
Letters to the Editor

Letters: Turnbull shows his true colours by supporting Trump

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The fact that Malcolm Turnbull could applaud the most regressive step in American healthcare in decades is a pretty fair indication of the direction in which he would like to take the Australian system, if he could get the parliamentary majority to do it.

Soupcon of wisdom

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The solution to the "shark problem" would seem to be quite simple: don't go swimming in their dinner bowl ("Shark bite survivor bitten but not shy", April 30).

Fire levy tax status a fair question

Illustration: Cathy Wilcox

I live in Randwick, with absolutely no chance of losing my home to a bush fire and yet I am to pay double the levy cost to those who choose to live in the Blue Mountains surrounded by trees.

Pollies' self-interest over property prices

Illustration by Cathy Wilcox.

By now it must be evident to everyone that our democracy has failed, given that our nation's politicians are incapable of addressing the housing affordability crisis by virtue of their monstrous conflict of interest ("Houses of Parliament: MPs on top in property game", April 22-23). That these very same real estate speculators have the effrontery to lecture Australians on what our nation's values should be is not only the height of conceit, but damning evidence of their collective sophistry. If ever the phrase "a pox on all your houses" was appropriate, this is surely the time.

What happened to nation of innovation?

Illustration: Alan Moir

How will Malcolm Turnbull's government slashing hundreds of millions of dollars from the budgets of universities help deliver his ''innovative and creative'' nation.

Anzac spirit lives

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The happy photograph of Logie rivals Peter Helliar and Waleed Aly says it all: 21st century multiculturalism meets mateship, the time-honoured tradition established by the Anzacs which has grown to embrace all Australians, regardless of race, religion or gender. ("Grab for gold", April 23). While the threat of random terrorist attacks cannot be ignored, our greatest strength lies in the Anzac spirit of comradeship and courage in the face of danger.


Gilligans Island "The ship set ground on the shore of this uncharted desert isle 
With Gilligan 
The Skipper too, 
The ...

The national sport of two-up and the national anthem were preoccupations this Anzac week. Contributor Neil Radford must be a fine two up player many observed or else he had a two-headed penny when he threw his letter/column 8 contribution on the subject of two up into the air, and it ended up in both columns. With our usual editors either at dawn services or on holidays we do apologise for disruption to normal transmission. But it provides us the opportunity to remind readers not to double dip by making the same contribution to both the letters page and Column 8. Ditto for writing letters you have sent to other publications. 

Pignominy risked

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Surely experiments in burying pigs could have taken place in a remote location rather than risk upsetting some with a present or future connection with burials at Rookwood.

My mate represents the best of Aussies values, and he's house trained too

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I think my best mate ticks all the boxes for what represents Australian values ("Australian values testing starts at home", Letters, April 21). He was born in the outer western suburbs of Sydney, with a working class background going back many generations. He is passionate about all water and ball sports, fiercely loyal to friends and family, and loves a barbie.

Australian values testing starts at home

Illustration: Jim Pavlidis

I was born in Australia, as were my parents and their parents before them. When my grandfathers fought in World War II, I suspect they did so at least partially in defence of a clearly understood set of Australian values. These were the same values I was taught at home and at school.Â