Impact Hub and UNDP launch the 2017 edition of Accelerate2030

Impact Hub and UNDP are announcing the launch of the second edition of Accelerate2030, an international cross-border scaling program for impact-driven ventures. This year, ventures from 17 countries across 4 continents are encouraged to apply to this unique acceleration program, including Ukraine.

Report: Ukraine should channel support to SMEs through big banks

According to the report, which was prepared by the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting for UN Development Programme in March 2017, the newly-nationalized PrivatBank and the state savings bank Oschadbank would be the ideal conduit to pump funds into the more isolated areas of the country.

Parliaments: bastions of democracy or power elites’ hangouts?

While openness and transparency has risks for parliaments as they expose themselves to greater scrutiny, it’s the only way for parliaments to effectively play their role as each country’s main forum for democratic dialogue and decision-making. At the same time, it has become obvious that there is no direct link between transparency and public trust. An op-ed by Jonathan Murphy, Team Leader, EU-UNDP Rada for Europe Project

UN Score for eastern Ukraine

An annual survey measuring levels of social cohesion in eastern Ukraine - soon available to inform decision making and the design of solutions

[VIDEO] UNDP Community Security & Justice Conference

Two-day conferences on community security and justice, bringing together around 200 representatives of communities, local authorities, the media, the judiciary, the police, and civil society organizations from Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts, wound up on Thursday, April 27, 2017. UNDP presented the key finding of its new report, “Justice and Security: Perspectives of Communities in Three Oblasts.” The conference included a series of workshops and roundtable discussion between various stakeholders about community security and justice systems, and sought to identify problems and find solutions to the challenges that conflict-affected Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts are facing today.

When Information Gives Power: An open data platform helps patients get medicine

UNDP Deputy Country Director comments on the progress of health care reform in Ukraine achived during the past two years.

Civil society scrutinizes Ukraine’s human rights efforts ahead of UN Periodical Review

In November 2017, Ukraine will present its national report to the UN Human Rights Council under the 3rd cycle of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) mechanism. This provides the opportunity for each UN Member State to declare what actions they have taken to improve the human rights situation in their country, and to fulfil their human rights obligations.

[VIDEO] Active youth from Donbas on a study visit in Ivano-Frankivsk

A group of young representatives of NGOs in the Donbas has left on a fact-finding trip to Ivano-Frankivsk. There, they are to meet their counterparts from Teple Misto, an organization set up to develop the western Ukrainian city. The trip is one of a programme of visits designed to encourage peer-to-peer learning and best practice sharing between NGOs from around the country. The overall goal of the visits is to inspire activists from Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts to change their cities and communities for the better.

[WORLD HEMOPHILIA DAY] Patients with hemophilia will receive high-quality European medicines

The Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the United Nations Development Program report the completion of all procurement procedures for adult and child hemophilia medicines according to the agreement.

Only reforms can raise Ukraine’s human development index

With a Human Development Index of 0.743, Ukraine is now at the 84th place out of 188 countries and territories – down from the 81th place in 2015. This reflects reality in a country which has an armed conflict on its territory and is struggling to modernize its economic, political and social institutions.

[VIDEO] Infrastructure rehabilitation in conflict-affected Donbas

The restoration of critical infrastructure is a necessary requirement for the economic and social recovery of the conflict-affected regions in Ukraine. Since 2015, UNDP has rehabilitated 18 social and 10 economic infrastructure facilities that are of critical importance to the region.