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Cricket strike? Most likely it will end in a draw

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Much as both Cricket Australia and the Australian Cricketers' Association would like you to fear it, the first ball next summer's series will not be from Stuart Broad to the winner of a Kanga Cricket raffle. Nor for that matter will it be his pot-bellied round-arm dad to Alastair Cook. That was as good as confirmed on Monday when that noted analyst of Australian cricket affairs, Kevin  Pietersen, tweeted: "Fairly big player strike soon in Aus ...."

The Australian players won't strike, nor will be they be laid off. It's just that there is a certain amount of posturing each side has to work through in negotiations on a pay deal. Sometimes it is more shrill than others. This time, it is particularly strident, because the disagreement is about not just a quantum of money, but the principle under which is it is distributed, and because the cricket landscape is changing rapidly anyway, leading each side to believe that the time to act is now.

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Why are Australia's cricketers in a pay dispute?

Australia's cricketers are in a pay dispute with Cricket Australia, but why?

That is not to say neither board or players believe their own rhetoric. Each has a case. But they will not pursue it to the point either of walk-off or lock-out. That is because of two certainties. One is that sportspeople, in contrast to wage slaves, altogether would rather be working. The other is that industrial action by athletes garners little popular sympathy for either side. Fans distrust administrators anyway, and love players for what they do, not as an industrial cause.

An American journalist once characterised a stand-off between basketballers and owners as a fight between "millionaires and billionaires". Something of that sentiment applies now. Nuance does not come into it; the only stake that matters is the unransomable Ashes, not who is paying whom however many noughts for what. That is for them and their managers to fret over.

That said, sportsmen (and increasingly, women) are in the rare position of being both the workers and the product. In 1975, as industrial rumblings began in the still pretty much amateur Australian Test team, mild-mannered Ian Redpath was seen to hold then board secretary Allan Barnes up against a wall, yelling: "Of course there are 50,000 out there who would play for nothing. But how good would the Australian team be?"

Two years later came the World Series Cricket revolution. Twenty years later, players and administrators were at loggerheads again over money. The players played harder ball than the board expected, leading to a place at the table for the newly-formed ACA and enshrinement of revenue sharing. But despite many threats to strike in the process, not even one ball was foregone.


Then, of course, the players had no alternative employment. Now they do, the endless - and lucrative _ round of T20 competitions. But when push came to glance, how many would bypass an Ashes series and risk public contempt to make a point beyond the decimal points they are already making? That question would test the playing cohort's hitherto rock-like solidarity. Meantime, a familiar game goes on: claim and counter-claim, bluff and counter-bluff, oaths not to negotiate through media, negotiations through media, stalemate.

The best pointer this time might not be the past, but the neighbours. The AFL appears to have concluded its own protracted EBA negotiations, complete with much finger-wagging and vague intimations about a strike. The central issue also was revenue sharing. The cricketers want to preserve it, the footballers to introduce it. Eventually, the AFLPA settled for a hybrid arrangement by which some of their income was tied to revenue, the rest fixed.

Of course, the footballers could depend on the steadily rising value of broadcast rights and a lot of money upfront. It meant the AFL could have their plenty of their cake and eat it, too. Cricket's worth to television is less certain, which is why CA is looking to restructure its deal with players in the first instance. But no cricketer is going to have to worry about a wolf at the door any time soon.

Whoever blinks first, expect it to be presented as a mutually knowing wink, and for David Warner to be taking strike rather than on it on day one at the Gabba in November.