
‘You Said Things That Weren’t True!’: ABC’s Karl Grills Sanders Over Changing Stories on Comey

Sarah Huckabee Sanders was filling in again for Press Secretary Sean Spicer, and she had a heated exchange with ABC’s Jon Karl about the contradicting explanations behind James Comey‘s firing as FBI director.

Throughout the week, Sanders, Vice President Mike Pence, and various White House staffers said that Trump reached his decision to fire Comey after taking the advice of his deputy attorney general. However, NBC previewed Lester Holt‘s interview with Trump today, and the mogul said that he knew what he was going to do before hearing anything from Rod Rosenstein.

Karl brought this up in today’s press briefing, asking “were you guys in the dark? Was the vice president misled again?” Sanders snapped back at how Karl was framing the question, but he pressed on and said “you said things that weren’t true!”

Sanders said she was speaking based on what she knew at the time, and that she has spoken with the president about how he actually arrived at the decision to fire. When Karl asked again if Pence was “in the dark,” Sanders accused him of creating a “false narrative,” before going back to her talking point about how Democrats were the ones being contradictory over Comey.

Afterwards, Fox’s John Roberts asked Sanders about why she said the FBI was losing faith in Comey’s leadership, even though acting director Andrew McCabe said today that that was not the case.

Watch above, via CNN.

[Image via screengrab]

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