- published: 23 Mar 2016
- views: 88542389
Plus may refer to:
Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge vs. iPhone 6S Plus Coca-Cola Freeze Test 9 Hours! Will It Survive ?
Afro Bros x Finest Sno - 18 Plus (Official Video)
Sony anuncia GRANDES MELHORIAS na PSN Plus, vamos ver né...
iPhone 7 plus vs Galaxy S8+, comparativa -mega combate a muerte-
Les 8 Clubs de Football Les Plus Racistes (No To Racism)
Death Plus - Cyanide & Happiness Shorts
Flattr Plus
Introducing Vimeo Plus!
Plus Stats: Advanced Statistics for Vimeo Plus
Actors: Veronica Taylor (actress), Stephanie Sheh (actress), Naoki Tatsuta (actor), Fûrin Cha (actor), Tara Sands (actress), Masatô Ibu (actor), Chieko Baishô (actress), Ted Lewis (actor), Wayne Grayson (actor), Kaneta Kimotsuki (actor), Dan Green (actor), Masane Tsukayama (actor), Michael Sinterniklaas (actor), Osamu Tezuka (writer), Kei Tani (actor),
Genres: Animation,My new website for phone information: http://phoneinf.com/ We are back today with another interesting video for all smartphone lovers out there. Our main aim is to provide your information, comparisons and reviews of the latest and the most trending topics on mobile devices. We are always open for your comments, questions and requests. Please leave us a message in the comments section. ★★ Like this video? Subscribe for more: http://goo.gl/Kw9bEn ★★
Afro Bros x Finest Sno - 18 Plus Spotify: http://bit.ly/2aTL7dG ITunes: http://apple.co/2aGlHEb Deezer: http://bit.ly/2c7V89y Afro Bros; http://www.facebook.com/AfroBros.Official http://www.soundcloud.com/AfroBros http://www.instagram.com/Afrobros_djs http://www.twitter.com/AfroBros https://www.snapchat.com/add/afrobros Finest Sno: http://www.instagram.com/FinestSno_Official https://www.snapchat.com/add/Finest-Sno Video by Starlife Vision
Un épisode axé paranormal. Dans le lieu le plus hanté de France : le château de Fougeret. ➜Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/legrandjd ➜Twitter : http://www.twitter.com/legrandjd ➜Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/legrandjd Château de Fougeret ➜ http://www.fougeret.com ET Merci à tous pour vos retours ! TCHÔ
Loja parceira : http://www.cdrstation.com.br/ Twitter : http://www.twitter.com/zevictttGBR Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/zehvictor.gbr Fã Page : https://www.facebook.com/zevicttt Instagram : zevicttt LINK - https://jovemnerd.com.br/nerdnews/sony-quer-melhorar-ps-plus-e-planeja-grandes-mudancas/
Datorita unor mutatii genetice sau a unor boli, unele persoane se nasc cu unul sau mai multe organe in plus, astazi vom vedea 10 dintre cele mai interesante cazuri. -- Să creez conținut pentru tine este o bucurie constantă, dar orice sprijin financiar mă ajută să pot continua să îmbunătățesc calitatea conținutului pe care ți-l ofer! Donează = http://bit.ly/FaODonatie Haide să creștem canalul împreună, cum? Pai distribuie videoclipurile pe facebook, prietenilor tăi, etc. Mulțumesc! Magazin online : http://bit.ly/magazinWF ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abonează-te : http://bit.ly/worldFacts Facebook : http://bit.ly/FBWorldF Instagram : http://bit.ly/InstagramWF Google + : http://bit.ly/GoogleWFacts Tumblr : http://bit.ly/TumblrWFa...
Helllo ma pelleteuse ! J'espère que tu vas bien :3 ! Voilà la vidéo concours hand spinner / spinners t'en attendu ahah ! Donc n'hésite pas à participer aussi sur mon insta pour avoir plus de chances de gagner ( insta : teuse_officiel ) ;) ! Busouuus :3 ♛ Les plus bas prix que j'ai trouvé sur internet :) ♛ : -Le vert pas cher du tout ^^ : https://goo.gl/tpjEma -Du même type mais très peu chère aussi ! : http://www.01handspinner.com - LE DORE :D ! : https://goo.gl/wOVlgU -Le rose battant tout les record de temps : https://goo.gl/JKk3vn -Le bleu super léger : https://goo.gl/LZmxlF ♛ Mes liens :D ♛ : Snapchat : teuse_officiel Instagram : teuse_officiel Lien Tipeee pour une nouvelle caméra -J'ai vraiment besoin de toi ! https://www.tipeee.com/teuse-youtube ♛ Mes donateurs ♛ : ...
SUSCRÍBETE y conoce todas las novedades en tecnología https://goo.gl/JTw19a ▶▶▶ Puedes encontrar el Samsung Galaxy S8+ aquí http://amzn.to/2qQYLZd y el iPhone 7 plus aquí http://amzn.to/2qQYLZd Un año más llega el momento de evaluar a los dos grandes smartphones del universo. Por el lado Android el Galaxy S8+ de Samsung, por el lado iOS el iPhone 7 plus de Apple. Como siempre existen diversas diferencias que pueden beneficiar a uno u otro pero sin duda la clave siempre será el SO y la tienda de apps. Si te gusta, dale like, suscribete y compartelo.... gracias Síguenos: Blog clipset http://clipset.20minutos.es/ Twitter http://www.twitter.com/clipset Facebook https://www.facebook.com/clipset YouTube http://www.youtube.com/user/clipsetvideo Instagram https://www.instagram.com/clipset/ Tele...
voici le top 8 des clubs de football sanctionnes pour racisme, les supporters se la honte. ......................................................................................................... Ma Page Facebook : https://web.facebook.com/La-Case-Verte-271551353222163/ Compte Facebook : https://web.facebook.com/lacaseverte.39142
Season Too is out! ► http://explosm.net/seasontoo/ Subscribe to Explosm! ► http://bit.ly/13xgq7a How's it going? Cyanide and Happiness delivers daily comics to your face-hole on www.explosm.net since 2005!
This film was concepted, directed and produced by Clusta for a design expo held in Birmingham in October. It was an opportunity to do a piece of work wich was completely non-customer facing and incorporated the studios ideas and skill-sets. Music: © Apparat - Wooden www.clusta.com
Linus from Flattr contacted me directly and it was a great pleasure to work with him on the launching teaser for his company. Flattr Plus will let users directly and sustainably fund content they love without reliance on ads, paywalls or paying for single articles.
Vimeo Plus is a premium membership that gives you more control and freedom over your videos! Its perfect for your SD or HD videos! Visit vimeo.com/plus to learn more. Special thanks to Wreck&Salvage - vimeo.com/wreckandsalvage - for making this awesome video!
To learn more about Plus Stats, visit vimeo.com/stats and take a tour http://www.vimeo.com/stats/demo Care to comment or discuss Stats? Let's chat here http://www.vimeo.com/blog:283 Make sure to check out our handy FAQ for any questions you might have http://vimeo.com/help/faq/stats If have any help related questions about Stats please visit our help forums here http://www.vimeo.com/help/forum
Introducing Tinder Plus: The Next Level of Tinder. Download Tinder for free on iPhone or Android at www.tinder.com/download Created by Maximilian Guen & Matthew K. Firpo Production by www.MagnaCarta.tv Song: "Class Historian" by BRONCHO Buy on iTunes: http://bit.ly/1zyjO0D
We were lucky enough to work with Build on a series of teasers and idents for a new Ukrainian children's TV channel. Here are the of teasers that we wrote and animated. More to come very soon. Credits: Build - Art Direction - http://wearebuild.com Animade - Animation production and direction - http://animade.tv Sound design - Sonica Studios - http://www.sonicastudios.co.uk Edik Katykhin - Original character design Natasha Vashko - Commissioner
The Center for Disease Control has made huge strides toward ending the tobacco epidemic. They wanted a 90 second animation to celebrate their progress and to continue to inspire people forward into a tobacco-free future. I co-directed the spot with the amazing Melanie Dorn from ICF. Using bold colors and a simple cast of characters, we created graphic vignettes to illustrate all the great things the CDC has accomplished and what they’re working toward. Style frames and sketches available here: http://seanmcclintock.tv/CDCONE-PLUS-ONE Client: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Agency: ICF International Directed by: Melanie Dorn & Sean McClintock Creative Director: Melanie Dorn Illustration & Design: Sean McClintock Character Animation Lead: Jules Guerin Animation & Compositi...
Client: Europa Plus Radio Art Director: Alex Mikhaylov CG Supervisor: Max Chelyadnikov Design: Alex Mikhaylov Modelling: Dmitriy Paukov Animation: Dmitriy Paukov Rendering: Max Chelyadnikov Compose: Max Chelyadnikov 2d Animation: Pavel Paratov
Short film for new furniture brand non-plus. Made in collaboration with www.iyastudio.co.uk www.nonplus.london Direction - Jack Cunningham Animation - Joe Sparrow Lighting + Render - Container21 Sound Design - Fonic Comp - Rob Ward
the first full wedding we have shot exclusively with the Canon EOS 7D. the skinny: // one cinematographer // two Canon 7D cams // four lenses; 50 f1.2, 24 f1.4, 100 macro f2.8, 70-200 f4 non-IS // one tripod, one monopod, one cinevate pegasus heavy lifter (slider) // audio was through a tascam and zoom h4n paired with sennheiser ew g2 wireless lavs //no external lighting was utilized in any of the shots in the final piece. everything was working with what was there. total cost of all the gear used that day was approx $10k. we didn't know about the surprise engagement book (unfortunately), so all of that was very improv shooting. we have a longer writeup on the couple (the lovely jc + esther) and their day on our blog www.stillmotionblog.com
My new website for phone information: http://phoneinf.com/ We are back today with another interesting video for all smartphone lovers out there. Our main aim is to provide your information, comparisons and reviews of the latest and the most trending topics on mobile devices. We are always open for your comments, questions and requests. Please leave us a message in the comments section. ★★ Like this video? Subscribe for more: http://goo.gl/Kw9bEn ★★
Afro Bros x Finest Sno - 18 Plus Spotify: http://bit.ly/2aTL7dG ITunes: http://apple.co/2aGlHEb Deezer: http://bit.ly/2c7V89y Afro Bros; http://www.facebook.com/AfroBros.Official http://www.soundcloud.com/AfroBros http://www.instagram.com/Afrobros_djs http://www.twitter.com/AfroBros https://www.snapchat.com/add/afrobros Finest Sno: http://www.instagram.com/FinestSno_Official https://www.snapchat.com/add/Finest-Sno Video by Starlife Vision
Un épisode axé paranormal. Dans le lieu le plus hanté de France : le château de Fougeret. ➜Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/legrandjd ➜Twitter : http://www.twitter.com/legrandjd ➜Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/legrandjd Château de Fougeret ➜ http://www.fougeret.com ET Merci à tous pour vos retours ! TCHÔ
Loja parceira : http://www.cdrstation.com.br/ Twitter : http://www.twitter.com/zevictttGBR Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/zehvictor.gbr Fã Page : https://www.facebook.com/zevicttt Instagram : zevicttt LINK - https://jovemnerd.com.br/nerdnews/sony-quer-melhorar-ps-plus-e-planeja-grandes-mudancas/
Datorita unor mutatii genetice sau a unor boli, unele persoane se nasc cu unul sau mai multe organe in plus, astazi vom vedea 10 dintre cele mai interesante cazuri. -- Să creez conținut pentru tine este o bucurie constantă, dar orice sprijin financiar mă ajută să pot continua să îmbunătățesc calitatea conținutului pe care ți-l ofer! Donează = http://bit.ly/FaODonatie Haide să creștem canalul împreună, cum? Pai distribuie videoclipurile pe facebook, prietenilor tăi, etc. Mulțumesc! Magazin online : http://bit.ly/magazinWF ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abonează-te : http://bit.ly/worldFacts Facebook : http://bit.ly/FBWorldF Instagram : http://bit.ly/InstagramWF Google + : http://bit.ly/GoogleWFacts Tumblr : http://bit.ly/TumblrWFa...
Helllo ma pelleteuse ! J'espère que tu vas bien :3 ! Voilà la vidéo concours hand spinner / spinners t'en attendu ahah ! Donc n'hésite pas à participer aussi sur mon insta pour avoir plus de chances de gagner ( insta : teuse_officiel ) ;) ! Busouuus :3 ♛ Les plus bas prix que j'ai trouvé sur internet :) ♛ : -Le vert pas cher du tout ^^ : https://goo.gl/tpjEma -Du même type mais très peu chère aussi ! : http://www.01handspinner.com - LE DORE :D ! : https://goo.gl/wOVlgU -Le rose battant tout les record de temps : https://goo.gl/JKk3vn -Le bleu super léger : https://goo.gl/LZmxlF ♛ Mes liens :D ♛ : Snapchat : teuse_officiel Instagram : teuse_officiel Lien Tipeee pour une nouvelle caméra -J'ai vraiment besoin de toi ! https://www.tipeee.com/teuse-youtube ♛ Mes donateurs ♛ : ...
SUSCRÍBETE y conoce todas las novedades en tecnología https://goo.gl/JTw19a ▶▶▶ Puedes encontrar el Samsung Galaxy S8+ aquí http://amzn.to/2qQYLZd y el iPhone 7 plus aquí http://amzn.to/2qQYLZd Un año más llega el momento de evaluar a los dos grandes smartphones del universo. Por el lado Android el Galaxy S8+ de Samsung, por el lado iOS el iPhone 7 plus de Apple. Como siempre existen diversas diferencias que pueden beneficiar a uno u otro pero sin duda la clave siempre será el SO y la tienda de apps. Si te gusta, dale like, suscribete y compartelo.... gracias Síguenos: Blog clipset http://clipset.20minutos.es/ Twitter http://www.twitter.com/clipset Facebook https://www.facebook.com/clipset YouTube http://www.youtube.com/user/clipsetvideo Instagram https://www.instagram.com/clipset/ Tele...
voici le top 8 des clubs de football sanctionnes pour racisme, les supporters se la honte. ......................................................................................................... Ma Page Facebook : https://web.facebook.com/La-Case-Verte-271551353222163/ Compte Facebook : https://web.facebook.com/lacaseverte.39142
Season Too is out! ► http://explosm.net/seasontoo/ Subscribe to Explosm! ► http://bit.ly/13xgq7a How's it going? Cyanide and Happiness delivers daily comics to your face-hole on www.explosm.net since 2005!
This film was concepted, directed and produced by Clusta for a design expo held in Birmingham in October. It was an opportunity to do a piece of work wich was completely non-customer facing and incorporated the studios ideas and skill-sets. Music: © Apparat - Wooden www.clusta.com
Linus from Flattr contacted me directly and it was a great pleasure to work with him on the launching teaser for his company. Flattr Plus will let users directly and sustainably fund content they love without reliance on ads, paywalls or paying for single articles.
Vimeo Plus is a premium membership that gives you more control and freedom over your videos! Its perfect for your SD or HD videos! Visit vimeo.com/plus to learn more. Special thanks to Wreck&Salvage - vimeo.com/wreckandsalvage - for making this awesome video!
To learn more about Plus Stats, visit vimeo.com/stats and take a tour http://www.vimeo.com/stats/demo Care to comment or discuss Stats? Let's chat here http://www.vimeo.com/blog:283 Make sure to check out our handy FAQ for any questions you might have http://vimeo.com/help/faq/stats If have any help related questions about Stats please visit our help forums here http://www.vimeo.com/help/forum
Introducing Tinder Plus: The Next Level of Tinder. Download Tinder for free on iPhone or Android at www.tinder.com/download Created by Maximilian Guen & Matthew K. Firpo Production by www.MagnaCarta.tv Song: "Class Historian" by BRONCHO Buy on iTunes: http://bit.ly/1zyjO0D
We were lucky enough to work with Build on a series of teasers and idents for a new Ukrainian children's TV channel. Here are the of teasers that we wrote and animated. More to come very soon. Credits: Build - Art Direction - http://wearebuild.com Animade - Animation production and direction - http://animade.tv Sound design - Sonica Studios - http://www.sonicastudios.co.uk Edik Katykhin - Original character design Natasha Vashko - Commissioner
The Center for Disease Control has made huge strides toward ending the tobacco epidemic. They wanted a 90 second animation to celebrate their progress and to continue to inspire people forward into a tobacco-free future. I co-directed the spot with the amazing Melanie Dorn from ICF. Using bold colors and a simple cast of characters, we created graphic vignettes to illustrate all the great things the CDC has accomplished and what they’re working toward. Style frames and sketches available here: http://seanmcclintock.tv/CDCONE-PLUS-ONE Client: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Agency: ICF International Directed by: Melanie Dorn & Sean McClintock Creative Director: Melanie Dorn Illustration & Design: Sean McClintock Character Animation Lead: Jules Guerin Animation & Compositi...
Client: Europa Plus Radio Art Director: Alex Mikhaylov CG Supervisor: Max Chelyadnikov Design: Alex Mikhaylov Modelling: Dmitriy Paukov Animation: Dmitriy Paukov Rendering: Max Chelyadnikov Compose: Max Chelyadnikov 2d Animation: Pavel Paratov
Short film for new furniture brand non-plus. Made in collaboration with www.iyastudio.co.uk www.nonplus.london Direction - Jack Cunningham Animation - Joe Sparrow Lighting + Render - Container21 Sound Design - Fonic Comp - Rob Ward
the first full wedding we have shot exclusively with the Canon EOS 7D. the skinny: // one cinematographer // two Canon 7D cams // four lenses; 50 f1.2, 24 f1.4, 100 macro f2.8, 70-200 f4 non-IS // one tripod, one monopod, one cinevate pegasus heavy lifter (slider) // audio was through a tascam and zoom h4n paired with sennheiser ew g2 wireless lavs //no external lighting was utilized in any of the shots in the final piece. everything was working with what was there. total cost of all the gear used that day was approx $10k. we didn't know about the surprise engagement book (unfortunately), so all of that was very improv shooting. we have a longer writeup on the couple (the lovely jc + esther) and their day on our blog www.stillmotionblog.com
This is the most watched educational video of all time! Come and see why! Your child will love the colours, sounds and rhythms to sing and clap along to! Download LBB videos https://my.digitalgoodsstore.com/littlebabybum Plush Toys: http://littlebabybum.com/shop/plush-toys/ © El Bebe Productions Limited 0:04 - Wheels On The Bus - Part 1 (Green Bus) 1:53 - Wheels On The Bus - Part 2 (Red Bus) 3:43 - Wheels On The Bus - Part 3 (Yellow Bus) 5:34 - One, Two Buckle My Shoe 6:37 - ABC Phonics Song 8:04 - Baa Baa Black Sheep 8:56 - Finger Family 9:59 - Ten In The Bed 12:23 - The ABC Song 14:15 - 5 Little Monkeys 16:08 - 3 Little Kittens 18:25 - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star & The Prince 20:27 - London Bridge Is Falling Down 22:13 - Numbers Song 1-20 24:21 - Finger Family (Cat Family) 25:24 - Hea...
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Les femmes les plus dangereuses L'enfer des prisons
some say i'm hoeish;some say i'm arrogant some say i'm cocky;
some say i aint shit but i got good dick,good dick, good dick,good dick
some say i'm hoeish;some say i'm arrogant some say i'm cocky;
some say i aint shit but i got good dick,good dick,
good dick,good dick
good dick committee;i'm the president!
frist class dick; i got the evidence 5 star dick; dick is elegant. heavy weight dic; check the measurements! gimme ah purple heart; i'm a dick vertern one shot of this ya mans irrevelant.
i call it swaet meat;it's hard like peppermint. i (?)by tomorrow; dick will pay the rent.
ask everytime; dick worth every cent. no tight jeans; dick will show the print fuck her '98;been fucking her ever since.
she want ah wedding ring she merried to the dick.
some say i'm hoeish;some say i'm arrogant some say i'm cocky;
some say i aint shit but i got good dick,good dick, good dick,good dick
some say i'm hoeish;some say i'm arrogant some say i'm cocky;
some say i aint shit but i got good dick,good dick,
good dick,good dick
Grade \"A\" dick; i'm talking top chef
millionaire dick: I'm talking bout myself this that Oh'10;this aint that Oh'7 take careof problems; dick like medicine. yeah,i talk shit; cuhz i can back it up or i can fuck again,every hoe that i done fucked real(?) when i'm in the guts finesse 'em from the back; kill em in the buck
na she sweatin me ; since i fucked her good. say don't like me drunk; she like she sucking wood.
dickk too good i can sell mine
#1 pick; talking first round.
some say i'm hoeish;some say i'm arrogant some say i'm cocky;
some say i aint shit but i got good dick,good dick, good dick,good dick
some say i'm hoeish;some say i'm arrogant some say i'm cocky;
some say i aint shit but i got good dick,good dick,
good dick,good dick
could be ah pornstar; star in my own flick i got amazing head; but even better dick.she call me t-bone; dick is super thickshe say her last man was like a toothpick . she love when i beat her; she will slit her wrist . energizer bunny; dick wil never quit. put on my headstone ; he died with good dick