Treasury warns banks that tax rate could rise

''At the very least, the government needs to put this process on hold'': ABA's Anna Bligh.
''At the very least, the government needs to put this process on hold'': ABA's Anna Bligh. Alex Ellinghausen

Treasury has told the banks that the new bank tax must hit an annual revenue target of $1.5 billion a year, meaning any carve-outs granted as part of the consultation process will have to be recouped through a higher rate than the proposed 0.06 per cent.

The warning was issued during a briefing in Sydney on Thursday with Treasury officials which the banks said raised more questions than it answered.

The banks demanded the government at least delay the introduction of its $6.2 billion tax hit after Treasury officials were unable to answer basic questions about the impost, including how the revenue estimate was calculated.

While the briefing answered some questions, overall it only escalated the ill-feeling between the banks and the government, especially after they were given just three days to make a submission, and a further 24 hours to comment on the legislation before it is put through Parliament.

The banks are not ruling out a mining tax style campaign, which would highlight the impact on shareholders and customers, to fight the tax.

"The banks are reserving their right, like every part of the Australian community, to do what they think is the best to influence the government. They will consider that over the coming weeks," said Australia Bankers Association chief executive officer Anna Bligh.

'It's self inflicted to some degree'

However, one chief executive, ANZ's Shayne Elliott, accepted the tax's passage through Parliament was "inevitable" due to the political situation and said it was time to move on and rebuild what was a shattered relationship between the banks and the Parliament.

Mr Elliott told The Australian Financial Review that while ANZ opposed the tax and, like other banks, would most likely pass on the costs, he said the banks must share some of the blame because past indiscretions had made them an "easy target".

"It's self-inflicted to some degree by the industry with individual issues and we became an easy target as a result," he said.

"We should have done a better job at explaining how we're changing but the government was in a difficult position.

"We should have done a better job of explaining the more positive roles we play as taxpayers and employers."

'I'm not having a war'

Treasurer Scott Morrison, who has the backing of Labor, the Greens and most micro-parties, dug in his heels on Thursday over the the tax, which will be a 0.06 per cent levy on the big four banks plus Macquarie.

"I'm not having a war with the banks," he insisted.

"What we've simply done in the budget is address a number of measures and this includes a very fair and reasonable levy on the major banks.

"It's $1.5 billion [a year] out of a total [annual] profit pool over $30 billion. This levy's in, this tax is staying on the banks."

Finance Minister Mathias Cormann said the government did not target foreign banks such as Citi or HSBC because they were small banks in the Australian market.

"We had to look for revenue measures and we made a judgment that, in all of the circumstances, the major banks in Australia, the biggest banks in Australia, who between them make more than $30 billion a year in after-tax profits, had the capacity to contribute to budget repair," he said.

'Serious questions need to be asked'

Following the briefing by Treasury officials, the ABA's Ms Bligh said more questions were raised than answered. This included how the $6.2 billion revenue estimate was calculated, how the tax would affect transactions between the five banks and the Reserve Bank of Australia and exactly which of the banks' commercial activities would be captured by the tax.

The banks were told the tax would be levied on derivatives, intergroup transfers and liabilities held in offshore branches, and that it would be able to be deducted from corporate income tax payments and would not generate franking credits.

The information, however, raised additional questions from the banks that Treasury was not able to respond to at the meeting. For example, the inclusion of derivatives raised questions about how they would be netted, while the inclusion of offshore branches raised questions about how the levy would impact on double-tax arrangements under international tax law.

The banks were told they had until Monday to make a submission and when the draft legislation was released next week, just 24 hours to respond – timelines the ABA said were impossible and ridiculous, given the paucity of information.

"Serious questions need to be asked about the indecent haste with which this new bill is being shoe-horned into Parliament in a way that will avoid normal drafting and review processes and the scrutiny that should accompany such a critically important piece of legislation," Ms Bligh said.

"At the very least, the government needs to put this process on hold and start where it should have started in the first place, and that is detailed discussions with banking representatives who understand the daily business of banking, both here in Australia and globally, before they take this any further."

Asked if the banks would mount a public campaign, Ms Bligh said the institutions "will reserve the right to continue to prosecute this issue in a number of ways".

"Obviously they will be talking to the government. Obviously they will continue to make public statements they feel very concerned about.

"Where the campaign goes after that is something the banks will consider when they have a better idea, frankly, what this means for them and their customers."