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  1. Socialism and the Fight Against Imperialist War

    Socialism and the Fight Against Imperialist War

    One hundred years after the outbreak of World War One, mankind confronts the danger of a new and even greater catastrophe. An imperialist bloodbath is not only possible; it is inevitable unless the international working class intervenes on the basis of a revolutionary Marxist program. The International Committee of the Fourth International insists that the struggle against war is inseparable from the struggle for socialism. This pamphlet contains statements and resolutions of the ICFI, the Socialist Equality Party (US) and the Partei für Soziale Gleichheit of Germany on the fight against imperialist war. Learn More
  2. Science & Socialism

    Science & Socialism

    The progress of science and reason has always depended upon the progress of society and social relations. Capitalism is a social system in which all human activity, including science, is subordinated to private profit. Technology has been used, not to feed the world's population, but to develop ever more destructive weapons of war.

    The Trump administration has threatened funding to all US agencies that have contributed to the advancement of scientific understanding, while increasing the military budget by $54 billion.

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  3. Why Study the Russian Revolution

    Why Study the Russian Revolution

    David North answers the question with ten reasons, followed by a summary of the main events from the February revolution to the October seizure of power by the Bolshevik Party.

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  4. The Election of Donald Trump: The Insurrection of the Oligarchy (print)

    The Election of Donald Trump: The Insurrection of the Oligarchy (print)

    The eruption of mass opposition to US President Trump is an event of enormous importance. It poses the question of the program and leadership that will guide the mass social anger at the militaristic and socially reactionary policies of this administration.

    Trump is the true face of the capitalist oligarchy. The coming to power of his administration is not an aberration in an otherwise peaceful and democratic society, but the outcome of decades of social cuts, growing inequality and unending war, under both Democrats and Republicans.

    The series of articles in this pamphlet outline the political foundations for understanding the origin of Trump's victory and advance a socialist strategy for the working class, the only social force that can defeat the drive toward dictatorship and war. (Order 5 or more for $3/copy) Also available as ePub and Kindle

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  5. A Quarter Century of War: The US Drive for Global Hegemony 1990 - 2016

    A Quarter Century of War: The US Drive for Global Hegemony 1990 - 2016

    Beginning with the first Persian Gulf conflict of 1990–91, the United States has been at war continuously for a quarter century. While using propaganda catchphrases, such as “defense of human rights” and “War on Terror,” to conceal the real aims of its interventions in the Middle East, Central Asia, and Africa, as well as its confrontation with Russia and China, the United States has been engaged in a struggle for global hegemony.

    The essays and lectures in this volume, informed by a Marxist understanding of the contradictions of American and world imperialism, analyze the progression of military interventions and geopolitical crises as they have developed over the past quarter century, not as a sequence of isolated episodes, but as moments in the unfolding of an interconnected historical process.

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  6. The Political Lessons of the Bernie Sanders Campaign: What the World Socialist Web Site said

    The Political Lessons of the Bernie Sanders Campaign: What the World Socialist Web Site said

    The Sanders campaign constitutes a major political experience for the American working class. But it is also an international experience with important lessons for workers and youth around the world. The presidential bid of the so-called “democratic socialist” from Vermont is one of a number of similar political phenomena involving bourgeois politicians and parties that employ radical phrases and posture as left opponents of austerity and war in order to contain rising working class opposition and keep it trapped within the confines of the existing political and economic system. order 5 or more for $3.00/copy Learn More
  7. The Commissar Vanishes (new edition)

    The Commissar Vanishes (new edition)

    "In The Commissar Vanishes (1997), King investigated and exposed the falsification of Soviet history practiced by the Stalinist regime, as inconvenient figures were excised from photographs and art works. King commented: 'The physical eradication of Stalin's political opponents at the hands of the secret police was swiftly followed by their obliteration from all forms of pictorial existence.' "'In one notorious example (which appears on the cover of the book), a photograph of Stalin with three other Communist Party leaders (including Sergey Kirov) taken in the mid-1920s is worked over through the years, with all of the other figures eventually disappearing, finally leaving by 1940, in a painting based on the photo, only the gravedigger of the revolution.'" WSWS Arts Editor David Walsh Learn More
  8. The Sky Between the Leaves: Film Reviews, Essays and Interviews 1992 - 2012 (hardcover)

    The Sky Between the Leaves: Film Reviews, Essays and Interviews 1992 - 2012 (hardcover)

    A unique collection of film reviews, essays on film and interviews with directors and film critics by WSWS Art and Culture Editor David Walsh spanning the 20 years from 1992-2012. (hardcover) Learn More
  9. The political significance of the US oil workers strike

    The political significance of the US oil workers strike

    This pamphlet contains a selection of articles first published by the World Socialist Web Site on the strike by US oil workers that began in February 1, 2015. They are vital reading for all wishing to gain a deeper understanding of this significant movement of the working class in the heart of world capitalism. The development of this strike, after decades in which the unions have attempted to suppress the class struggle, is a symptom of immense social tensions in the United States. It reflects the deep resentment felt by working people over declining living standards under conditions where the stock market and corporate profits are at record levels. Learn More
  10. The war comes home: Race, class & police violence in America

    The war comes home: Race, class & police violence in America

    This pamphlet draws the connection between the growth of police violence in the United States and the erection of a police military intelligence apparatus that operates without any legal or constitutional constraints. There is a parallel between intensifying police violence at home and the pursuit of war overseas.

    The growth of social inequality is at the heart of the destruction of democratic rights, and as such is directed at the entire working class - black, white, Hispanic and immigrant alike. Obama, the president of "Hope and Change", bolsters the American elite's War on Terror, imposing ever greater restrictions on fundamental rights; on the other hand, the administration relies on proponents of identity politics, such as Democratic Party operative Al Sharpton, to confuse and divide the working class.

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