Yangon H&M factory
Soe Lin Aung examines a recent strike-cum-riot at a Chinese-owned H&M; supplier in Myanmar, digging beyond the headlines into its local context and broader political significance.

El Libertario call on all "real anarchists" to wake-up about the situation in Venezuela. Events in Venezuela are genuine expressions of working-class frustration, against a corrupt and...

As Reclaim the Power and Earth First! activists are ordered to pay £10,000 compensation to coal firm Miller Argent following their blockade against its Ffos-y-fran opencast coal mine last month,...

Roger Johnson and Pete Seeger singing "We shall overcome"

The rise of “black power” led Pete Seeger to realize he had become a towering figure in a movement he didn't fully understand. The way he dealt with criticisms of him and his friends holds...


"What we see the workers doing, and what we hear of from other places today, gives the impression that some great churning is taking place which we dare not try to fit unthinkingly into...


NATO bombing of former Yugoslavia

Book from 2000 by Noam Chomsky where he argues that, contrary to popular perception, the real 'rogue' states in the world today are not the dictator-led developing countries we hear...