UNDP all geared up for operational effectiveness and efficiency

Feb 27, 2017

In an effort to improve operational efficiency and effectiveness to deliver UNDP’s commitment to the government of Tanzania i.e. through the Country Programme Document (CPD) 2016-2021 and the United Nations Development Assistance Plan phase II (UNDAPII); the operation unit conducted a three-day retreat which kicked off from 22nd February to 24th February.

The main purpose for this retreat  was to plan, discuss and agree on a plan of action which will result  to better delivery of UNDP’s programme and projects.  On the agenda, there was a deliberate focus on support to procurement , Human resource management, programme financing also on how to integrate ICT and innovation in operations and communications.

Some of the achievements that were made are

  1. Adoption of the 2017 operation priorities and Work plan
  2. Review and update of the SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures)
  3. Creation of a Business process improvement committee to work in simplifying BPs (Business Process) and to clarify the policy of the supporting documents for each BPs.
The operations team is now geared up to deliver quality services observing efficiency and effectiveness. UNDP looks forward to serving you.