450 Letters to Morgenthau before the 17th!

11 03 2009

To follow up from the protest, we need to get at least 400 letters to Morgenthau before the 17th to show that the community supports an end to the prosecution against Renata Hill!

It is encouraged that more letters come from the NYC/NJ area. People should also aim to use the letter template below to create their own unique letters, especially explaining to the DA’s office about how the case affects them directly.

[Your Name]
[Your address]

Robert M. Morgenthau
District Attorney
New York County
1 Hogan Place
New York, NY 10013


Re: People vs. Renata Hill

Dear Mr. Morgenthau:

I am writing concerning the case of Renata Hill, who is scheduled to appear in court on March 17, 2009 for a potential retrial. Ms. Hill’s original trial was stemming from an incident in August 2006. Her conviction for Gang Assault was recently overturned on appeal. Your office is about to make a decision on offering Ms. Hill either a retrial or a plea bargain where she would serve a year in prison.

Whatever Ms. Hill’s role on that night, she shouldn’t have to go back to prison. Ms. Hill has already served two years. While she was incarcerated, she was separated from her young son. She also suffered the death of her mother, whose memorial she was unable to attend. I want to encourage you to stop further prosecution in this case, and to release Ms. Hill so that she may get on with her life.

I am writing as a person who identifies with the queer and trans communities. What happened during the incident involving Ms. Hill on August 2006 was terribly unfortunate. I believe that none of the defendants who were changed actually went out there that night with the intention of criminal activity. Life is difficult for queer and trans people, and we ask that your office recognize the constant threat of danger we live with.

Ms. Hill has been punished enough for her role in the event – both by actual imprisonment, and in the impact that imprisonment has had upon her life. I appreciate any assistance you can provide in preventing any further injustice.

Thank you for your consideration,


thrilling video of the NJ4 protest at the courthouse this monday!

5 03 2009