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Coates Hire workers in danger of 'devastating' pay cut

Hundreds of workers at Australia's largest equipment-hire business face a pay cut of up to 40 per cent unless they agree to let the company slash new employees' wages and conditions.

Fairfax Media has obtained a copy of a presentation being shown to 900 staff at Coates Hire this week, in which management warns it will consider tearing up the existing pay deal altogether if employees turn down its "best and final offer".

Coates Hire is the latest major Australian employer to flag the option of applying for the Fair Work Commission to terminate an agreement – a tactic that, if successful, reverts workers back to the minimum wages contained in awards.

It comes as hundreds of workers at Victoria's Loy Yang power plant face a similar risk of a dramatic pay cut, after their employer AGL won an application to abolish the agreement during a stalemate in industrial negotiations in January.

For Coates' manufacturing workers, a base-rate fitter would go from $34.70 an hour to $20.61 an hour, union officials said.

The Australian Manufacturing Workers Union said the threat of agreement terminations was a hardline tactic that was becoming increasingly common in workplace negotiations.


"It seems to be becoming a modus operandi for employers," union assistant secretary Glenn Thompson said.

"Employers are using this calculated strategy to claw back in these uncertain times."

Coates Hire and its unionised workforce of fitters, electricians, yard staff and truck drivers have been locked in negotiations over the terms of a new workplace agreement for the past two years.

Management's latest offer contains a $1000 sign-on bonus, two 1.5 per cent pay rises in 2018 and 2019, and improved entitlements for domestic violence leave and paid parental leave.

But the offer, which comes after a two-year pay freeze, includes the introduction of a two-tiered pay system in which new hires will receive 18 per cent less pay, one week less in annual leave and reduced penalty rates, according to the union.

Workers who have spoken to Fairfax Media said falling back onto the pay rates set out in the award would have a devastating financial impact on them.

You've got guys with families and kids and mortgages, who just wouldn't be able to make ends meet.

"You've got guys with families and kids and mortgages, who just wouldn't be able to make ends meet," said one worker, who did not want to be named.

"Managers are telling us if we vote no they'll tear up the agreement ... a lot of us don't necessarily understand the process. It's a real scare tactic."

In a question-and-answer sheet, which was pinned up in Coates Hire lunch rooms on Tuesday, management rejected union accusations that it was making "threats".

A company spokesman on Tuesday said Coates Hire had been indicating to employees for some time that applying for the Fair Work Commission to terminate the agreement was "legally available" if the new deal was not approved.

"This is by no means a threat," the spokesman said. "[It's] simply a statement of the next possible steps."

The spokesman said Coates Hire had been "very accommodating" of its workers' industrial requests for several years. Over the past four years, he said, the company had awarded minimum wage increases of 18 per cent.

Coates Hire operates around Australia, as well as in Indonesia and the United Kingdom. It is co-owned by investment firm Seven Group Holdings and private equity group Carlyle Group.

The equipment-hire business had been exposed to the resources downturn and had suffered considerable losses and accumulated a sizeable debt, the spokesman said. And, although it recently posted a $15 million half-yearly profit, it was still not enough for a company of its size to "reinvest or grow the business".

"While we are improving the business performance," he said, "we are not in a position to accommodate all union claims in this [enterprise agreement] negotiation."

Workers covered by the agreement will vote on the company's latest offer on Thursday and Friday.

Stephen Smith, the head of workplace relations with the Australian Industry Group, said more than 300 applications were made to the Fair Work Commission to terminate agreements last financial year, "so there is nothing particularly unusual about the process".

"In most cases," he said, "employers and employees covered by an enterprise agreement negotiate a replacement agreement, rather than applying to terminate the previous agreement."

"However, where agreement has not been reached on a replacement agreement, any of the parties are able to apply to the Fair Work Commission to terminate the old agreement."