Human Rights Censorship in Albania

The only documentary film festival that has so far refused to screen the film ”Just a Witness” depicting NATO and Albanian terror done to the minorities in Kosovo is International Human Rights Film Festival in Albania.

The film ”Just a Witness” mainly consists of the interview with American author and human rights activist Paul Polansky who speaks about ethnic cleansing committed after the arrival of NATO troops in Kosovo in ’99. For his work in Kosovo Polansky won the City of Weimar Human Rights Award in 2004, for which he was nominated by the German Nobelist Günter Grass himself.
But the organizers of the International Human Rights Film Festival think that citizens of Albania should not know about the disastrous consequences of the fascistic policy of Greater Albania. As Paul Polansky says in the film: ”I think the human rights are a mirage. Everybody wants to wave the banner of human rights but very few defend it”.
screening1Screening of the film in Kragujevac (More photos here:
screening2Screening in Belgrade (More photos here:
You can read more about the film in the interview with the author of the film Milenko Sreckovic in Serbian Daily Politika: (Here)

If you are willing to support the shooting of the next Milenko Sreckovic`s documentary film about imperialism in Kosovo you can send donation on Paypal: