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Bank tax sets 'terrible precedent': Westpac chairman Lindsay Maxsted

Westpac chairman Lindsay Maxsted has warned the government is setting a "terrible precedent" by imposing higher taxes on the country's largest banks simply because they can afford to pay, as banks ask if other industries are next in the firing line.

As the country's five largest banks ramp up their fight against the $6.2 billion tax, Mr Maxsted also took aim at the government's inconsistency in pushing for lower company taxes while at the same time raising taxes by 5 per cent for five of the largest corporate taxpayers.

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Big bank budget battle

The head of the Australian Bankers' Association has slammed Scott Morrison for the "smash and grab" decision to tax big banks.

Mr Maxsted, who is also a director of BHP Billiton and Transurban, suggested the thinking behind the policy amounted to demanding more tax from businesses that were successful, including large employers.

"I think it's a terrible precedent," he said in an interview with BusinessDay.

"So what is the basis here? An alleged capacity to pay, so the more successful you are, the more you grow, the more people you employ, the more that I can randomly tax you because you are seen to be successful. That doesn't seem to be very good policy and not a good motivator."

In justifying the tax, Treasurer Scott Morrison this week highlighted the major banks' $30 billion in annual profits and told the lenders to "absorb" the levy to "help fix the budget".


Mr Maxsted's comments reflect an argument from big banks, which risk losing 5 per cent of annual profits to the tax, that other businesses could also be tapped to help the budget raise revenue. Commonwealth Bank chief executive Ian Narev said on Friday said the chief executive of Qantas, Alan Joyce, had said other leaders outside banking were worried other sectors could be targeted next.

Mr Maxsted said there was an "understanding" in banks that government and the opposition wanted the levy, but he was speaking out against "bad policy".

As well as opposing the hit to bank profits, Mr Maxsted sought to highlight the contradiction between the government's push to eventually lower all company taxes, which it argues will create "jobs and growth".

The tax, announced in the budget, will take 0.06 per cent a year from the hundreds of billions that Commonwealth Bank, Westpac, National Australia Bank, ANZ Bank, and Macquarie Group have in borrowings that are not government-guaranteed.


Mr Maxsted said the initial hit would be to bank profits, but "over time" Westpac would look at whether it would pass on the impost to customers, shareholders or absorb it by cutting costs internally.

Authorities such as the Reserve Bank have previously backed some sort of levy on bank deposits to help raise funds to cover the cost to taxpayers of any future bank bailouts, and the United Kingdom introduced a bank tax in 2011.

Yet Mr Maxsted responded that several UK banks needed to be rescued with direct funding injections from taxpayers during the global financial crisis. Australia's banks had their wholesale borrowings guaranteed by taxpayers during the 2008 financial crisis, but the government did not inject funding into the banking system.

"We shouldn't be making policy on the run which interferes with anyone's perception of how strong the banking system is," Mr Maxsted said.

While the government is urging banks not to pass on the cost to customers and "absorb" the levy, Mr Maxsted said it was inevitable shareholders, customers or bank employees would pay.

"Somewhere there are individuals affected by this corporate entity, whether it be the shareholders, the customers, the depositors, employees. If the money is played as a tax to government, it is unavailable for other people," he said.

Aside from the tax, the budget also gave the banking regulator greater power to intervene in how lenders are run. The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority will effectively have the power to approve the appointment of senior executives, and influence how they are paid.

APRA has the power to approve whether bank directors are "fit and proper" appointments, and Mr Maxsted said extending this regime to another level of bank management was "reasonable policy".

But he criticised giving APRA a greater say on banker pay, saying this was a "slippery path", and such decisions were best left to shareholders and boards, with the regulator focusing on issues such as the financial system's stability.

"Do you really want that person [the regulator] being not only a reviewer of a very important part of the financial system, but also a rule maker in these sorts of issues? It seems to be really poor governance in terms of the separation of what the responsibilities are," he said.