

Documentary about socio-political situation in Kosovo by Serbian journalist Milenko Sreckovic

Documentary about Kosovo will be a critical research of the living conditions of people in this region. It will reveal the real truth about Kosovo, one that is unknown and repressed by corruption, crime and ethnic hatred. Many relevant layers of the history will be presented and main contemporary issues dealt with in overt and unembellished manner: in the first […]

Documentary film: Testimonies on Repression and Ethnic Cleansing in Kosovo
Balkans, Movies, Documentaries, Videos, Serbia, Uncategorized

Documentary film: Testimonies on Repression and Ethnic Cleansing in Kosovo

After finishing his first documentary ”Just a Witness” (2016) that gives account of the Albanian ethnic cleansing of Roma people in Kosovo, ethnic cleansing that was supported by NATO troops, the author Milenko Srećković continues his work of recording testimonies of the victims of Great-Albanian fascism in Kosovo. Here you can see how to support the filming of the documentary. […]

Human Rights Censorship in Albania
Balkans, Movies, Documentaries, Videos, Serbia, Uncategorized

Human Rights Censorship in Albania

The only documentary film festival that has so far refused to screen the film ”Just a Witness” depicting NATO and Albanian terror done to the minorities in Kosovo is International Human Rights Film Festival in Albania. The film ”Just a Witness” mainly consists of the interview with American author and human rights activist Paul Polansky who speaks about ethnic cleansing […]

Balkans, Opinions, Serbia, Uncategorized

Zones of exploitation

By Milenko Srećković Serbian economic policy for the last fifteen years has persistently and primarily relied on foreign investments as the best, and often the only solution to widespread unemployment. This policy is also responsible for the establishment of the “free zones”: territories of some Serbian municipalities where corporations have been granted special privileges for starting production and opening new […]

Balkans, Serbia, Uncategorized

100 Years since the ”Shot Heard Round the World”

By Milenko Srećković Although whole epoch in the eve of the First World War was filled with many similar political assassinations, Gavrilo Princip`s shooting of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand – that took place on this day exactly one hundred years ago – is best remembered because it was a pretext for the attack on Serbia that eventually led to the […]