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Rapping the Periodic Table

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An instructive rap about the Periodic Table of Elements produced by a friend and colleague.  Worth watching! http://youtu.be/lDp9hUf_SV8

Why the Left Should Support Unschooling Part II

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Schooling the Masses: For Past or Future? There are many voices warning that the economy is changing from an industrialized model to a more creative and technological one, and listing traits that students will need in order to be successful…

Why the Left Should Support Unschooling Part I

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“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them” Albert Einstein   Schooling the Masses: For Better or Worse? A great many educators see teaching as separate to government, to…

The Dangerous Conversation: Creating An Enduring Moral Legacy for the 2012 Games

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  Frank Cottrell Boyce is the writer of the Olympic 2012 opening ceremony, the man whose job it was to take all that director Danny Boyle and his team love about Britain, and combine them to create the show – the Industrial…

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Carmarthenshire, Wales

Founded: 29th May 2013

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