Vice President PenceOvjeren akaunt


Husband, father, and honored to serve as the 48th Vice President of the United States. Tweets may be archived: .

Washington, D.C.
Pridružio/la se siječanj 2017.


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  1. prije 17 sati

    On congrats to Brittany Boccher, 2017 Military Spouse of the Year! Great to meet you at this week

  2. prije 18 sati

    Outstanding afternoon. "I've often said there's nothing better for the inside of a man than the outside of a horse." -Pres. Reagan

  3. prije 18 sati

    Thank you to Crow Nation tribal leaders for an incredible horseback tour of Absaloka Mine with & .

  4. prije 23 sata

    On our flight to Montana, briefed me on our upcoming listening session with business and energy leaders.

  5. 12. svi

    Glad to have on board Air Force II headed to meet the people of Montana!

  6. 12. svi
  7. 11. svi

    Headed west tomorrow for events in Montana. Will be the first sitting VP to visit Billings, MT in a decade. Follow along using !

  8. 11. svi

    Proud to chair ' bipartisan Presidential Commission on Election Integrity to ensure honesty in the American election system.

  9. 11. svi

    It was humbling to join people of faith at the first-ever World Summit in Defense of Persecuted Christians:

  10. 11. svi

    Under , America condemns persecution of any faith, of any kind, in any place, at any time, and we will combat it with all our might.

  11. 11. svi

    This President is confronting those who commit terror – no matter the home, hut, or cave in which they try to hide.

  12. 11. svi

    The Christian communities where the message of our Lord was first uttered and embraced are often targets of unspeakable atrocity.

  13. 11. svi

    America was, & is, & ever will be that gleaming city on a hill – where men & women of faith can walk openly & worship freely.

  14. 11. svi

    I’m here on behalf of as a tangible sign of his commitment – a commitment to defending Christians & all who suffer for their beliefs.

  15. 11. svi

    TUNE IN! I'm speaking in D.C. at the World Summit in Defense of Persecuted Christians NOW ➡️

  16. 11. svi

    Today I met with Foreign Minister & emphasized unwavering U.S. support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

  17. 10. svi

    Another busy day but made sure to take time while I was on Capitol Hill to say hello to visitors from all over the U.S.

  18. 10. svi

    Welcomed to the today, an org. that plays a key role in the lives of the American people & the life of our nation

  19. 10. svi

    (3/3) We have great men & women serving the FBI. I'm confident will choose an individual who will lead FBI to even greater heights.

  20. 10. svi

    (2/3) provided strong & decisive leadership to restore trust & confidence of the American people in the FBI.

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