Federal Politics


Australia's alliance with the United States mutes our influence in Asia

It was heartening to see former opposition leader John Hewson calling last month for a more independent foreign policy. But his comments raise the question: why do politicians wait until they retire before they query the United States alliance?

In an article for Fairfax Media, published shortly before Malcolm Turnbull met Donald Trump, Hewson said it was all too easy for Australia to just get sucked along with the US.

"It is now fundamentally important for Turnbull to initiate an urgent national debate on how best to position our nation relative to these risks and threats," Hewson wrote. "He must set out his government's detailed assessment of the situation and the main diplomatic and military options to be considered in our national interest, including a formal parliamentary debate on these issues."

Former Liberal prime minister Malcolm Fraser also saw good reason to question Australia's commitment to the US alliance. His views were summarised by former Labor foreign minister Gareth Evans as "the only aggression for which we are likely to need American defence will be that prompted by the alliance itself."

There's never been a better time than now to distance ourselves from the US. It has an unpredictable president who can be relied on for only one thing: putting his and America's interests first. Australia's priorities rank low in Trump's thinking, no matter what Trump told Turnbull in his 45-minute audience.

Being seen to be Trump's man in the Asia Pacific carries many more risks than benefits, not least because it's impossible to know where he stands. In campaigning for president, Trump talked tough on China, promising to tackle its "currency manipulation" and claiming that Barack Obama was weak in defending international waters in the South China Sea.


But he now seems to have dropped his threat to impose a 45 per cent tariff on Chinese imports and appears to have moved away from the US's belligerent, confrontational policy in the South China Sea. According to The New York Times, since Trump's inauguration, the Pentagon has turned down Pacific Command's request for US warship patrols in China's proclaimed territorial waters.

The speculation is that Trump sees more value in winning China's support for his campaign to confront North Korea over its nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs.

But the election of Moon Jae-in as South Korea's President now challenges Trump's confrontational approach. Moon wants talks with North Korea, an approach also favoured by China.

Rather than automatically adopting the US position, Australia is ideally placed to counsel caution. After all, if this matter is to be resolved without war, at some point the parties have to start talking. Why not now?

In his book Dangerous Allies, published in 2014, Malcolm Fraser argued that an independent Australia could act much more effectively in concert with other western Pacific countries to avoid flashpoints and promote initiatives to maintain peace throughout the region.

He argued that, as a part of an American network, we are regarded merely as a surrogate voice of America and therefore wield no true influence.

Andrew Wilkie observed that intelligence agencies tend to attract people committed to the US alliance and the status quo.

Fraser maintains that a US policy of containing China – aiming to weaken China politically and economically – cannot succeed. China's trade and international influence will continue to grow regardless.

To many of us, this seems evident. So why do our elected politicians, Labor and Coalition, never mind our supposedly expert and fearless advisers in the departments of foreign affairs and defence, not see it?

With the exception of Andrew Wilkie, who resigned from the Office of National Assessments because of his objection to the Iraq War, the professionals in these departments have never shown any inclination to deliver independent advice. They were nowhere to be seen as Australia marched deeper into the mud of Vietnam and uttered not a peep when Australia joined the illegal invasion of Iraq.

Wilkie observed that intelligence agencies tend to attract people committed to the US alliance and the status quo. He also noted that staff were reluctant to challenge government policies and were even inclined to second-guess them.

Staff are rewarded for not rocking the boat. Frank and fearless advice doesn't pay. There's no promotion and no attractive posting in the departments for anyone who questions the US alliance.

On top of that, the politicians fear doing anything that might be a little ahead of the electorate. According to the Lowry Institute in 2016, 71 per cent of Australians thought the US alliance was important to Australia, with 42 per cent of these ranking it very important. But support has been falling over the years, and I suspect the election of Trump, whom Australians widely regarded as a joke, will see support drop significantly when the next poll is taken.

Electors' views influence politicians and politicians influence the electorate's views. Yet, other than the Greens, no political party is questioning the alliance.

Just after Trump's election, Labor's foreign affairs spokeswoman, Penny Wong, tentatively called for a rethink of our relationship with the US. But five days later, presumably after being spoken to by Labor leader Bill Shorten, she backed off, saying the alliance "remains as central to Australia's security today as it was in John Curtin's time" and "it acts as a deterrent to potential aggressors, provides our defence forces with leading edge technologies and opportunities for cooperation, training and intelligence sharing, and gives Australia an ability to influence the world's leading great power".

It should be noted here that, until late last year, Shorten had Stephen Conroy as his defence spokesman, and Conroy foolishly and provocatively proposed that Australia authorise its forces to both sail and fly over Chinese artificial islands in the South China Sea. Even Trump now finds that excessive.

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop rightly responded to Conroy's statement by saying Australia should work to reduce tensions in the region, not increase them. Hopefully, we will hear more of that.