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Government has role to play in stopping modern slavery

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We might think slavery is something relegated to the annals of history, but it is a huge modern-day problem. And a global one.

The Global Slavery Index estimates that 45.8 million people in 167 countries are in some form of modern slavery. And the International Labour Organisation (ILO) said that 21 million people were in forced labour in 2012, generating a profit of nearly $200 billion.

Slavery in the 21st century is a complex issue, and stretches far beyond the bounds of human trafficking. The ILO recognises a continuum of human exploitation from forced labour and debt bondage through to exploitative work places and withholding of wages.

Modern slavery may not always mean physical shackles, but financial ones that make it impossible for people to ever work their way out of debt, or to gain the education required to move beyond manual labour.

Most instances of modern slavery are found in Asia, notably India, China, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Central Asia. It is no coincidence that Asia is where forced labour yields its highest profits globally – an estimated $68 million a year.

This is a part of the world with which Australia is extensively and increasingly engaged. These countries supply Australian markets with food products, textiles and technology using relatively inexpensive, low-skilled labour.


Slavery is by no means confined to low-income countries, however. The 2016 Global Slavery Index reveals all regions and most countries are implicated in modern slavery in some way, regardless of development status.

The supply chains for many products that Australians use or consume every day – chocolate, cotton and coffee, electronics and footwear among them – are global, complex and frequently opaque.

This makes it hard for consumers and businesses to understand the extent and nature of their entanglement with modern slavery. Many of us may rely on forced labour and other forms of slavery without realising it.

Cheap Italian tomatoes implicated in slavery supply chains nearly brought an iconic Australian brand, SPC, to its knees because in any cost-competitive market slavery will always be cheaper.

Most businesses would be shocked to discover slavery in their supply chains. The shock would be greater and more damaging, however, if others discovered and exposed it first. In our hyper-connected world of social media, allegations of slavery can have serious repercussions for a company's reputation and brand.

Companies are uniquely positioned to detect and prevent instances of modern slavery in ways that complement government efforts. Indeed, the private sector has a crucial leadership role to play – raising standards across supply chains, setting an example for sector and public policy, and calling for stronger laws.

But there is also a clear role for government to address what is not just a moral problem or a business risk, but a clear market failure.

Britain's Modern Slavery Act, introduced in 2015, has come to be widely regarded as model legislation. It requires that companies operating in Britain publish an annual statement outlining the measures taken to implement and fulfil the principles of the act in their business and supply chains.

Companies with an annual turnover of $59 million or more are bound by the act, which equates to more than 12,000 firms worldwide, including several Australian companies, such as Qantas, Rio Tinto and BHP. The act also establishes an office of Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner.

One year after its introduction, the act has had significant positive effect on Britain's corporate leadership.

A survey of 71 prominent brands by the Ethical Trading Initiative found CEOs and senior executives engaged with the problem had more than doubled and two-thirds had received training on modern slavery. A quarter now suggest that investor interest is a driver, compared with none immediately prior to the act's introduction.

The federal government recently announced an inquiry into establishing a modern slavery act in Australia, and this presents an unmissable opportunity to drive transparency through our supply chains. Final submissions on that inquiry close on Friday. 

Changing the law will demand more of our largest companies, transform supply chains and actively promote decent work.

Each of us can also play a role in eradicating modern slavery. The size of the problem can make our individual contribution seem insignificant. But each time we take bite of Fairtrade chocolate, purchase a cup of Fairtrade coffee or take a step in Fairtrade footwear, we are taking a stand against modern slavery and ensuring the people at the end of the supply chain are paid fairly.

Molly Harriss Olson is the chief executive of Fairtrade Australia and New Zealand.