- published: 08 Jun 2017
- views: 1100
Joe Chen Chiau-En (traditional Chinese: 陳喬恩; simplified Chinese: 陈乔恩; pinyin: Chén Qiáo'ēn, Chen Chiao-en also known as 教主 jiào zhǔ, born 4 April 1979) is a Taiwanese singer, actress, writer and model.
In 2008, Chen was nominated for Best Leading Actress in a Television Series for her role in Fated to Love You at the 43rd Golden Bell Awards.
In 2013, her popularity rose in China, where she gained a large number of fans when she appeared in the television series "Swordsman" playing anti-heroine Dongfang Bubai. That year, Chen entered the Forbes China Celebrity 100 List for the first time. As of 2015, she is listed by Forbes as the 66th most influential celebrity in mainland China.
Chen may refer to:
חן (Khen), first name or surname:
Li Weiwei may refer to:
The Lantern Festival is a Chinese festival celebrated on the fifteenth day of the first month in the lunisolar year in the lunar calendar marking the last day of the lunar New Year celebration. It is usually in February or March in the Gregorian calendar. As early as the Western Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 25), it had become a festival with great significance. During the Lantern Festival, children go out at night to temples carrying paper lanterns and solve riddles on the lanterns (simplified Chinese: 猜灯谜; traditional Chinese: 猜燈謎; pinyin: cāidēngmí; Jyutping: caai1dang1mai4).
In ancient times, the lanterns were fairly simple, and only the emperor and noblemen had large ornate ones . In modern times, lanterns have been embellished with many complex designs. For example, lanterns are now often made in the shape of animals. The lanterns can symbolize the people letting go of their past selves and getting new ones, which they will let go of the next year. The lanterns are almost always red to symbolize good fortune
Ady Ann's wedding, bridesmaid Joe Chen's collarbone fever
Stay with me - 1 - Español (Joe Chen, Wang kai, Kimi)
Are Wang Kai and Joe Chen dating in real life ???
The Queens 2015 FULL HD MOVIE English Subtitles (Song Hye-kyo, Joe Chen, Joe Cheng, Shawn
Cruel Romance - 1 - România (Joe Chen, Huang xiaoming, Kimi)
陳喬恩 - Joe Chen cried and got drunk on wedding night of Wallace Huo and Ruby Lin's wedding
陈乔恩 大家好我係陈乔恩 Joe Chen 2017
《2015元宵喜乐会》精彩看点: 娇美乔恩不怕催婚现场选男友 2015 Lantern Festival Celebration Highlights-Joe Chen【湖南卫视官方版】
《可凡倾听》20150919:“女王”爱冒险 陈乔恩Joe Chen专访(上)
【王凯x陈乔恩】最后一页(虐向)Joe Chen 2017
Check out 10 most beautiful women in the Philippines - Who's number 1?. Subscribe for more videos : https://goo.gl/11wLml ------------------------------------------------------------- Watch more here : https://goo.gl/06BTxM Subscribe : https://goo.gl/wbDbuX Fanpage Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Jasmine.Jin00 Website : http://fatoplist.com
►Lista de reproducción: https://goo.gl/NLquNn ►Bienvenido a suscribirse: https://goo.gl/GVdMnU ►Sinopsis: ********** Un ahogamiento accidental, hipoxia prolongada del cerebro a la famosa diseñadora de vestuario Li Weiwei (Joe Chen) perdió un poco de memoria, su estancia de memoria a los 23 años de edad. El recuerdo del mismo que el novio del diseñador se ha convertido en un competidor, y un extraño se ha convertido en su prometido. Weiwei no creía que iba a romper con su ex novio, Chen Yidu (Wang kai), que trató de investigar la causa.El Fiance Huoxiao con el fin de proteger a Li Weiwei, para recuperar a su esposa no casada, hacer todo lo posible para bloquear la investigación Li Weiwei, Mantener a su alrededor. Li Weiwei en el pasado, se encontró y la gente alrededor en el ocupado poco a...
►lista de redare:https://goo.gl/rbZZ5P ►Abonați-vă la canale:https://goo.gl/OjhhFN ►Sinopsis: ********** Cruel Romance povesteste povestea lui Rong Jinxiu (JoeChen), o fetiță care se deplasează la Shanghai pentru a descoperi de ce a ucis întreaga ei familie. Pe parcurs, se întâlnește cu liderul triad Zuo Zhen (Huang Xiaoming), iar după o serie de accidente și neînțelegeri, cei doi se îndrăgostesc. De asemenea, lupta pentru atenția lui Jinxiu este omul de afaceri Xiang Yingdong (Kimi), om de afaceri și prieten apropiat al lui Zuo Zhen. Cu toate acestea, femeia lui Zuo Zhen refuză să lase pe alți bărbați să se apropie chiar de Jinxiu - care în cele din urmă se plătește atunci când un om japonez ticălos încearcă să-i înceteze pe Jinxiu și pe ceilalți membri ai familiei.
陳喬恩 - Joe Chen reportedly cried and got drunk on wedding night of ex-BF Wallace Huo and Ruby Lin's wedding
陈乔恩(Joe Chen),1979年4月4日出生于台湾省新竹县竹北市,华语影视女演员、主持人、歌手。 2001年9月23日,陈乔恩正式出道 ,并于同年出演个人首部影视剧《薰衣草》。2004年,陈乔恩随七朵花团体进军乐坛 。 2009年,陈乔恩将工作重心转向了中国内地,并主演了其在内地的首部正式作品《佳期如梦》 。2010年,陈乔恩主演了个人首部大银幕作品《激浪青春》。2013年,陈乔恩凭借武侠剧《笑傲江湖》在内地获得广泛关注 。2015年,陈乔恩不仅连续三年跻身福布斯中国名人榜 ;她还凭借年代剧《锦绣缘华丽冒险》获得华鼎奖中国近代电视剧最佳女演员 。
《2015元宵喜乐会》精彩看点: 陈乔恩自曝参加演出很紧张,不惧催婚一切随缘。 2015 Lantern Festival Celebration Highlights: Joe Chen is nervous 【欢迎订阅中国湖南卫视官方YouTube频道】Subscribe to Hunan TV YouTube Official Channels: http://goo.gl/tl9QpW 快乐中国2015湖南卫视元宵喜乐会将于2015年3月5日,农历正月十五与您欢喜见面!今年的元宵君将为大家带来更多的男神女神,朴信惠、黄晓明、唐嫣、陈乔恩?通通不在话下!更有韩红、The One率领一众我是歌手唱将到场,主持人也将化身“神仙”陪大家一起欢喜闹元宵。 March 5 2015, the 15th day of Chinese new year, Hunan TV invites you and celebrities all over the world to celebrate the Lantern Festival, and send you the sincere greeting on the Chinese traditional festival. 【欢迎订阅中国湖南卫视官方YouTube频道】Subscribe to Hunan TV YouTube Official Channels: ★ 湖南卫视官方频道 Hunan Official Channel: goo.gl/tl9QpW ★湖南卫视《我们都爱笑》官方版1080P超清全集Laugh Out Loud Full EP: http://goo.gl/8v5mly ★湖南卫视《我是歌手3》官方版1080P超清全集 I AM A SINGER 3: http://goo.gl/VEOzyf ★...
【欢迎订阅SMG上海电视台官方YouTube频道】Subscribe SMG TV: http://goo.gl/Zh6NFn 陈乔恩(Joe Chen),1979年4月4日出生于台湾省新竹县竹北市,华语影视女演员、主持人、歌手。 2001年9月23日,陈乔恩正式出道[1] ,并于同年出演个人首部影视剧《薰衣草》。2002年,凭借电视节目《中国那么大》在台湾主持界崭露头角。2004年,陈乔恩随七朵花团体进军乐坛。2005年,主演的爱情喜剧《王子变青蛙》打破台湾偶像剧收视纪录。2008年,主演的都市剧《命中注定我爱你》创下台湾电视史上偶像剧冠军收视纪录。 2009年,陈乔恩将工作重心转向了中国内地,并主演了其在内地的首部正式作品《佳期如梦》。2010年,陈乔恩主演了个人首部大银幕作品《激浪青春》。2011年,陈乔恩主演爱情片《倾城之泪》;同年还主演时尚剧《胜女的代价》。2012年,陈乔恩主演个人首部舞台剧《面包树上的女人》,并凭借此剧获得了第四届丹尼奖话剧最佳女演员奖。2013年,陈乔恩凭借武侠剧《笑傲江湖》在内地赢得了高人气[5-7] 。2014年,陈乔恩主演了个人首部校园电影《既然青春留不住》 。2015年,陈乔恩不仅连续三年跻身福布斯中国名人榜;她还凭借年代剧《锦绣缘华丽冒险》获得华鼎奖中国近代电视剧最佳女演员。 看看新闻网是上海东方传媒集团有限公司(SMG)上海广播电视台旗下的网络新闻媒体,是中国专业的视频新闻网站,提供最新最热的视频新闻在线播放,24小时视频直播及海量视频新闻搜索。我们的一线记者会采集娱乐、民生等很多好玩的视频分享给大家。所有最新最热门的华语新闻线索,尽在看看新闻! SMG KanKan News is a web based news and media channel under Shanghai Media Group. It is a...
陈乔恩(Joe Chen),1979年4月4日出生于台湾省新竹县竹北市,华语影视女演员、主持人、歌手。 2001年9月23日,陈乔恩正式出道 ,并于同年出演个人首部影视剧《薰衣草》。2004年,陈乔恩随七朵花团体进军乐坛 。 2009年,陈乔恩将工作重心转向了中国内地,并主演了其在内地的首部正式作品《佳期如梦》 。2010年,陈乔恩主演了个人首部大银幕作品《激浪青春》。2013年,陈乔恩凭借武侠剧《笑傲江湖》在内地获得广泛关注 。2015年,陈乔恩不仅连续三年跻身福布斯中国名人榜 ;她还凭借年代剧《锦绣缘华丽冒险》获得华鼎奖中国近代电视剧最佳女演员 。
Ming Dao in Prince turns to Frog Ethan Juan in Fated to love You Blue Lan in Easy fortune happy life Zhang Han in Queen of SOP Wallace Huo in Swordsman 2013 with me, the best in films is Ming Dao, but I like couple Joe-Wallace.
《2015元宵喜乐会》精彩看点: 陈乔恩自曝参加演出很紧张,不惧催婚一切随缘。 2015 Lantern Festival Celebration Highlights: Joe Chen is nervous 【欢迎订阅中国湖南卫视官方YouTube频道】Subscribe to Hunan TV YouTube Official Channels: http://goo.gl/tl9QpW 快乐中国2015湖南卫视元宵喜乐会将于2015年3月5日,农历正月十五与您欢喜见面!今年的元宵君将为大家带来更多的男神女神,朴信惠、黄晓明、唐嫣、陈乔恩?通通不在话下!更有韩红、The One率领一众我是歌手唱将到场,主持人也将化身“神仙”陪大家一起欢喜闹元宵。 March 5 2015, the 15th day of Chinese new year, Hunan TV invites you and celebrities all over the world to celebrate the Lantern Festival, and send you the sincere greeting on the Chinese traditional festival. 【欢迎订阅中国湖南卫视官方YouTube频道】Subscribe to Hunan TV YouTube Official Channels: ★ 湖南卫视官方频道 Hunan Official Channel: goo.gl/tl9QpW ★湖南卫视《我们都爱笑》官方版1080P超清全集Laugh Out Loud Full EP: http://goo.gl/8v5mly ★湖南卫视《我是歌手3》官方版1080P超清全集 I AM A SINGER 3: http://goo.gl/VEOzyf ★...
陳喬恩 - Joe Chen reportedly cried and got drunk on wedding night of ex-BF Wallace Huo and Ruby Lin's wedding
【订阅湖南卫视官方频道 Subscribe to Hunan TV YouTube Channel: http://goo.gl/tl9QpW 】 ▪ 更新时间 每周五 ▫ 本期精彩 - 惊悚游戏偶像齐尖叫!热辣成都赵雅芝古风优雅,刘嘉玲画风魔性...... 湖南卫视《我们来了》播放列表: https://goo.gl/s0cDA9 【节目简介】《我们来了》(原名《偶像来了第二季》)是湖南卫视推出的一档明星女神生活体验秀综艺节目,由湖南卫视金牌制片人陈汝涵团队领衔操刀。赵雅芝、刘嘉玲、莫文蔚、陈乔恩、江一燕、谢娜、徐娇、奚梦瑶等明星组成固定嘉宾还会有X嘉宾的强势加盟。 《偶像来了》自2015年推出第一季后火爆整个暑期荧屏,时隔一年,这档开创了“女综时代”的现象级综艺将以全新名字《我们来了》在2016暑假呈现在全国观众面前。 ■□ 更多官方资讯 欢迎关注我们社交网络页面 ■□ 我们来了官方 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/upidol 全员加速中Facebook粉丝专页: https://goo.gl/HjzC1n 明星大侦探Facebook粉丝专页:https://goo.gl/7lRiFb 我是歌手Facebook粉丝专页: https://goo.gl/SaNhcl 超级女声 Facebook粉丝专页: https://goo.gl/9zdfCH 中国湖南卫视官方 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hntvchina 中国湖南卫视官方 Twitter: https://twitter.com/HUNANTVCHINA 一年级官方Facebook粉丝专页: https://goo.gl/4KDRkL 爸爸去哪儿官方 Facebook 粉丝专页:https://goo.gl/FfFhCb 我们...
►Playlist: https://goo.gl/u7OYDU ►Subscribe:https://goo.gl/wm2Vhj ►Synopsis ********** Fang Qi Wo, Zhua Jin Wo (Stay with Me) – Li Wei Wei (Joe Chen) is a 30-year-old successful fashion designer. But a near-drowning makes her lose the memory of the past seven years of her life. In her current life, Wei Wei is surprised to learn that she had broken up with her boyfriend, Chen Yi Du (Wang Kai), and is now engaged to a man she does not remember, Qi Cheng (Kimi Qiao). Unable to believe her life choices, Wei Wei tries to find out what caused her to break up with Yi Du while Qi Cheng tries to win back his fiancée’s heart. Which man is Wei Wei’s one true love? “Stay With Me” is a 2016-2017 Chinese drama series directed by Ruan Wei Xin.
► Drama Playlist: https://goo.gl/o3fbZS ► Subscribe To Channel: https://goo.gl/xxg65T ► Synopsis ********** In the 1930s’Shanghai, that is lively, bustlingd paradise, but also the factions of Chinese and foreign forces bloody battlefield. A girl Rong Jinxiu (Joe Chen) Who lives in Zhenjiang may never thought she would be in this famous city in China and abroad staged a series of scores of resentment story. But the catastrophe of the family pushed her there. In Shanghai, Jinxiu get relief from Zuo Zhen (Huang Xiaoming). Zuo Zhen and Shanghai’s famous person Xiang Hanchuan (Xie Junhao), Xiang Yingdong (Qiao Renliang) two brothers sworn, at this time, Jinxiu in the Lion Grove Hotel met her sister who was apart with her for many years Yin Mingzhu (Lu Jiarong). Zuo Zhen and Rong Jinxiu’s fate c...
►Playlist: https://goo.gl/u7OYDU ►Subscribe:https://goo.gl/wm2Vhj ►Synopsis ********** Fang Qi Wo, Zhua Jin Wo (Stay with Me) – Li Wei Wei (Joe Chen) is a 30-year-old successful fashion designer. But a near-drowning makes her lose the memory of the past seven years of her life. In her current life, Wei Wei is surprised to learn that she had broken up with her boyfriend, Chen Yi Du (Wang Kai), and is now engaged to a man she does not remember, Qi Cheng (Kimi Qiao). Unable to believe her life choices, Wei Wei tries to find out what caused her to break up with Yi Du while Qi Cheng tries to win back his fiancée’s heart. Which man is Wei Wei’s one true love? “Stay With Me” is a 2016-2017 Chinese drama series directed by Ruan Wei Xin.
►Playlist: https://goo.gl/u7OYDU ►Subscribe:https://goo.gl/wm2Vhj ►Synopsis ********** Fang Qi Wo, Zhua Jin Wo (Stay with Me) – Li Wei Wei (Joe Chen) is a 30-year-old successful fashion designer. But a near-drowning makes her lose the memory of the past seven years of her life. In her current life, Wei Wei is surprised to learn that she had broken up with her boyfriend, Chen Yi Du (Wang Kai), and is now engaged to a man she does not remember, Qi Cheng (Kimi Qiao). Unable to believe her life choices, Wei Wei tries to find out what caused her to break up with Yi Du while Qi Cheng tries to win back his fiancée’s heart. Which man is Wei Wei’s one true love? “Stay With Me” is a 2016-2017 Chinese drama series directed by Ruan Wei Xin.
►Playlist: https://goo.gl/u7OYDU ►Subscribe:https://goo.gl/wm2Vhj ►Synopsis ********** Fang Qi Wo, Zhua Jin Wo (Stay with Me) – Li Wei Wei (Joe Chen) is a 30-year-old successful fashion designer. But a near-drowning makes her lose the memory of the past seven years of her life. In her current life, Wei Wei is surprised to learn that she had broken up with her boyfriend, Chen Yi Du (Wang Kai), and is now engaged to a man she does not remember, Qi Cheng (Kimi Qiao). Unable to believe her life choices, Wei Wei tries to find out what caused her to break up with Yi Du while Qi Cheng tries to win back his fiancée’s heart. Which man is Wei Wei’s one true love? “Stay With Me” is a 2016-2017 Chinese drama series directed by Ruan Wei Xin.
►Playlist:https://goo.gl/3Zdbev ►Subscribe:https://goo.gl/wm2Vhj ►Synopsis ********** Candle in the Tomb:Can a woman trust tomb raiders to help her find her missing father? Shirley Yang (Joe Chen) is an archaeologist who grew up in the United States. When she learns that her father has disappeared while exploring tombs, she returns to China to try to find her missing father. She meets Hu Ba Yi (Jin Dong), a tomb raider who learned the art of feng shui from an antique book that he inherited from his family and now has specialized knowledge of tomb configuration. When Ba Yi and his partner fall victim to a curse, they team up with Shirley to help her track down her missing father in the hopes of finding clues that will help them to undo the curse. As they embark on on an exploration of the...
►Playlist: https://goo.gl/u7OYDU ►Subscribe:https://goo.gl/wm2Vhj ►Synopsis ********** Fang Qi Wo, Zhua Jin Wo (Stay with Me) – Li Wei Wei (Joe Chen) is a 30-year-old successful fashion designer. But a near-drowning makes her lose the memory of the past seven years of her life. In her current life, Wei Wei is surprised to learn that she had broken up with her boyfriend, Chen Yi Du (Wang Kai), and is now engaged to a man she does not remember, Qi Cheng (Kimi Qiao). Unable to believe her life choices, Wei Wei tries to find out what caused her to break up with Yi Du while Qi Cheng tries to win back his fiancée’s heart. Which man is Wei Wei’s one true love? “Stay With Me” is a 2016-2017 Chinese drama series directed by Ruan Wei Xin.
►Playlist: https://goo.gl/u7OYDU ►Subscribe:https://goo.gl/wm2Vhj ►Synopsis ********** Fang Qi Wo, Zhua Jin Wo (Stay with Me) – Li Wei Wei (Joe Chen) is a 30-year-old successful fashion designer. But a near-drowning makes her lose the memory of the past seven years of her life. In her current life, Wei Wei is surprised to learn that she had broken up with her boyfriend, Chen Yi Du (Wang Kai), and is now engaged to a man she does not remember, Qi Cheng (Kimi Qiao). Unable to believe her life choices, Wei Wei tries to find out what caused her to break up with Yi Du while Qi Cheng tries to win back his fiancée’s heart. Which man is Wei Wei’s one true love? “Stay With Me” is a 2016-2017 Chinese drama series directed by Ruan Wei Xin.
《2015元宵喜乐会》精彩看点: 陈乔恩自曝参加演出很紧张,不惧催婚一切随缘。 2015 Lantern Festival Celebration Highlights: Joe Chen is nervous 【欢迎订阅中国湖南卫视官方YouTube频道】Subscribe to Hunan TV YouTube Official Channels: http://goo.gl/tl9QpW 快乐中国2015湖南卫视元宵喜乐会将于2015年3月5日,农历正月十五与您欢喜见面!今年的元宵君将为大家带来更多的男神女神,朴信惠、黄晓明、唐嫣、陈乔恩?通通不在话下!更有韩红、The One率领一众我是歌手唱将到场,主持人也将化身“神仙”陪大家一起欢喜闹元宵。 March 5 2015, the 15th day of Chinese new year, Hunan TV invites you and celebrities all over the world to celebrate the Lantern Festival, and send you the sincere greeting on the Chinese traditional festival. 【欢迎订阅中国湖南卫视官方YouTube频道】Subscribe to Hunan TV YouTube Official Channels: ★ 湖南卫视官方频道 Hunan Official Channel: goo.gl/tl9QpW ★湖南卫视《我们都爱笑》官方版1080P超清全集Laugh Out Loud Full EP: http://goo.gl/8v5mly ★湖南卫视《我是歌手3》官方版1080P超清全集 I AM A SINGER 3: http://goo.gl/VEOzyf ★...
Joe Chen is the Founder, Chairman and CEO of Renren, one of the largest social networking sites in China. Here, he talks to Cannes Lions TV about mobile and social media in China and what western brands can do to engage consumers in this emerging market.
151115 The Legendary Tycoon Press Conference Media Interview (Ku Hye Sun, Zhang Han, Joe Chen) cre 华数TV原创频道 Eng Translation Q. What is you feeling of working with Zhang Han in China? KHS: Chinese actors give me a lot of help and take good care of me. Q. You have worked with lee min ho, compare with Zhang Han, who is more handsome? KHS: Their characters, all aspects are different, so it is hard to compare.
【欢迎订阅湖南卫视官方频道: http://goo.gl/tl9QpW】 本期精彩 - 友谊的小船说翻就翻!陈乔恩遭吐槽欲翻脸,奚梦瑶为龙虾痴狂一夏。 湖南卫视《天天向上》超清全集: http://goo.gl/WVwjsQ ■□ 湖南卫视Facebook粉丝专页: https://goo.gl/HjzC1n ■□ 简介: 《天天向上》是由湖南卫视推出的一档大型礼仪脱口秀节目。该节目以礼仪、公德为主题,分为歌舞、访谈、情景戏三段式,氛围欢快轻松幽默。该节目于2008年8月 4日首播《天天向上前传》,8月7日正式播出,节目以传承中华礼仪,公德为主,也经常邀请一些明星、企业知名人士,来讨论礼仪,并有专门环节用搞笑的方式 诠释古代礼仪。主持人由汪涵、欧弟(欧汉声)、田源、钱枫、俞灏明、矢野浩二、小五(金恩圣)组成,采用全国第一支偶像男子团体的概念,用各种形式来传播 中国千年礼仪之邦的礼仪文化。节目氛围欢快轻松幽默,获得高收视率的同时,也受到了广大观众的好评。曾获得《新周刊》2008中国电视节目榜最佳娱乐秀; 第三届"《综艺》年度节目暨电视人"评选年度节目奖、网友最喜爱电视节目奖;第25届中国电视金鹰奖获得优秀文艺节目奖。 更新时间 每周五 ■□ 更多官方资讯 欢迎关注我们社交网络页面 ■□ 全员加速中Facebook粉丝专页: https://goo.gl/HjzC1n 明星大侦探Facebook粉丝专页:https://goo.gl/7lRiFb 我是歌手Facebook粉丝专页: https://goo.gl/SaNhcl 超级女声 Facebook粉丝专页: https://goo.gl/9zdfCH 中国湖南卫视官方 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hntvchina 中国湖南卫视官方 Twitter: https://t...
Check out 10 most beautiful women in the Philippines - Who's number 1?. Subscribe for more videos : https://goo.gl/11wLml ------------------------------------------------------------- Watch more here : https://goo.gl/06BTxM Subscribe : https://goo.gl/wbDbuX Fanpage Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Jasmine.Jin00 Website : http://fatoplist.com
►Lista de reproducción: https://goo.gl/NLquNn ►Bienvenido a suscribirse: https://goo.gl/GVdMnU ►Sinopsis: ********** Un ahogamiento accidental, hipoxia prolongada del cerebro a la famosa diseñadora de vestuario Li Weiwei (Joe Chen) perdió un poco de memoria, su estancia de memoria a los 23 años de edad. El recuerdo del mismo que el novio del diseñador se ha convertido en un competidor, y un extraño se ha convertido en su prometido. Weiwei no creía que iba a romper con su ex novio, Chen Yidu (Wang kai), que trató de investigar la causa.El Fiance Huoxiao con el fin de proteger a Li Weiwei, para recuperar a su esposa no casada, hacer todo lo posible para bloquear la investigación Li Weiwei, Mantener a su alrededor. Li Weiwei en el pasado, se encontró y la gente alrededor en el ocupado poco a...
►lista de redare:https://goo.gl/rbZZ5P ►Abonați-vă la canale:https://goo.gl/OjhhFN ►Sinopsis: ********** Cruel Romance povesteste povestea lui Rong Jinxiu (JoeChen), o fetiță care se deplasează la Shanghai pentru a descoperi de ce a ucis întreaga ei familie. Pe parcurs, se întâlnește cu liderul triad Zuo Zhen (Huang Xiaoming), iar după o serie de accidente și neînțelegeri, cei doi se îndrăgostesc. De asemenea, lupta pentru atenția lui Jinxiu este omul de afaceri Xiang Yingdong (Kimi), om de afaceri și prieten apropiat al lui Zuo Zhen. Cu toate acestea, femeia lui Zuo Zhen refuză să lase pe alți bărbați să se apropie chiar de Jinxiu - care în cele din urmă se plătește atunci când un om japonez ticălos încearcă să-i înceteze pe Jinxiu și pe ceilalți membri ai familiei.
陳喬恩 - Joe Chen reportedly cried and got drunk on wedding night of ex-BF Wallace Huo and Ruby Lin's wedding
陈乔恩(Joe Chen),1979年4月4日出生于台湾省新竹县竹北市,华语影视女演员、主持人、歌手。 2001年9月23日,陈乔恩正式出道 ,并于同年出演个人首部影视剧《薰衣草》。2004年,陈乔恩随七朵花团体进军乐坛 。 2009年,陈乔恩将工作重心转向了中国内地,并主演了其在内地的首部正式作品《佳期如梦》 。2010年,陈乔恩主演了个人首部大银幕作品《激浪青春》。2013年,陈乔恩凭借武侠剧《笑傲江湖》在内地获得广泛关注 。2015年,陈乔恩不仅连续三年跻身福布斯中国名人榜 ;她还凭借年代剧《锦绣缘华丽冒险》获得华鼎奖中国近代电视剧最佳女演员 。
《2015元宵喜乐会》精彩看点: 陈乔恩自曝参加演出很紧张,不惧催婚一切随缘。 2015 Lantern Festival Celebration Highlights: Joe Chen is nervous 【欢迎订阅中国湖南卫视官方YouTube频道】Subscribe to Hunan TV YouTube Official Channels: http://goo.gl/tl9QpW 快乐中国2015湖南卫视元宵喜乐会将于2015年3月5日,农历正月十五与您欢喜见面!今年的元宵君将为大家带来更多的男神女神,朴信惠、黄晓明、唐嫣、陈乔恩?通通不在话下!更有韩红、The One率领一众我是歌手唱将到场,主持人也将化身“神仙”陪大家一起欢喜闹元宵。 March 5 2015, the 15th day of Chinese new year, Hunan TV invites you and celebrities all over the world to celebrate the Lantern Festival, and send you the sincere greeting on the Chinese traditional festival. 【欢迎订阅中国湖南卫视官方YouTube频道】Subscribe to Hunan TV YouTube Official Channels: ★ 湖南卫视官方频道 Hunan Official Channel: goo.gl/tl9QpW ★湖南卫视《我们都爱笑》官方版1080P超清全集Laugh Out Loud Full EP: http://goo.gl/8v5mly ★湖南卫视《我是歌手3》官方版1080P超清全集 I AM A SINGER 3: http://goo.gl/VEOzyf ★...
【欢迎订阅SMG上海电视台官方YouTube频道】Subscribe SMG TV: http://goo.gl/Zh6NFn 陈乔恩(Joe Chen),1979年4月4日出生于台湾省新竹县竹北市,华语影视女演员、主持人、歌手。 2001年9月23日,陈乔恩正式出道[1] ,并于同年出演个人首部影视剧《薰衣草》。2002年,凭借电视节目《中国那么大》在台湾主持界崭露头角。2004年,陈乔恩随七朵花团体进军乐坛。2005年,主演的爱情喜剧《王子变青蛙》打破台湾偶像剧收视纪录。2008年,主演的都市剧《命中注定我爱你》创下台湾电视史上偶像剧冠军收视纪录。 2009年,陈乔恩将工作重心转向了中国内地,并主演了其在内地的首部正式作品《佳期如梦》。2010年,陈乔恩主演了个人首部大银幕作品《激浪青春》。2011年,陈乔恩主演爱情片《倾城之泪》;同年还主演时尚剧《胜女的代价》。2012年,陈乔恩主演个人首部舞台剧《面包树上的女人》,并凭借此剧获得了第四届丹尼奖话剧最佳女演员奖。2013年,陈乔恩凭借武侠剧《笑傲江湖》在内地赢得了高人气[5-7] 。2014年,陈乔恩主演了个人首部校园电影《既然青春留不住》 。2015年,陈乔恩不仅连续三年跻身福布斯中国名人榜;她还凭借年代剧《锦绣缘华丽冒险》获得华鼎奖中国近代电视剧最佳女演员。 看看新闻网是上海东方传媒集团有限公司(SMG)上海广播电视台旗下的网络新闻媒体,是中国专业的视频新闻网站,提供最新最热的视频新闻在线播放,24小时视频直播及海量视频新闻搜索。我们的一线记者会采集娱乐、民生等很多好玩的视频分享给大家。所有最新最热门的华语新闻线索,尽在看看新闻! SMG KanKan News is a web based news and media channel under Shanghai Media Group. It is a...
陈乔恩(Joe Chen),1979年4月4日出生于台湾省新竹县竹北市,华语影视女演员、主持人、歌手。 2001年9月23日,陈乔恩正式出道 ,并于同年出演个人首部影视剧《薰衣草》。2004年,陈乔恩随七朵花团体进军乐坛 。 2009年,陈乔恩将工作重心转向了中国内地,并主演了其在内地的首部正式作品《佳期如梦》 。2010年,陈乔恩主演了个人首部大银幕作品《激浪青春》。2013年,陈乔恩凭借武侠剧《笑傲江湖》在内地获得广泛关注 。2015年,陈乔恩不仅连续三年跻身福布斯中国名人榜 ;她还凭借年代剧《锦绣缘华丽冒险》获得华鼎奖中国近代电视剧最佳女演员 。
sometimes i just get so fed up
the more we kiss and each more that we make up
from your attitude to what i see inside you
i wanna keep you around
but i don't know how
we're up and we're down
and i can't figure it out (no)
got a decision to make
but it's just too hard to make
cos i just don't wanna break what we have
do i deserve her
does she deserve me
it's all a question
i need an answer
do you deserve my best
i don't wanna give you up
i can't lose my best friend
i mean everything to you
you mean everything to me
but do you deserve my best
do you deserve my best
ooh girl you know that i love ya
i wouldn't wanna be without ya
girl you're my rock, you're my heart
so lets make it work for each other
when i sit all alone and i think of
if i let you go could i be alone without ya
it's killing me to see that we are dying
but i don't know why cos we're good for each other
who's shooting us down
got a decision to make
but i just don't wanna make
cos i just don't wanna break what we have
do i deserve her
does she deserve me
it's all a question
i need an answer
do you deserve my best
i don't wanna give you up
i can't lose my best friend
you mean everything to me
i mean everything to you
but do you deserve my best
do you deserve my best
the best that i can give is my whole heart plus more
and i don't think it's hard for you to see that
from every hour to every minute
i need your love
i can't breathe
do you deserve my best
i don't wanna give you up
i can't lose my best friend
i mean everything to you
you mean everything to me
but do you deserve my best
do you deserve my best
ooh girl you know that i love ya
i wouldn't wanna be without ya
girl you're my rock, you're my heart
so lets make it work for each other
do you deserve, i said do you deserve (yeah yeah)
do you deserve my best
do you deserve my best