protective Equipment: the right fit for women?

03 May 2017, By

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is there to protect workers from potential hazards to their health and safety; it must be used properly. However, the experiences of hundreds of women tells us that they have not been provided with appropriate PPE to carry out their jobs. This is exposing women to several health and safety risks.…

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