9 best alarm clocks for students

Make sure you're up and awake for those early morning lectures

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As the holidays end and university terms begin again, it’s time to say farewell to lazy summer mornings and hello to early morning lectures. The adjustment will be even harder for those new faces, having to balance not forming enemies with new professors alongside making the most of their fresher’s week. To help, we’ve put together a list of the best alarm clocks out there for students.

1. Acctim Dual Port USB Alarm Clock: £26, John Lewis


This nifty alarm allows you to charge your smartphone from it at the same time, meaning there’s one less plug socket to worry about. Thanks to its matte black finish and mirrored face the clock has a contemporary look, and can also be powered by your computer instead of the mains supply, meaning there’s never a need for batteries, unless you want to use them. 

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2. Seiko QHE120W: £15, Amazon


Pocket-sized and light enough to be slipped into a coat pocket, the QHE120W still packs a loud enough punch to rouse even the most fatigued reveller. Perfect for the student who likes to travel, with this white design and analogue display it’s not bad to look at either.

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3. Lumie Bodyclock GO 75: £74.95, Lumie


This clock wakes you up by simulating a sunrise in your room, a far more natural and welcome method than the shrill beep of a typical alarm. Studies have shown that the Lumie clock improves productivity and sleep quality – helped in part by the simulated sunset that it produces in your room at day’s end. It may cost a little more than the typical student budget can spare, but this is an addition to the wish list that your body will thank you for.

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4. Sonic Shaker Travel Clock: £20.45, Amazon


This alarm clock goes a step beyond the call of duty – it pledges to literally “shake you awake”. Designed for the hard of hearing, it’s certainly loud enough, although the bed shaking is more of a pillow shaking in reality – a pillow clasp is included. Still, it’s enough to have you startled for just long enough, before you realise that it’s only another Monday morning.

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5. Clocky: £40, Suck UK


One of the first things you may notice about Clocky, besides how sleek it is, is that it has wheels on either side. And when it goes off, it runs from your bedside table and onto the floor, forcing you to get out of bed and chase it around your room to turn it off. They’re pristine on arrival (the chrome model is shiny enough to see yourself in) but we imagine a fair few have ended up worse for wear, either from being accidentally stepped on, or kicked in frustration.

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6. Newgate Biscuit Clock: £35, Newgate Clocks


It may seem quaint, but don’t be misled. This alarm is as loud as some of its colour options (red, blue and green) and will inject your room with some timeless British design, while the rest of your floormates rely on iPhones that they forgot to plug in the night before.

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7. Lexon Flip Alarm Clock: £25, John Lewis  


Simplicity is the key with this design, which you simply flip over to turn off. Light as a feather, hitting (or flipping) snooze has never been so satisfying. The clock comes in a large range of colours, and with the added relief of never having to search in the dark for the snooze button again.

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8. Braun Digital Projection Clock: £64, John Lewis


It’s hard to lose track of time with this alarm from the makers at Braun, which projects the time onto the wall or ceiling to prevent you escaping the fact that you’re five minutes late already. And if you want to turn it off, wave your hand over the motion sensor on the clock and the projection will disappear.

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9. Lego Red Brick Alarm Clock: £19.99, WatchShop


If you want something that doesn’t at all resemble the traditional alarm clock, opt for this. Shaped like a giant Lego brick, it’ll certainly stand out on your bedside cabinet. The time is displayed on a back-lit digital screen.

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While the Seiko combines style, value and ease of use, it’s the Acctim which takes our top spot for its ability to boast all the elements of a classic alarm clock, alongside the distinctly modern and increasingly applicable perk of letting you charge your phone from it. The display is stylish enough to impress any visitors to your room, and doesn’t require a battery in an age when fewer and fewer students would even know where to buy them.

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