Destiny 2: Release date confirmation, story info, first trailer... and everything you need to know

Fast facts

  • Destiny 2 release date: 8 September 2017
  • Formats: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC
  • Developer: Bungie
  • Price: TBA, likely $59.99 / £49.99

It's official: Destiny 2 will release in September 2017.

Though some of us still comb the Cosmodrome to finish up old Quests and slog our way through the latest Record book (I’m still only at 71%, Guardian), others are looking towards a new Destiny dawn, one that sees the destruction of the last city on Earth, and a flaming hole where our beloved tower once stood. Sniff.

Bungie has been playing its Destiny 2 cards close to its chest and there’s still a lot we don’t know (not for certain, anyways), but if you’re desperate for the very latest snippets, news, rumours and red-hot speculation, we’ve got your back. Dive in for the very latest Destiny 2 news and make sure to come back often - this page is regularly updated.

Read on for everything we know about Destiny 2 so far.

Destiny 2's release date has been confirmed

Bungie has confirmed Destiny 2 will release on September 8, 2017.

A poster / logo showing what looks like the Traveler eclipsing the moon (or sun) followed recent rumours about a September 9th release date and beta access for those who pre-order the game. 

Bungie has also released a teaser trailer featuring Cayde-6. It seems the proverbial has hit the fan and things are no longer quite so serene at The Tower, or the earth city below. There are Red Cabal smashing down walls, robot bartenders, and plenty of wisecracks to be had, and - naturally - it's up to you to sort it all out. 

Interestingly, the publisher also detailed "follow-on content plans" which "set the stage for growth". Could this be an acknowledgement that Bungie may be moving away from Destiny 1's irregular expansion release program? Here's hoping we find out more soon...

Destiny 2 planets will be bigger destinations

You might expect a Destiny sequel to just keep on building on the same fundamentals the original has refined over three years of real-world experience. But it sounds like Bungie will set much all of that aside and go for a relatively clean slate instead.

Reports indicate that Destiny 2 will make each individual planet feel like a more complete destination. Right now the Patrol Maps are a bit Theme Parkish, with little attractions like Patrol Missions connecting the Mission and Strike roller coasters. Though you can't actually ride the roller coasters without leaving and re-entering the park first, so maybe this isn't the best metaphor. Anyway, in Destiny 2, you could find new outposts and towns as you explore the world, each harboring their own missions and storylines. So yeah, it sounds a lot more MMORPG-ish.

Destiny characters will transfer over some things... but not everything

Bungie has finally dropped some hints about what Guardians can - and cannot - take with them when they tackle the next threat in Destiny 2

Initially we weren’t sure if we’d be able to carry anything over, but according to a recent update, Guardians who’ve reached Level 20 and completed the Black Garden story mission (which should be most if not all of us, let’s face it) will be able to retain their class, race, gender, face, hair, and markings.

What won’t carry over is powers, possessions (that includes weapons... RIP, beloved Year 3 Gjallahorn), and any Eververse items, such as Silver and the emotes etc. you’ve purchased with it (goodbye, Grease-style dance).

"We believe this is the best path forward," Bungie said. "It allows us to introduce the major advancements and improvements that all of us expect from a sequel, ensuring it will be the best game we can create, unencumbered by the past. We’re looking forward to sharing more details with you later this year for how we will honor your legacy in the future."

Of course, you’ll still be able to access all your gear in the original game…  you just won’t be able to take it with you. I know. I feel your pain too, Guardian.

Destiny 2 is coming to PC, but there will still be PS4 timed-exclusives

It's official - Destiny 2 is coming to PC.

Hold up before you put in your Destiny 2 pre-order, though. Destiny 2 players on PS4 will once again have access to exclusive stuff before anybody else. The cinematic trailers for the newly revealed game on PlayStation's official YouTube account both end with a familiar bump and a soothing voice assuring viewers that you can "Get exclusive Destiny 2 content on PS4*". 

The asterisk is there because it's timed exclusive content, which is guaranteed to not be available on other platforms until "at least" Fall 2018. PS4-nots might have to wait even longer than that - the PlayStation exclusive content released with The Taken King two years ago is still only available on PlayStation.

The first Destiny remains a console-only affair, despite bridging two generations of gaming systems, so it'll be interesting to see what Bungie can do for the PCers. Gun perks that enhance aim assist, while great on joysticks, will likely be less significant for mouse and keyboard players. And a PC version would  be a helluva lot easier to datamine for spoilers, too...

Destiny 2 story has plenty of threads to pick up

In a investor call, Activision stated Destiny 2 will bring an accessible and "great" cinematic story" with "relatable characters".

We have a full article just for Destiny 2's story, based on hints found in the original game and connections from the grimoire to real-life mythology. And it wouldn't be Destiny if it wasn't really hard to summarize. But suffice to say it looks like Eris Morn, the Cult of Osiris, and even The Traveler itself will soon be cast in an entirely new light. Keep your friends close, your enemies closer, and the people who say they're your friends but seem kinda sketchy closest of all.

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