PYD official says no Kurdification policy in education in Rojava

PYD official says no Kurdification policy in education in Rojava

ARA News Sihanouk Dibo, the presidential advisor of the Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) which leads the Rojava …

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Kurdish security chief leads delegation to lobby in Washington

Kurdish security chief leads delegation to lobby in Washington

ARA News The chief of the Kurdistan Region’s Security Council (KRSC), Masrour Barzani, is leading a visit to the United States next …

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ISIS under Iraqi fire as battle for Mosul approaches endgame

ISIS under Iraqi fire as battle for Mosul approaches endgame

US-backed Iraqi forces pushed deeper into the last pocket of Mosul controlled by ISIS militants on Sunday as the battle for the city …

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Hundreds of civilians evacuate rebel-held Damascus district

Hundreds of civilians evacuate rebel-held Damascus district

At least 1,500 civilians and rebels evacuated an opposition district in Damascus on Sunday, state media said, bringing the government …

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Kurdish-led SDF to hand over Tabqa city to civilian council after liberation from ISIS

Kurdish-led SDF to hand over Tabqa city to civilian council after liberation from ISIS

ARA News The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) on 10 May liberated the city of Tabqa and the Tabqa Dam, a progress expiated …

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In Depth

Syrian Kurds say Trump should pressure Erdogan to solve Kurdish issue

Syrian Kurds say Trump should pressure Erdogan to solve Kurdish issue

ARA News US president Donald Trump will host Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on May 16-17 at the White House, in the first meeting between the two leaders. Syrian Kurdish leaders say …

Turkey attacks Rojava to impede anti-ISIS operations in Raqqa: Western SDF volunteer

Turkey attacks Rojava to impede anti-ISIS operations in Raqqa: Western SDF volunteer

ARA News  Jesper Söder, a Swedish volunteer with the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) inside Syria, said on Friday that the Turkish attacks against Kurdish positions in Rojava threaten the ongoing …

Russia shows more support for Syrian Kurds after Turkish airstrikes

Russia shows more support for Syrian Kurds after Turkish airstrikes

ARA News A Russian government spokesperson praised the Kurdish forces in their fight against ISIS. Meanwhile, the co-Chair of the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD), Salih Muslim, and …

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