- published: 08 May 2017
- views: 34624
A prison,correctional facility, penitentiary, gaol (Ireland, UK, Australia), or jail is a facility in which inmates are forcibly confined and denied a variety of freedoms under the authority of the state as a form of punishment. The most common use of prisons is within a criminal justice system. People charged with crimes may be imprisoned until they are brought to trial; those pleading or being found guilty of crimes at trial may be sentenced to a specified period of imprisonment. Besides their use for punishing civil crimes, authoritarian regimes also frequently use prisons and jails as tools of political repression to punish what are deemed political crimes, often without trial or other legal due process; this use is illegal under most forms of international law governing fair administration of justice. In times of war, prisoners of war or detainees may be detained in military prisons or prisoner of war camps, and large groups of civilians might be imprisoned in internment camps.
CBS This Morning is an American morning television program that is broadcast on CBS. The program, which shares its title with a more traditionally formatted morning program that aired on the network from 1987 to 1999, airs Monday through Saturdays from 7:00 to 9:00 a.m. in all time zones (airing live in the Eastern Time Zone and on tape-delay in the Central and Mountain Time Zones; stations in the Pacific Time Zone receive an updated feed with a specialized opening and updated live reports). It is the tenth distinct morning news-features program format that CBS has aired since 1954, having replaced The Early Show on January 9, 2012.
The weekday edition of the program is currently anchored by Charlie Rose, Gayle King and Norah O'Donnell. The program emphasizes general national and international news stories and in-depth reports throughout each edition, although it also includes live in-studio and pre-taped interviews. The format was chosen as an alternative to the soft news and lifestyle-driven formats of competitors Today and Good Morning America following the first hour or half-hour of those broadcasts, in an attempt to give the program a competitive edge with its hard news format (CBS has historically placed third in the ratings among the network morning shows).
This Morning may refer to:
The Fifth Estate is a socio-cultural reference to groupings of outlier viewpoints in contemporary society, and is most associated with bloggers, journalists, and non-mainstream media outlets. The "Fifth" Estate extends the sequence of the three classical Estates of the Realm and the proceeding Fourth Estate, essentially the mainstream press. The use of "fifth estate" dates to the 1960s counterculture, and in particular the influential The Fifth Estate, an underground newspaper first published in Detroit in 1965,
Nimmo and Combs assert that political pundits constitute a Fifth Estate. Media researcher Stephen D. Cooper argues that bloggers are the Fifth Estate. William Dutton has argued that the Fifth Estate is not simply the blogging community, nor an extension of the media, but 'networked individuals' enabled by the Internet in ways that can hold the other estates accountable.
Making reference to the medieval concept of "three estates of the realm" (Clergy, Nobility and Commons) and to a more recently developed model of "four estates", which encompasses the media, Nayef Al-Rodhan introduces the weblogs (blogs) as a "fifth estate of the realm". Blogs have potential and real influence on contemporary policymaking, especially in the context of elections, reporting from conflict zones, and raising dissent over corporate or congressional policies. Based on these observations, Al-Rodhan suggests moving beyond traditional thinking that limits the “estates of the realm” to governmental action and proposes a broader perspective in which civilians or anyone with access to a computer and the Internet can contribute to the global political change and security.
The Young Turks (TYT) is an online American liberal/progressive political and social commentary program hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian; the show has an associated network of online shows and is owned by a company of the same name (The Young Turks LLC). TYT was founded in 2002 by Uygur as a talkshow on Sirius Satellite Radio.
The Young Turks claims to be "the world's largest online news show"; YouTube video views for the TYT Network stood at a total of 2 billion as of July 2014. The show offers internet-only video content via their YouTube channel, which in April 2012 averaged 750,000 views a day, and by November 2014 over 1,400,000 views a day. The Young Turks also have a network of other affiliated shows on separate YouTube channels, known collectively as the TYT Network.
From 2011 to 2013 a second show, called The Young Turks with Cenk Uygur aired on Current TV. After Current TV was acquired by Al Jazeera America, the TV show was discontinued.
The Young Turks as a show began when Cenk Uygur started a talk show similar to a public-access television cable-TV show he had done previously called The Young Turk. With the help of friend Ben Mankiewicz (with whom he had previously worked), his childhood friend Dave Koller, and Jill Pike, he began The Young Turks as a radio show in 2002 on Sirius Satellite Radio. The show's name derives from the English-language phrase "Young Turk", meaning a reformist or rebellious member of an institution, movement, or political party.
Lawyer says man died in jail after receiving no treatment after assault by other inmates
'I Can't Breathe!' - Disturbing Video Before Man Dies In Jail
Man Dies in Jail on Video as Police Watch
Man Dies in West Baton Rouge Jail
Mom: Son died of food allergy in jail
Inmate dies after altercation with jail guards
GRAPHIC VIDEO: Last moments of Denver jail inmate’s life
#DeathPenaltyFail: A Lethal Injection
Dying in Prison
Watch: Prisoners 'stabbed' as violence erupts at US jail
Lawsuit says jail denied inmate proper medical care before death
Jury visits jail cell where inmate died of dehydration
Death by detox: Heroin-related jail deaths raise concerns
Elliott Williams' last days at the Tulsa Jail
Jail Deaths : Captured on Camera at Elgin-Middlesex Detention Centre - The Fifth Estate
Jail officer beats inmate to death. Faces trial
RIP - Brickz 'Sipho Ndlovu' dies in jail after been raped several times - see pictures
Black Woman Dies After One Day In Jail
Pepper Sprayed To Death In Jail
Family of man who died in jail hires lawyers
The attorney for the estate of Jed Hawk Myers pieced together this video of the last hours of Myers' life in a medical cell in the Yamhill County Jail on May 27, 2015 to early May 28, 2015. The images and recordings of jail guard statements come from the county's and McMinnville Police Department's investigations into the death. Myers, 34, was assaulted by other inmates and then moved to a medical cell in the jail, but received little to no treatment, according to a federal lawsuit. He can be seen writhing in pain, urinating blood and repeatedly trying to seek help by pressing the cell intercom button over a five-hour period before he's found dead, the suit says.
“I can’t breathe.” Michael Sabbie ― a 35-year-old stay-at-home father of four ― said it after five guards piled on top of him inside the Bi State Jail, a facility that sits directly on the border between Texas and Arkansas and is run by a for-profit company... Read More At: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/michael-sabbie-jail-deaths-bi-state-jail-bowie-county_us_57f2ab41e4b024a52d304102 Clip from The Kyle Kulinski Show, which airs live on Blog Talk Radio and Secular Talk Radio Monday - Friday 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM Eastern time zone. Check out our website - and become a member - at: http://www.SecularTalkRadio.com Listen to the Live Show or On Demand archive at: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/kylekulinski Follow on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/kylekulinski Like on Facebook: http...
32-year-old Michigan man David Stojcevski died in the Macomb County Jail last June after being arrested for failing to pay a $772 traffic ticket. Deputies watched Stojcevski via a 24-hour camera mounted in his cell as he slowly died over a period of 17 days, having been denied the medications he'd been prescribed to manage his drug withdrawal, according to a suit filed by his family against the county for his wrongful death. We look at the disturbing video on the Lip News with Jo Ankier and Margaret Howell. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/family-sues-after-man-dies-while-in-jail-for-unpaid-parking-ticket_56044469e4b00310edfa778b Newest Lip News playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBCJFGHDkyU&index;=1&list;=PLjk3H0GXhhGcjJDo6cQBCQprDMQyUQY3r BUZZSAW interview clips - https://www....
Michael Saffioti died in jail after eating oatmeal due to a dairy allergy and his family is now suing for $10 million.
The medical examiner says Michael Sabbie died of natural causes. But his family says the for-profit jail where he was imprisoned should have done more to prevent his death.
Denver7 was able to obtain surveillance video inside the Denver jail where Michael Marshall died while in the hands of Denver deputies. The video might be graphic to some. ◂ The Denver Channel, 7News, brings you the latest trusted news and information for Denver, Colorado, Mile High and the Rocky Mountains. Our mission is to provide useful, interesting news and updates on breaking news to people in the Denver metro area, all across our beautiful state of Colorado and all over the world. For more download the 7News mobile app: iPhone: http://bit.ly/iOS-kmgh Android: http://bit.ly/kmgh-android
A painstaking reconstruction of a real-time execution by lethal injection that highlights some of the very specific issues relating to the USA’s preferred execution method. --- #DeathPenaltyFail is a film campaign to promote the facts, highlight the inefficiencies and push for the repeal of the death penalty in the United States. We challenge anyone to watch the full series of videos on our website and to not learn something surprising: DeathPenaltyFail.org Share the videos and sign up at DeathPenaltyFail.org to get involved and learn more. --- Over the last few years, executions have been on the decline in the US, the practice has been fraught with pragmatic, fiscal, and constitutional problems. This hasn’t stopped the country from continuing to be one of the top executing nations ...
An inside look at the forgotten prison population. Under federal court order to reduce overcrowding in state prisons, California is now releasing thousands of prisoners or transferring them to county jails. But the rapidly aging and dying prisoners confined to state prison hospices are often left behind. As many as 3,300 inmates in the U.S. die in prison every year. Produced by: Lonny Shavelson For more great stories, subscribe to The I Files: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=theifilestv Like The I Files on Facebook: http://fb.com/theifiles Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ifiles Reblog us on Tumblr: http://theifiles.tumblr.com Repin us on Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/theifiles +1 us on Google+: http://gplus.to/ifiles
Created with WeVideo Video Editor (http://www.wevideo.com). Download Android App at http://bit.ly/10xf4Ec
The family of an Arkansas man is suing the jail he died in, claiming he was denied adequate medical care. A video appears to show Michael Sabbie, who died in 2015, breathing heavily and in weak condition as he was taken back to his cell. Omar Villafranca reports. Subscribe to the "CBS This Morning" Channel HERE: http://bit.ly/1Q0v2hE Watch "CBS This Morning" HERE: http://bit.ly/1T88yAR Watch the latest installment of "Note to Self," only on "CBS This Morning," HERE: http://cbsn.ws/1Sh8XlB Follow "CBS This Morning" on Instagram HERE: http://bit.ly/1Q7NGnY Like "CBS This Morning" on Facebook HERE: http://on.fb.me/1LhtdvI Follow "CBS This Morning" on Twitter HERE: http://bit.ly/1Xj5W3p Follow "CBS This Morning" on Google+ HERE: http://bit.ly/1SIM4I8 Get the latest news and best in original ...
An inquest jury is investigating the death of Terrill Thomas, 38, in the Milwaukee County Jail. Subscribe to WISN on YouTube for more: http://bit.ly/1emE5YX Get more Milwaukee news: http://www.wisn.com/ Like us: http://www.facebook.com/wisn12 Follow us: http://twitter.com/WISN12News
A string of heroin-related deaths behind bars is raising alarm with advocates. They’re worried it’ll happen more with the nation’s growing heroin and opioid problem
Elliott Williams died at the Tulsa Jail on Oct. 27, 2011, after languishing on the floor of his cell for five days with a broken neck. Williams was unable to reach food or water and had very little to eat or drink during that time. The jail did not send him to the hospital or provide treatment because nurses and the psychiatrist said he was faking paralysis.
There have been 10 suspicious deaths since 2009 at London, Ontario's Elgin-Middlesex Detention Centre, often just known as EMDC. Some by suicide, others from drug overdose and even brutal murders. EMDC has gained a reputation as one of Canada's most notorious and deadliest jails, so much so that even some correctional officers fear for their lives behind those walls. Habiba Nosheen investigates why so many inmates keep dying inside this institution and why more isn't being done to keep staff and inmates safe. And in a face to face interview with a man who murdered his cellmate, she tries to find out what is going on inside what some people call, the devil's playground. --- Subscribe for more videos from The Fifth Estate : http://bit.ly/25W8cpn Connect with The Fifth Estate online : W...
Raleigh, N.C. — A Wake County detention officer charged with causing an inmate's death said in court Wednesday he felt the prisoner was a threat and needed to be subdued. Shon Demetrius McClain, 40, died from blunt force trauma to the head and neck 13 days after prosecutors say he got into a fight with Officer Markeith Council. Council, a detention officer at the jail since 2009, is charged with voluntary manslaughter in the case. The defense rested Wednesday, and the jury began deliberation shortly before 4 p.m. Testifying on his own behalf, Council recalled the night he got into an altercation with McClain. Council said he was the only officer in the cell block with 55 inmates when McClain started arguing with him. Council had been passing out sheets to the inmates when McClain accus...
RIP - Brickz 'Sipho Ndlovu' dies in jail after been raped several times - see pictures. Brickz has been convicted for raping a 17 year old girl at the time. He has been sentenced to 15 years in prison. Brickz raped and there for he got raped to death this time in cell number 13. He was raped till he passed out and left for dead. He was found by a warder. He was found bleeding from the mouth,nose and an#s like the victim who was bleeding after the incident as her hym3n was broken, because she was a v!rg!n at the time, and was in severe pain. kwaito star Sipho Ndlovu 'Brickz' died on the way to the hospital from jail. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you feel good, please support the author by subscribing to our...
A woman in South Carolina was arrested for not paying fines for a previous shoplifting charge. After just 27 hours in jail she died of dehydration. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian hosts of The Young Turks discuss. Who is responsible for this woman’s death? Let us know in the comments below. Read more here: http://gawker.com/suit-south-carolina-woman-died-in-jail-after-she-was-1761150696 “On July 22, a day after she was arrested at a hospital for failing to pay court fines, Joyce Curnell, 50, of Edisto Island, South Carolina, was found dead at the Charleston County jail “because she was deprived of water,” her family alleges. Curnell was being treated for a stomach illness at Roper Hospital when she was arrested on an outstanding bench warrant related to a shoplifting charge from 2011. Det...
62-year-old Nick Christie was restrained, gagged and pepper sprayed up to 10 times in the Lee County Jail in Florida - his death is raising questions about torture and abuse. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian discuss on The Young Turks. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/01/11/jail-abuse-nick-christie-pepper-spray-florida_n_1192412.html Subscribe to The Young Turks: http://bit.ly/eWuu5i The Largest Online New Show in the World. Google+: http://www.gplus.to/TheYoungTurks Facebook: Twitter: http://twitter.com/theyoungturks
Zackary Goldson died in Brown County Jail
U.S Jails and Prisons Documentaries High Definition Widescreen Alabama Montgomery Montana Helena Alaska Juneau Nebraska Lincoln Arizona Phoenix Nevada Carson City Arkansas Little Rock New Hampshire Concord California Sacramento New Jersey Trenton Colorado Denver New Mexico Santa Fe Connecticut Hartford New York Albany Delaware Dover North Carolina Raleigh Florida Tallahassee North Dakota Bismarck Georgia Atlanta Columbus Hawaii Honolulu Oklahoma City Idaho Boise Oregon Salem Illinois Springfield Pennsylvania Harrisburg Las Vegas Indiana Indianapolis Rhode Island Providence Iowa Des Moines South Carolina Columbia Kansas Topeka South Dakota Pierre Kentucky Frankfort Tennessee Nashville Louisiana Baton Rouge Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia...
There have been 10 suspicious deaths since 2009 at London, Ontario's Elgin-Middlesex Detention Centre, often just known as EMDC. Some by suicide, others from drug overdose and even brutal murders. EMDC has gained a reputation as one of Canada's most notorious and deadliest jails, so much so that even some correctional officers fear for their lives behind those walls. Habiba Nosheen investigates why so many inmates keep dying inside this institution and why more isn't being done to keep staff and inmates safe. And in a face to face interview with a man who murdered his cellmate, she tries to find out what is going on inside what some people call, the devil's playground. --- Subscribe for more videos from The Fifth Estate : http://bit.ly/25W8cpn Connect with The Fifth Estate online : W...
Jail police Allows Woman 2 Die in Diabetic Coma after Refusing Requests 2 Test Blood Sugar HERE IS THE DONATE LINK 2 RAISE FUNDS 2 SUE CHARLOTTE COUNTY SHERIFF BILL PRUMMELL AND HIS THUGS https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted;_button_id=76WE242ZVDPNE CHARLOTTE COUNTY COP WATCH FUND RAISER 2 SUE SHERIFF BILL PRUMMELL AND HIS THUGS CHARLOTTE COUNTY ,FLORIDA ,SHERIFF, CORRUPTION http://charlottecountyflcorruption.info www.youtube.com/channel/UCaLx8YHxza3Jfoa-q9HIUZw www.youtube.com/user/LIVEFREEORDIEPEOPLE www.facebook.com/Charlottecountyflcopwatch www.facebook.com/CHARLOTTECOUNTYSHERIFFFREESPEECHPAGE www.facebook.com/CHARLOTTECOUNTYFLJURYNULLIFICATION http://www.charlottecountyfloridacopwatch.com/ https://www.facebook.com/CharlotteCountyFloridaCitizenGrandJury/ htt...
Warning: This video contains extremely graphic scenes and language. Surveillance video from the Anchorage Jail, depicting the death of 33-year-old Larry Kobuk, who was arrested January 27, 2015 on charges of vehicle theft. Kobuk died at the jail during an incident where four officers restrained him in an attempt to remove his clothing, which was needed as evidence. The State of Alaska released this same video, without audio, earlier this month but the Alaska Correctional Officers Association, the union representing officers at the Anchorage Jail, felt that the video without audio was unfairly portraying their members as using excessive force. The union released the same video, with audio, to members of the media today. Full story: http://www.adn.com/article/20160129/alaska-correctional...
► Subscribe to PoliceCenter: https://goo.gl/jR7Abo Dallas, TX - The family of a man who died in a Dallas County jail lobby has been shown surveillance video of the panic-stricken man's erratic behavior before being subdued and handcuffed by deputies and losing consciousness. Joseph Hutcheson's family had demanded to see the 40-minute silent video of the 48-year-old Arlington man's death Aug. 1. The video shows Hutcheson rush into the lobby, approach people sitting on a bench, then sit alone on the bench. He gets up and moves erratically around the lobby as deputies follow. A struggle ensues, Hutcheson is handcuffed, flails his legs, then stops moving. The deputies remove the handcuffs and begin efforts to revive the man that failed. Autopsy results are pending. Deputies had said they ...
ATTN: WE NO LONGER UPLOAD VIDEOS TO YOUTUBE. FROM NOW ON, WATCH NEW DOCUMENTARIES AT : HTTP://DOCOZONE.ORG WE JUST UPLOADED A NEW DOCUMENTARY AND WILL KEEP UPDATING DAILY! GO WATCH AT HTTP://DOCOZONE.ORG NO ADS, AND NO YOUTUBE BS :) 😍 ➡ IPHONE 8 GIVEAWAY - DocoZone Viewers Only! 😍 We just reached 13,000,000 Views! To Show Our Love To Our Viewers, We Will Give Away Three Iphones 8 For FREE! (as soon as they're out). Join Here ➡ http://vid.io/xcKT (simply insert your email) The Winners will be announced on our channel. Thanks For Watching Our Videos, We Love You Guys! ENJOYED WATCHING? GREAT, NOW PLEASE SHARE SO WE CAN PROVIDE MORE GREAT CONTENT! Death Row Inmates: Women on DEATH ROW Crime Documentary 2017 DEATH ROW is a very controversial topic in the USA. Some people say its unet...
WARNING: This video contains disturbing images and foul language.
See full video which explains why Sandra Bland can walk past a jail cell with prisoners in it in some photos but with it empty in other photos. See Why This Happens! New Upload of Sandra Bland arrest without glitches from Texas Department of Public Safety https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7Sa8tY89eI&list;=PLfrlsC1yJ2dTjcvotsY6QNLwAr32u_f7Y Jail Video Proves Sandra Bland was Alive During Mugshot Photo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5ujWGz-nEo&list;=PLfrlsC1yJ2dT94r_eG8ABGWF0dAcHnEzf Full video of Sandra Bland being processed by Waller County jailers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bw5z-tdddQQ&list;=PLfrlsC1yJ2dQGQQoRcnQJwJNMtDTTnSgX
I need you guys to help him. 😃 SUBSCRIBE ► http://bit.ly/SUB2JAKEPAUL | ★ PREVIOUS VLOG ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhP9nlirRA4 GET OUR NEW MERCH HERE► https://fanjoy.co/collections/jake-paul GET TEXT MESSAGES FROM JAKE HERE► (for United States users only) https://textjakepaul.com/ TURN ON MY POST NOTIFICATIONS FOR SHOUTOUTS IN MY VLOG Exclusive vids on my Second YouTube channel► http://bit.ly/SUB2JAKE *FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA! * MY INSTAGRAM (@JakePaul) ► https://www.instagram.com/JakePaul MY TWITTER (@JakePaul) ► http://twitter.com/JakePaul MY FACEBOOK ► https://www.facebook.com/JakePaul MY SNAPCHAT ► JakePaul19 MY MUSICAL.LY ► @JakePaul *FOLLOW TEAM 10! * Twitter ➝ http://twitter.com/Team10official Instagram ➝ http://instagram.com/Team10official Facebook ➝ http://ins...
Dr. Dipak Desai killed people with greedy negligence. He died last week in jail from a stroke. What can we learn? http://zdoggmd.com/incident-report
The emotionally powerful Discovery Channel documentary about what happens, minute by minute, the 24 hours before the condemned of Death Row leave the world.
In this video (without sound) from the McCurtain County Jail on Feb. 12, 2015, Corey Carter, an African-American man with diagnosed schizophrenia, is brought in after arrest, refuses to don a jail outfit, and ultimately is taken into a changing room (top of the frame), shocked with a Taser and dies. His body is hauled naked out of the room, and 15 minutes pass before jailers are seen starting to attempt CPR. Carter is declared dead the next day at a hospital
Kot Lakhpat jail is the same jail where Bhagat Singh was executed on March 23, 1931 along with Rajguru and Sukhdev, it is the Central Jail of Lahore. It is situated at at Rakh Chandra (Kot Lakhpat).Thus it is known as Kot Lakhpat Jail with reference to its location. The jail houses more than four times the 4000 prisoner capacity it was built for. Prisoners have been murdered in the prison in the past too For more content go to http://http://www.indiatvnews.com/video/ Follow us on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/indiatvnws Follow us on twitter at https://twitter.com/indiatvnews
I play the escapist and I do get knocked out so this isn't click bait. Subscribe, like, and comment what to play and I will look at how to get it free. Instagram: superjaybear Brother'sChannel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9HCDbeqC5YK-TcQveTq3Ow
SUBSCRIBE TO MY NEW YOUTUBE ACCOUNT!!! ►https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOjRAkq9NNSPBgxljkFDAGg (GHOSTS!) 24 HOUR OVERNIGHT CHALLENGE IN JAIL// 24 HOUR OVERNIGHT FORT CHALLENGE IN HAUNTED PRISON! Today we did the overnight 24 hour fort challenge in jail! During this 24 hour toilet paper fort challenge in a haunted jail, we visted death row where the inmates used to get hung to death! Make sure you subscribe if you want to see more 24 hour overnight fort challenges! This 24 hour challenge we had in prison was so scary! We captured ghosts on camera and heard footsteps from a poltergeist! Staying overnight at a haunted jail hostle is very difficult! plenty of security, plenty of cameras, plenty of alarms! Jordons Instagram: ►Jordon_Cherbonneau JayVision (2nd Channel) ►https://www.youtube...
Thanks so much for watching!! We love you guys! ❤ SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE 👥 - - Keep up with us on: Our Instagrams! 😊 Logan's -- @king.beell Melissa's -- @melissaa_estrellaa Michael’s — @michael.alemannn Sebastian’s — @5ebastianbetancourt Carlos’ — @thecarlosaleman Our snapchats! 😊 Logan's -- loganbeell23 Melissa's -- itssmeliii_xoxo - - Business email for business inquiries only!! Mlandlb2016@gmail.com ▶️▶️▶️▶️▶️▶️▶️▶️▶️▶️▶️▶️▶️▶️ Outro Song: SoundCloud, Trap Nation Meric- Take Off (feat. Paul Rey)
wach me play a great game
When I first hear the beat, walked on it, so perfect at
Everybody in town wanted to hear verses (In Jail)
I split chins, bring Grey Goose
Listen I'm repping all them niggas in prison
Like, get big, come home, have kids
Watch, how many bitches wanna suck your cock (In Jail)
Rolling I'll Will Record style, smash rocks
How many pebbles on the street get popped?
And y'all don't want it, washed up
That nigga got the mothafucking monster
I'm the best of the new breed
5'7" with a gold teeth, brown skin with a chrome 3
570 you dead homey, y'all niggas don't know me (In Jail)
Hush, or get the whole gang clique touch
These dude's too slow can't keep up
All I hear is "Nashawn I'm living"
Y'all can't live in prison y'all too real
Y'all won't live in (In Jail)
[Chorus: Nashawn]
If you want it, you could get it
'Cause that nigga Nash a menace (In Jail)
It's been a minute, keep it quiet
Now he about to start a riot
My block hot now I got a rat
And these clowns in the industry don't want to scrap
Yo picture me (In Jail) fighting on the block
And the dude got a knife, he'll yell
He won't last in jail man, I be the same nigga rocking my jewels
Popping shit, knocking out fools, getting mad bitches from bitches
Walking down the hall like what, my k-tone sharp two brush
Get cut, face it, we're the bravest, outrageous
Been a wild since we came off the slave ships
Cake it (In Jail), we been had money, y'all just made it
All you do is get yourself body for racing
Nashawn spit for the hell and dons in the jail
See you if you knew the bail (In Jail)
I compare these streets to a coke sell
Y'all cowards won't last today in jail
Y'all will tell
Props is need, y'all dude's got the wrong kid
He'll stand up (In Jail), Queens and the Bronx
Where I lived for years, Nashawn coming down on 'em
And that be their worst nightmares, spit sickness
They be clown rap, now listen how I switch tracks
I'm the eeny, meeny, he won't come back
Pour a lil' Henny out
In the 6 with no roof and the titties out
Call Nas, call Jung, call Wizard
The way we handle ourselves we could live in (In Jail)
We're the realest clique out
Y'all come through fronting and get knocked the fuck out
'Cause we're brave, we're the bravest
We brave, we're the bravest (In Jail)
We brave, we're the bravest
We brave, we're the bravest