After Losing A Combined 262kg, This Couple Is Getting Married

15/05/2017 6:23 AM AEST | Updated 15/05/2017 6:24 AM AEST

Now here's a love story that will get your heart pumping.

Ronnie Brower and Andrea Masella lost a combined 578 pounds over the last four years. And on Saturday, they'll be tying the knot in Syracuse, New York.

The pair first met at Mission Fitness gym in Syracuse two years ago while they were both on major weight loss journeys.

"I was just really inspired by him and I thought he was super cute," Masella told the Associated Press. "We started talking at the gym and I hate to sound cliche, but it was love at first sight."

In 2013, doctors told Brower ― then 675 pounds― that he could die if he did not make immediate changes to his lifestyle. He gave up drugs and alcohol, began working out, adopted a low-carb diet and has since lost more than 450 pounds.

"I was depressed, addicted to pills and alcohol, eating 10 double cheeseburgers or two large pizzas at a time," Brower told AP. "My turning point was, my doctor told me if I kept on like this I'd be dead before I was 30. I was 28."

In 2014, Masella embarked on her own weight loss journey after hitting 250 pounds. The 5-foot-4 hairdresser has since lost 120.

"Both of us came from a place where food was our coping mechanism," Masella told "We've gone through counseling and have figured out why we ate that way."

On their first date, the couple played ping pong and basketball at the gym. They hit it off right away.

"I instantly knew something was there," Brower told

For the role of best man, Brower chose his personal trainer Nick Murphy, who had told him years ago that he would someday find a woman who shared his interests in health and fitness. Murphy was right.

"This is a story you could make a movie about," Murphy said. "It's a match made in heaven."

For more on their love story, watch the video above.


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