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Violence against Women

Edited by Claire M. Renzetti and Raquel Kennedy Bergen - Contributions by Dawn Beichner; Spencer E. Cahill; Martin Daly; Erika Davis-Frenzel; Kirsten Dellinger; R Emerson Dobash; Russell P. Dobash; Robert M. Emerson; Kathleen J. Ferraro; Kerry O. Ferris; Patricia Gagné; Carol Brooks Gardner; Demie Kurz; Donileen R. Loseke; Joseph Marolla; Patricia Yancey Martin; Diana Scully; Cassia Spohn; Kathleen J. Tierney; Christine L. Williams and Margo Wilson

Research and advocacy aimed at understanding and ending violence against women had its beginning in the early 1970s, emerging as a central concern of the feminist movement. This work has expanded exponentially over the past three decades to influence practice and policy at the local, state, and federal levels. Many of the most influential articles in the field were published in Social Problems. This volume assembles twelve of these articles into a core text that covers such topics as wife abuse, sexual assault, sexual harassment, and stalking as well as institutional response to violence against women. « less more »
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 312Size: 7 1/4 x 10 1/4
978-0-7425-3054-6 • Hardback • June 2004 • $106.00 • (£70.00)
978-0-7425-3055-3 • Paperback • December 2004 • $44.00 • (£29.95)
978-1-4616-4668-6 • eBook • December 2004 • $42.99 • (£29.95)
Claire M. Renzetti is professor of sociology at St. Joseph's University in Philadelphia. She is editor of the international, interdisciplinary journal Violence Against Women and co-editor of Sage Publications' Violence Against Women book series. She is the author or editor of sixteen books and is active in several national and regional professional associations, including the Society for the Study of Social Problems, where she has held the offices of vice president and president. Raquel Kennedy Bergen is associate professor and chair of sociology at St. Joseph's University in Philadelphia. She is also a crisis counselor for battered and sexually abused women. Her current research examines husband-rapists' motivations for rape, the role of pornography in sexual violence against women, and sexual violence against pregnant women.
Chapter 1 Introduction: The Emergence of Violence against Women as a Social Problem
Part 2 Part I: Forms of Violence against Women
Chapter 3 "Riding the Bull at Gilley's": Convicted Rapists Describe the Rewards of Rape
Chapter 4 The Myth of Sexual Symmetry in Marital Violence
Chapter 5 Safe Conduct: Women, Crime, and Self in Public Places
Chapter 6 On Being Stalked
Chapter 7 The Locker Room and the Dorm Room: Workplace Norms and the Boundaries of Sexual Harassment in Magazine Editing
Part 8 Part II: Institutional Responses to Violence against Women
Chapter 9 Prosecutorial Justifications for Sexual Assault Case Rejection: Guarding the "Gateway to Justice"
Chapter 10 Gender, Accounts, and Rape Processing Work
Chapter 11 Policing Woman Battering
Chapter 12 Emergency Department Responses to Battered Women: Resistance to Medicalization
Chapter 13 The Social Construction of Deviance: Experts on Battered Women
Part 14 Part III: Feminist Activism and Social Change
Chapter 15 The Battered Woman Movement and the Creation of the Wife Beating Problem
Chapter 16 Identity, Strategy, and Feminist Politics: Clemency for Battered Women Who Kill
Violence Against Women is a rich collection of articles that covers a variety of themes related to the history, major issues, theories, and methods of this area of study … demonstrating the creativity and ingenuity that is necessary to present a complete and comprehensive view of this problem … Professors looking for a text on violence and women should give this volume serious consideration.
Karen Callaghan, Barry University; Teaching Sociology