Joint Implementation (JI) - Home

Joint Implementation

Under Joint Implementation, countries with commitments under the Kyoto Protocol are eligible to transfer and/or acquire emission reduction units (ERUs) and use them to meet part of their emission reduction target.

Learn more by reading about 10 highlighted JI projects

JI Governance - meetings and documentation

+ JISC 40 report available more »
+ CMP 12 adopted decisions on JI more »
+ JISC annual report to CMP available more »
+ JISC 39 report available more »

ERU issuance

In response to a request by Parties at the UN Climate Change Conference in Doha, Qatar, the secretariat regularly publishes an updated table of issuances of emission reduction units.

Latest JI News RSS

  • + CMP 12 adopted decision on guidance on the implementation of article 6 of the Kyoto Protocol more »

  • + CMP 12 adopted decision on the review of the joint implementation guidelines more »

  • + Decision 4/CMP.12 more »

  • + Decision 5/CMP.12 more »

JI Calendar: 2017

May 2017

+40th Meeting of the JISC on 19 May in Bonn, Germany more »

JI Audio Files View all