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WA teacher indecently recorded students wearing stockings over three years

A WA school teacher indecently recorded several dozen of his students over a three year period in classrooms, during recess and lunch, on school buses and in storerooms using cameras and mobile phones, a Perth court has heard.

Christopher Ryan Jones, 31, entered guilty pleas earlier this year to 62 charges, including 57 counts of indecently recording a child.

He also pleaded guilty to possessing and producing child exploitation material.

The majority of his offending related to the indecent recording of female children wearing stockings and skirts at the schools he taught at. Some of the girls were as young as six.

Jones was arrested in 2015 after a mobile phone found at the school he was teaching at was handed into police.

Detectives carried out a search warrant at his home and seized computers, electronic devices, more mobile phones and micro optical recording devices.


An analysis of those devices uncovered about 40,000 child exploitation images and video recordings.

Jones was due to be sentenced in the WA District Court on Tuesday but due to the large volume of material put before Chief Judge Kevin Sleight, his sentencing decision was adjourned until next week.

However, during Tuesday's court hearing new details emerged of how Jones carried out his offending.

It took state prosector James Mactaggart well over an hour to read the facts of the case.

The court was told Jones indecently recorded dozens of his female students on phones and cameras while they were wearing skirts and stockings at school.

He would record the students at various locations, sometimes during classes and would focus on their legs and upper thighs.

On other occasions he would film students while they were sitting down outside during recess eating their lunch.

On another occasion he filmed girls on a school bus. During another incident he recorded a young female student as she got undressed in a school storeroom.

Some of his recordings were also done during a school "movie and pizza night."

Jones recorded another child at a shopping centre and a Scouts event, the court heard.

At a previous court hearing it was revealed there were about 40 complainants in total. 

Jones' employment as a school teacher was terminated once he was arrested.

A suppression order on his identity was put in place at his first court appearance 18 months ago but that order was set aside in March.

The localities of where Jones' offending took place remain suppressed.

However, WAtoday can report the offending happened in the "Perth metropolitan area and the south and south-eastern regions of Western Australia."

At Tuesday's court hearing Jones' defence lawyer Katherine Dowling said her client was remorseful.

"His actions were clearly a gross breach of trust," she said.

"He has instructed me that he is deeply ashamed."

Mr Mactaggart argued Jones would have carried on offending had he not been arrested in 2015.

"Had the offender not been caught, he would have kept offending," he said.

"The offender's obsession was not only stockings, but with children generally."

Victim impact statements written by some of the children were partly read out in court.

One of them read: "This incident has changed the way I view the world."

Jones, who remains in custody, will learn what his sentence will be on Tuesday, next week.