15 May 2017

Emmanuel Macron inaugurated as president of France

By Alex Lantier, 15 May 2017

In a display of militarism and reaction, the newly elected president pledged to rekindle France’s “spirit of conquest” by expanding the military and waging a full-scale offensive against workers’ living standards.

German enthusiasm for Macron begins to wane

By Peter Schwarz, 15 May 2017

French President-elect Macron’s legislative slate: Social reaction bares its teeth

Mélenchon-Communist Party alliance for French legislative elections collapses

More on the French presidential election »

US, South Korea emphasise alliance after North Korean missile test

By Ben McGrath, 15 May 2017

Concerns persist in Washington that the new Moon administration in Seoul could undermine attempts to pressure Pyongyang.

Neo-Nazi network in German army larger than previously thought

By Johannes Stern, 15 May 2017

According to Der Spiegel, investigations are on-going into seven people allegedly involved in preparing terrorist attacks against high-profile German politicians.

As workers’ wages stagnated, UK super-rich “carried on making billions”

By Simon Whelan, 15 May 2017

The UK’s richest 1,000 residents had their collective wealth increase by a staggering 14 percent over the past year, to a record £658 billion.

UK Labour Party adopts pro-business, militarist election manifesto

British ruling elite celebrates falling life expectancy as boon for pension fund deficits

Guardian journalist Paul Mason calls for a “left” alliance with “free market elite”

UK: Tate workers asked to “put money towards a sailing boat” for museum director

By Jean Shaoul, 15 May 2017

The Tate’s workforce earns on average £24,000, significantly less than the national median of £27,600, which means poverty wages in one of the most expensive cities in the world.

One hundred years after the Russian Revolution
Report documents record levels of social inequality in Russia

By Clara Weiss, 15 May 2017

With the exception of a small and stunningly wealthy layer of oligarchs and a narrow upper-middle class, the restoration of capitalism has produced a disaster for the Russian population.

US education chief Betsy DeVos plots school privatization with venture capitalists

By Nancy Hanover, 15 May 2017

Addressing venture capitalists last week, DeVos made common cause with school privatizers looking to cash in on a “mind-boggling trillion dollar” education market.

US Federal student loan interest rates set to rise in July

By Anthony del Olmo, 15 May 2017

The rise in rates is an outcome of the stock market boom following Trump’s election, and comes at a time when the plight of students continues to worsen.

US hepatitis C infections triple amid opioid epidemic

By Brad Dixon, 15 May 2017

According to new reports, the rate of new hepatitis C infections in the United States nearly tripled between 2010 and 2015, largely due to the ongoing opioid epidemic.

Waste plant polluting southwest Detroit neighborhoods

By Kathleen Martin, 15 May 2017

The new biosolids waste facility has violated one-hour EPA sulfur dioxide emission standards over 2,500 times in the last year.

Burmese government rejects international inquiry into anti-Rohingya pogrom

By John Roberts, 15 May 2017

Suu Kyi’s rejection of any scrutiny of the treatment of the Rohingya minority points to the geopolitical interests that govern relations between Burma and the West.

New in Turkish

Britanya seçimlerindeki sınıfsal meseleler

Chris Marsden, 15 Mayıs 2017

30 Nisan’da düzenlenen 2017 Uluslararası Çevrimiçi 1 Mayıs Toplantısı’nda Sosyalist Eşitlik Partisi (Britanya) Ulusal Sekreteri Chris Marsden tarafından yapılan konuşma.

1 Mayıs 2017: Komplo kurulan Hindistanlı 13 Maruti Suzuki işçisini savunun

Keith Jones, 15 Mayıs 2017

30 Nisan’da düzenlenen 2017 Uluslararası Çevrimiçi 1 Mayıs Toplantısı’nda Kanada’daki Sosyalist Eşitlik Partisi Ulusal Sekreteri Keith Jones tarafından yapılan konuşma.

Rus Devrimi’nde Bu Hafta
3-9 Nisan: ABD Almanya’ya savaş ilan ediyor

15 Mayıs 2017

Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Almanya’ya savaş ilan eder ve yüz binlerce genç erkeği ölüme gönderilen askerler olarak seferber eder.

New in Spanish

Más de la mitad de jóvenes en Europa apoyarían un “levantamiento a gran escala”

Por Andre Damon, 15 mayo 2017

Una encuesta descubrió que los jóvenes se oponen abrumadoramente a la guerra, apoyan la igualdad social, simpatizan con los refugiados, y participarían en un levantamiento.

Diez muertos en confrontación entre civiles y militares en Puebla, México

Por Alex González, 15 mayo 2017

Más de 500 civiles bloquearon una carretera importante para protestar contra una intervención militar sobre un robo alegado de petróleo en Puebla, México.

Washington presenta plan para mayores ataques contra la clase obrera centroamericana

Por Andrea Lobo, 15 mayo 2017

El secretario de Seguridad Nacional estadounidense detalló una política sobre Centroamérica que se enfoca en disuadir la migración y militarizar la región en preparación para levantamientos sociales y guerras.

La lista legislativa del presidente electo francés Macron: La reacción social muestra los dientes

Por Alex Lantier, 15 mayo 2017

Más de seis de cada diez votantes han dicho que no quieren que Macron obtenga una mayoría en la Asamblea Nacional, debido a sus políticas belicistas y contra la clase trabajadora.

Día Internacional del Trabajador del 2017
El peligro de la guerra nuclear en el noreste de Asia

Por Peter Symonds, 15 mayo 2017

Las amenazas contra Corea del Norte son parte de una confrontación más amplia con China, que los EE.UU. considera como el principal obstáculo para su hegemonía global.

New in French

Macron investi président de la République

Par Alexandre Lantier, 15 mai 2017

Le nouveau président et les médias étaient pris par un délire militariste et monarchiste qui est à présent largement répandu dans l'élite dirigeante française.

Les travailleurs de GM&S, placé en liquidation, menacent de faire sauter l'usine

Par Anthony Torres, 15 mai 2017

Pour mobiliser les travailleurs en solidarité avec les travailleurs de GM&S, il faut rompre avec les appareils syndicaux, qui soutiennent Macron.

Les racines politiques et sociales de l'hystérie anti-Russie du Parti démocrate

Par Andre Damon, 15 mai 2017

Le Parti démocrate et une grande partie des médias se sont emparés de la crise entourant le renvoi du directeur du FBI, James Comey, pour intensifier leur campagne antirusse.

Québec solidaire prépare une alliance avec le Parti québécois à son congrès

Par Richard Dufour, 15 mai 2017

Le rôle essentiel de QS est de ranimer le programme discrédité de l’indépendance, à savoir la formation d’une république capitaliste du Québec.

Le Parti travailliste du Royaume-Uni adopte un manifeste électoral militariste et propatronal

Par Robert Stevens, 15 mai 2017

Le manifeste du Parti travailliste a été adopté par les principaux dirigeants du parti, y compris Corbyn, officiellement de gauche, et ses critiques de l’aile droite (blairistes), car il contient toutes les exigences de ces derniers.

La ministre de la Défense Von der Leyen minimise l’importance de la cellule terroriste d’extrême droite au sein de l’armée allemande

Par Christoph Vandreier, 15 mai 2017

Il devient évident que l’armée allemande est un foyer d’extrémistes de droite et de néonazis.

L'élite dirigeante britannique célèbre la baisse de l'espérance de vie comme une aubaine pour les déficits des fonds de pension

Par Jean Shaoul, 15 mai 2017

Une forte réduction de l'espérance de vie stimule la «santé financière» des entreprises britanniques impliquées dans des régimes de retraite «à prestations déterminées».

New in German

Weshalb hetzen die US-Demokraten gegen Russland?

Von Andre Damon, 15. Mai 2017

Die US-Demokraten und große Teile der Medien reagieren auf die Entlassung von FBI-Direktor James Comey mit verstärkter antirussischer Hysterie.

NRW-Wahl: Dritte Wahlniederlage der SPD in Folge

Von Dietmar Henning, 15. Mai 2017

Bei der gestrigen Landtagswahl an Rhein und Ruhr erhielt die SPD-Grünen-Regierung von Hannelore Kraft die Quittung für ihre unsoziale Politik.

Neonazi-Netzwerk in der Bundeswehr weit größer als bisher bekannt

Von Johannes Stern, 15. Mai 2017

Dem Spiegel zufolge wird mittlerweile gegen sieben Personen ermittelt, die an den Vorbereitungen von Anschlägen gegen hochrangige deutsche Politiker beteiligt gewesen sein sollen.

Labour Party verabschiedet wirtschaftsfreundliches und militaristisches Wahlprogramm

Von Robert Stevens, 15. Mai 2017

Zwischen dem angeblich linken Flügel um Corbyn und dessen Kritikern auf der Rechten herrscht Einvernehmen über das Wahlprogramm, das alle wichtigen Forderungen der rechten Blair-Fraktion abdeckt.

„Bei einem amerikanisch-russischen Atomkrieg stirbt die gesamte Weltbevölkerung“
Atomwissenschaftler zur Gefahr eines Kriegs zwischen USA und Russland

Von Bryan Dyne und Barry Grey, 15. Mai 2017

Zwei amerikanische Atomwissenschaftler, Steven Starr und Greg Mello, konkretisieren im Gespräch mit der WSWS Ursachen und Folgen eines Atomkriegs.

New in Urdu

خطے کی کشیدہ صورتحال کے دوران افغانستان اور پاکستان کے درمیان سرحدی جھڑپیں

8. Mai 2017

جمعہ کے روز افغانستان اور پاکستان کے درمیان سرحدی تنازعے پر جھڑپوں میں تقریباً 12افراد ہلاک اوربہت سے لوگ زخمی بھی ہو ئے

New in Norwegian

Syriza-regjeringen i Hellas samtykker i ytterligere innstrammingstiltak

John Vassilopoulos, 6. Mai 2017

En avtale om å gjennomføre ytterligere 3,6 milliarder euro i nedskjæringer har blitt oppnådd mellom regjeringen i Hellas, ledet av partiet Syriza, og tjenestemenn fra EU og Det internasjonale pengfondet.

Atomeksperter snakker om farene ved krig mellom USA og Russland

Bryan Dyne und Barry Gray, 15. April 2017

Hvor nær er den nåværende situasjonen til en situasjon der det kommer til et sammenstøt og en militær opptrapping mellom USA og Russland som fører til atomkrig? Hvor mange mennesker vil dø i en slik konflikt? For å kaste lys over dette spørsmålet, snakket WSWS separat med to eksperter, Steven Starr og Greg Mello, om farene ved atomkrig.

Other Languages


Trump’s firing of Comey: A breakdown of constitutional government

15 May 2017

Decades of social and political reaction, unending war and the artificial suppression of class conflict are coming to a head.

Earlier Perspectives »


The global cyberattack, the NSA and Washington’s war propaganda against Russia

By Bill Van Auken, 15 May 2017

The cyberattack that hit some 200,000 computers around the world, using malicious software developed by the US National Security Agency, is only expected to escalate and spread in the coming days.

Worldwide ransomware attack linked to hacked NSA cyberwarfare arsenal

A new stage in the US health care counterrevolution

The political and social roots of the Democratic Party’s anti-Russia hysteria

By Andre Damon, 13 May 2017

Trump threatens Comey over leaked account of White House dinner

Washington’s political crisis over the Comey firing: A harbinger of revolutionary upheavals

The Nation blames white workers for Trump's election
Once again on race and the 2016 elections

New evidence of UAW vote-rigging in 2015 Ford contract
Part Two

Centenary of the Russian Revolution

This week in the Russian Revolution
May 15-21: Trotsky arrives in Petrograd

15 May 2017

Trotsky’s arrival is electrifying, providing a tremendous boost to the struggle being waged by Lenin and the Bolsheviks against the collaborationist, defensist, and opportunist forces that are currently in the Soviet’s majority.

From the archives of the Russian Revolution
Seventh All-Russian Bolshevik Conference: Resolution on the war

15 May 2017

This resolution on the war, drafted by Lenin, was passed at the Seventh All-Russian Bolshevik Conference, which took place in Petrograd (now St. Petersburg) from May 7 to 12 (April 24-29, O.S.).

Lecture on the centenary of the Russian Revolution
Lenin’s Return to Russia and the April Theses

By James Cogan, 8 May 2017

We are publishing here the text of a lecture delivered on Saturday, May 6, by James Cogan, national secretary of the Socialist Equality Party (Australia). The audio for the lecture is embedded in the text.

Chronology of the Russian Revolution »


No to war and militarism! Oppose political censorship at NYU! For equality and socialism!
Vote Isaac Oseas for NYU Student Senate

By Isaac Oseas—IYSSE candidate for NYU GSAS Student Senator, 12 May 2017

The IYSSE at NYU is running a candidate for NYU Student Senate to build a socialist, anti-war movement on campus and defend academic freedom.

New York University Student Activities Board rejects IYSSE appeal on club status: An act of political censorship

More on the fight for democratic rights at NYU »

Student parliament demands Humboldt University rescind support of Baberowski

By our correspondents, 29 April 2017

Demonstrators in Cologne support IYSSE fight for freedom of expression at Humboldt University

Open letter from the IYSSE to the president of Humboldt University in Berlin

More on the fight for historical truth »


Season 6 of HBO’s Girls: Ending with a whimper

By Ed Hightower, 15 May 2017

The few elements that might have been the show’s saving grace vanish in this final season as Girls dives hard into the morass of identity politics and “personal responsibility.”

Citizens Band, Something Wild, The Silence of the Lambs, Philadelphia …
Jonathan Demme (1944-2017): A talented filmmaker and a victim of stagnant times

By David Walsh, 13 May 2017

Workers Struggles

After Australian journalists’ strike
The political issues facing Fairfax workers

By the Socialist Equality Party (Australia), 11 May 2017

Free the Maruti Suzuki workers!

In wake of frame-up convictions of Maruti Suzuki workers
India’s finance minister meets with Maruti Suzuki chairman

By Shannon Jones, 12 May 2017

The tour was aimed at reassuring Japanese investors that India is committed to enforcing a low-wage regime.

“There is an air of worker rebellion in India and China”
A conversation with Professor Immanuel Ness on the Maruti Suzuki workers

By Jerry White, 4 May 2017

The frame-up of the Maruti Suzuki workers—Part 4: The police and company conspire against the workers

By Eric London and Keith Jones, 26 April 2017

More on the frame-up of Maruti Suzuki workers »

The ICFI's International May Day Online Rally

India: ICFI supporters hold May Day meeting in Bangalore

By our correspondents, 12 May 2017

The event was part of the Trotskyist movement’s commemoration of the centenary of the October 1917 Revolution.

May Day 2017: Lessons of history and the fight for socialism

By David North, 1 May 2017

Watch the video »

A political appraisal of the ICFI’s 2017 International May Day Online Rally

SEP Sri Lankan May Day meeting discusses threat of world war and lessons of Russian Revolution

Book Review

The Last Day of Oppression and the First Day of the Same: The Politics and Economics of the New Latin American Left
The pseudo-left’s appraisal of the “pink tide”: A recipe for further betrayals

By Eric London, 9 May 2017

Socialist Equality Party

SEP (Sri Lanka) calls for workers’ inquiry into Meethotamulla garbage dump disaster

By the Socialist Equality Party, 9 May 2017