Elders profit Record stock prices lift Elders’ profit

Record stock prices lift Elders’ profit
Australia’s record livestock and wool prices are helping lift profits for agribusiness company Elders.

Internal feud Ire without smoke at Yeend’s cannabis company

Ire without smoke at Yeend’s cannabis company
THEY had high hopes to set up a medicinal cannabis business in South Australia, but there’s been a serious falling-out within entrepreneur Shane Yeend-backed Australian Cannabis Corporation.

Rebranding BHP goes back to the future in giant PR exercise

BHP goes back to the future in giant PR exercise
BHP Billiton will today launch a $10 million advertising campaign to win over the hearts and minds of the nation it owes its existence to, and change its name — back to BHP.

Recovery Dairy farmers tackle food chain

Dairy farmers tackle food chain
SA dairy farmers are seeing some hope for their struggling industry as Murray Goulburn makes changes.

Mining laws Farmers firing up over mining laws

Farmers firing up over mining laws
Yorke Peninsula farmers are firing up as they lobby for dramatic changes to South Australia’s mining laws.

Assist Finance $10m gone , ‘ no need to repay’

$10m gone , ‘ no need to repay’
A South Australian finance company controlled by former BRW Rich Lister Jason Di Iulio should not have to repay almost $10 million to investors, the Federal Court has ruled.

Trade war Trading insults over exports

Trading insults over exports
A WAR of words has broken out over the best way South Australia can get a bigger slice of the nation’s export pie.

Building awards Industry veteran builds up big wins

Industry veteran builds up big wins
AN industry veteran with four decades of experience has taken top honours at the Australian Institute of Building’s local awards night.

Shareholder Pain Boart shareholders drilled

Boart shareholders drilled
BOART Longyear’s long-suffering shareholders will be left with just 2 per cent of the company if a proposal to recapitalise the embattled drilling firm is accepted at a meeting on June 13

Real Estate Relationships count, says real estate stalwart

Relationships count, says real estate stalwart
FLARES and disco fever were the rage when Bernard Booth first went it alone with his self-titled real estate agency in 1977.

Acquisition Acquisition a Jem of an idea for Xped

Acquisition a Jem of an idea for Xped
AN Adelaide start-up that has gained international attention for its cutting edge software has been acquired by a publicly listed South Australian company for close to $1 million.

Australia first Warning on steel protectionism

Warning on steel protectionism
POLITICIANS demanding that only steel produced in Whyalla be used in the Federal Government’s $8.4 billion inland rail program must be careful what they wish for, an international trade expert says.

Banking Banks in dark over $6.2bn levy

Banks in dark over $6.2bn levy
THE big banks warn they could miss a crucial deadline to provide information to the federal government as it rushes to legislate for the controversial new bank tax.

Loggerheads Fears KI wharf project will create tourist risk

Fears KI wharf project will create tourist risk
OPPONENTS of a proposed wharf on Kangaroo Island are ramping up their campaign against the project claiming roads will be “irreversibly damaged” and tourists put at risk by logging trucks delivering to the site.

Budget fallout Bank levy ‘a tax on every Australian’

Bank levy ‘a tax on every Australian’
THE CEO of one of Australia’s big four banks has warned that the new levy announced in last night’s Budget will be passed on to customers.

RETAIL Retail hit by confidence slump

Retail hit by confidence slump
AUSTRALIAN retailers had a lacklustre trading period in March, hit by poor consumer confidence, unseasonable weather and other economic woes, says the Australian Retailers’ Association (ARA).

Decision time Angas to seek extension approval — again

Angas to seek extension approval — again
INVESTORS in Angas Securities’ troubled $220 million debenture fund will be asked for the third time if the Adelaide-based firm should retain control of the fund’s remaining assets.

Port Adelaide China match to Power SA firms

China match to Power SA firms
A SELECT group of businesses will have the chance to pitch to Chinese investors next month as part of Port Adelaide Football Club’s China engagement strategy.

Fast Movers Every dog has its day

Every dog has its day
A PROGRAM to promote the state’s fastest growing companies has gone to the dogs. Or, more accurately, to a couple charged with caring for them.

Business SA Payroll tax toll on jobs

Payroll tax toll on jobs
Business SA argues its case for slashing a tax it says is a major block to new jobs.

Largest ever Pacific deal for Redflow

Pacific deal for Redflow
AUSTRALIAN energy storage company Redflow will supply $800,000 worth of batteries across the Pacific Islands in its largest ever deal.

Subs set for CBD building jobs take off

Subs set for CBD building jobs take off
ADELAIDE building subcontractors are set for a work bonanza as two more CBD projects get up and running.

AWARDS Rewards for building SA

Rewards for building SA
The Civil Contractors Federation - South Australian (CCF SA), a proud SA business, has 600 company members who in turn employ up to 50,000 South Australians.

CCF SA Hall of Fame River Murray firm realises dream

River Murray firm realises dream
FOUR of South Australia’s outstanding contributors to the civil contracting industry have been presented with 2017 President’s Lifetime Achievement Awards from CCF SA.

New report Policy reform is vital for growth

Policy reform is vital for growth
AUSTRALIA’S poor productivity growth must be addressed, the Australian Institute of Company Directors has warned, adding the country does not have a “buffer” to fall back on should the economy falter.

Leadership Company ‘doctor’ goes to heart of the matter

Company ‘doctor’ goes to heart of the matter
AUSTRALIAN businesswoman Launa Inman has turned around the fortunes of Target Australia and Billabong International. Now, she is sharing her story from life and education in Rhodesia (Zimbabwe), to celebrated company executive.

Bad medicine Visa crackdown ‘threat to medical research’

Visa crackdown ‘threat to medical research’
A CRACKDOWN on foreign workers could jeopardise South Australia’s aspiration of becoming a global medical research capital, industry leaders warn.

Exclusive Feds buy Techport from SA for $230 million

Feds buy Techport from SA for $230 million
UPDATED: The Federal Government has bought the shipbuilder Techport from the SA Government for $230 million.

Portrait of a company doctor

Former Billabong CEO, Launa Inman, in Melbourne
High-profile director Launa Inman oversaw restructures of Target Australia and surf wear company Billabong

Infrastructure row ‘All lies’: SA’s Budget funding war of words gets nastier

‘All lies’: SA’s Budget funding war of words gets nastier
STATE Transport Minister Stephen Mullighan has accused an independent statutory body of lying as the war of words over infrastructure funding intensifies.