Latest news 

Discussion: Exceptional Measures for Exceptional Times, the Absolute Prohibition of Torture under Threat 

9 June 2017, Peace Palace, The Hague

14:00 to 18:00, followed by a reception 

REDRESS Nederland is organising this high-level discussion to bring together decision makers, diplomats, journalists, academics and representatives from relevant international organisations and civil society to discuss how best to respond to xenophobic and populist rhetoric that justifies and promotes torture in the name of national security and the fight against terrorism. The meeting will also explore the different facets of the absolute prohibition in the context of armed conflict. It will conclude with a roundtable discussion on innovative options for the way forward to re-affirm the absolute prohibition in the contemporary political environment.

To RSVP, please contact Jürgen Schurr, Head of REDRESS Nederland, at

Download the invitation here

A milestone for the protection of torture victims in Africa as first regional instrument on their right to redress is launched

The first-ever regional instrument on the right to redress for victims of torture and other prohibited ill-treatment was launched on 8 May 2017 by the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights.

The General Comment on the Right to Redress for Victims of Torture and Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Punishment offers much needed clarification to African Member States on their obligations towards victims of torture and ill-treatment. REDRESS, together with other human rights organisations, provided technical support to the CPTA during the development process of the General Comment.

Read a statement from the Pan-African Reparation Initiative

Photo credit: UN Photo by Stuart Price




Case updates

Turkey: REDRESS among international observers monitoring Doctor Serdar Küni’s trial

On 24 April 2017, REDRESS’ Director Carla Ferstman joined a group of international organisations to observe the second hearing of the trial against Serdar Küni, a doctor and veteran human rights defender in Şırnak, Turkey.

Dr. Küni, who is also de Cizre representative of the Human Rights foundation of Turkey, was arrested last October, accused of “providing treatment to alleged militants” and not informing security services about it.

During the second hearing of his trial on 24 April 2017, he was convicted for “aiding and abetting terrorist organizations”. The court sentenced Dr. Kuni to four years and two months imprisonment, but released him from prison pending his appeal.  

Dr. Küni has defended his duty as a physician “to treat every person who needs urgent treatment”.

REDRESS submitted an amicus curiae to the court on the inadmissibility of torture evidence.

Dr. Küni alleges that the evidence presented against him consists of four statements made from four individuals who have since withdrawn them and who have claimed the statements were made after they were tortured.  

The second hearing was attended by dozens of people, including family members and supporters and six observers from Germany, UK, Norway and Spain.

REDRESS was part of the International Delegation of Trial Monitors along with the Norwegian Helsinki Committee; the German Medical Association and International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War-Germany (IPPNW); IPPNW, European section; War Resisters’ International (WRI) and La Transicionera.

The international delegation observing the court monitored this trial because of concerns about the targeting of members of the medical profession for carrying out their professional responsibilities.

In an statement released on 25 April 2017, the International Delegation of Trial Monitors stated that Dr. Küni's arrest, detention and prosecution “is part of  a wave  of arrests, dismissals and other legal actions taken against human rights defenders, medical professionals, lawyers, journalists, and academics since July 2015 in the southeast, and throughout Turkey, after the failed military coup in July 2016.









Where We Work


Victims Rights Working Groups

Criminal Law Reform in Sudan

REDRESS is proud recipient of the Creative and Effective Institutions Award 

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