mechanic in Kosovo
FEATURED GLOBAL GOAL | Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth

Even though the number of workers living in extreme poverty has declined dramatically in the last 25 years, we are seeing slower growth, widening inequalities, and not enough jobs to keep up with a growing labour force. According to the International Labour Organization, more than 204 million people were unemployed in 2015. Encouraging entrepreneurship and job creation are key to effectively eradicate forced labour, slavery and human trafficking. With these targets in mind, the goal is to achieve full and productive employment, and decent work, for all women and men by 2030.

Demining Bosnia
FEATURE: Demining returns land back to the people in Bosnia and Herzegovina

20 years after the war, mines remain a major threat to nearly 550,000 people across Bosnia and Herzegovina. A new UNDP programme is now working to accelerate the demining process.

life-saving medicines Moldova
NEWS: Life-saving medicines to reach 3,800 people living with HIV/AIDS

The UNDP delivered its first batch of medicines in Moldova, under a new project designed to make sure the most vulnerable people get their treatments on time.

Meeting in Bosnia and Herzegovina
NEWS: New 10 million EUR initiative to help boost citizen engagement across the Western Balkans

UNDP and the European Union launched an ambitious programme to substantially increase the involvement of civil society organizations in local development efforts in the Western Balkans.

lgbti albania human rights
BLOG POST: How can we promote respect for LGBTI rights in Albania?

The LGBTI community in Albania has been struggling to get their rights recognized. Discrimination and psychological violence are some of the problems they experience. What has been done to improve the situation?

dangerous chemicals Turkey
FEATURE: A hidden environmental danger lurks in Turkey

Hundreds of tons of chemicals, which may cause cancer upon contact, are kept in a storage site in Kocaeli, Turkey.

Cyprus Kosovo* heritage day
FEATURE: Fixing landmarks, mending relationship

On World Heritage Day, we're taking you on a tour of some of our restored sites in Cyprus and Kosovo*, where we're bringing communities together to restore public monuments.

ukraine crowdfunding
BLOG POST: How do you inspire entrepreneurship in a conflict-affected region?

The armed conflict in eastern Ukraine has not only disrupted everyday life in the regions of Donetsk and Luhansk, but also led to staggering unemployment. Out of 23 major enterprises in Luhansk region, 19 are currently not operating, while half of the enterprises in Donetsk region have lost about 950,000 jobs.

Intersex video Kris Serbia
BLOG POST: Being intersex is hard, our silence makes it harder

A few weeks ago, during our sub-regional dialogue on #BeingLGBTI, we met Kris, an intersex and a trans person and an activist from Serbia, working actively on LGBTI rights issues. Kris has an intimate understanding of issues faced by intersex people and their families both through his personal experiences and professional work.

montenegro eco-friendly tourism
FEATURE: Montenegro makes carbon neutral tourism possible

A web-based carbon calculator is helping eco-sensitive tourists reducing their carbon footprint during their stay among the natural beauties of Montenegro.

Roma woman and baby
FEATURE: For Roma, without papers it’s hard to exist

Without legal residency or identity cards, Flurija and Ali can’t officially marry, work or apply for social assistance. Like many Roma, they are stuck in a cycle of poverty, due in large part to their exclusion from the systems tasked with assisting them.

Roma children
NEWS: In Brussels, support for Roma integration gets a boost

The EU, UNDP, the World Bank, and the Council of Europe launched three new projects to support Roma integration in the Western Balkans and Turkey.

Yelyna bog
FEATURE: The wardens of Yelnya: Protecting a Belarusian bog

Since 1999, efforts have been ongoing to restore and preserve Belarus' Yelnya bog, which has reduced in size from 2,400,000 to 814,00 hectares since the 1950s.

8 women
VIDEO: 8 jobs. 8 stories. 8 women.

From Albania to Tajikistan, celebrate creativity, entrepreneurship and women’s empowerment at the workplace.