

Federal budget 2017: the illusion of action, in the absence of thoughtful policy

Let's begin with a pie in the face, because we had two of these last week. The physical one, with its cream and meringue, was delivered by hand to Qantas's Alan Joyce. The metaphorical one, with added lashings of vitriol, was thrown at the bankers. Both events created headlines; neither will change a thing.

A former farmer, 67-year-old Tony Overheu, might feel better for having smeared cream over Joyce's face. However, the reality is he simply exposed the growing impotence and incoherence of the anti-gay marriage lobby. He's angry because his world's changing around him.

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Man who shoved pie in Qantas boss' face explains why

The man who threw a pie in Alan Joyce's face has explained his actions. Vision: Nine News Perth.

Overheu heard Peter Dutton telling chief executives to "mind their knitting" and stop their "social activism". And, critically, Overheu thought he was part of the moral majority, because that's the way the conservatives have defined Australia.

Instead, however, his need to resort to a stunt (that backfired badly) has simply exposed the underlying bankruptcy of his increasingly marginalised position. The country has moved on. No one today would try to stop an inter-racial marriage; the very idea is anathema. Similarly, if two people really want to get married, most people will just shrug their shoulders and say "why not"?

Overheu though his stunt would galvanise the silent majority. It has, but not in the way he's expected. I, for example, hadn't previously perceived same-sex marriage as a significant issue. Now I do. He's forced me to act, because I certainly don't want to be counted among the depleted ranks of Overheu's sad, isolated supporters.

Which leads us, ineluctably, to last week's other "stunt".


This antic was preformed by a man impersonating a federal treasurer; the person responsible for charting our long-term economic settings. Scott Morrison, however, has squibbed that role, deciding to act instead like a schoolyard bully.

At least he got his target right this time because, even at the best of times, everyone hates bankers. Particularly greedy ones.

Morrison must have thought all his Christmases had come at once when, on a trip to England, he discovered that Britain had found a way to punish bankers. "Goodie," he must have thought, "I'll do that, too, and everyone will love me!" He ignored the fact that the situation there is very different to the one here. So the Treasurer ended up making the rules as he went along, acting capriciously, and creating policy on the run.

There are very good reasons to slap charges on organisations that possess government guarantees to operate – after all, nothing comes free these days (with the exception of good advice in The Canberra Times). But the way to do that is through good, equitable and logical policy, not by imposing special taxes simply to soak those who can pay. Morrison's actions are nothing more than a stunt, implemented simply because he well knows we all hate the banks. He has isolated a profitable (but disliked) sector that he thinks he can touch up for a bit of money.

The trouble is that banks are so hard to defend, especially for this columnist. Take the Commonwealth Bank's Ian Narev, who jumped up asserting that the people who'll pay for the government's new tax are either customers or shareholders. But there's another group of "stakeholders" involved in this sector: highly overpaid executives like himself (salary of $12,300,000). It apparently hasn't occurred to him, not for one instant, that much of the angst generated among ordinary customers originates in the extraordinary largess such executives award themselves for doing jobs that could be done just as effectively by your neighbourhood neurologist.

Bankers' salaries are exorbitant. But the proper way to target them is not to design a new tax for the sector, as Morrison has. Rather, it is to design effective policy that will level the playing field and nurture competition. This government has acted in a manner that's directly contrary to liberal principles. One cannot escape the image of a younger Morrison casting his eyes around the playground, wondering whom he can pick on next.

Morrison must have thought all his Christmases had come at once when he discovered Britain had found a way to punish bankers.

Is that why he added Macquarie Bank to the ranks of the big four, singling it out for special treatment? This particular bit of bastardy certainly doesn't appear to be about good policy, but rather seems to have far more to do with Macquarie's innovative use of the government's guarantee to make lots of money during the financial crisis. In other words, it's about thuggery; punishing success.

By all means, target those who extract far too much money from the system. Redistribute wealth and rein in obscene profits. But do so in an even-handed way by using robust policy settings; not by suddenly seizing on an idea you heard about over a coffee and crumpet in Threadneedle Street.

Which brings us finally to Labor's budget-in-reply speech. If only Bill Shorten could have resisted his own temptation to traverse the low ground. This column pointed out the impending funding shortfall for the national disability insurance scheme months ago. At least the government is hypothecating a solution.

Labor has none. Tax changes need to be designed at the macro level, not by suddenly announcing you'll slug the rich another 2 per cent.

But why should we be surprised to find that both parties have ditched proper policy development? Stunts are so much easier.

Nicholas Stuart is a Canberra writer.