Star Wars Celebration Orlando 2017: Everything you missed

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Update: April 17 - Star Wars Celebration is over

Star Wars Celebration Orlando 2017 is over but if you were too busy having a life and eating chocolate Easter eggs this weekend, to stay glued to your computer for all the Star Wars news - don't despair. You can catch up on everything you missed with our SWCO round-up. Scroll down for everything that you missed at Star Wars Celebration Orlando...

***original article continues below***

Star Wars Celebration Orlando 2017 is well underway and with major news and footage expected on The Last Jedi, Battlefront 2, and more, there's plenty to care about. So much in fact, that it'll be easy to miss things. 

That's where we come in. 

GamesRadar+ will be bringing you all the important revelations and more from SWCO and to make sure you don't miss anything, we'll be putting EVERYTHING in this live feed (in most recent order) so that you can find it all. 

Want to watch the Star Wars Celebration Orlando 2017 live stream? Ok.

Live feed:

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Watch Star Wars Celebration Orlando 2017 live here - plus the panels to tune in for

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And for a round-up of the big news about the next film as it happens, stay tuned to our Star Wars: The Last Jedi hub article.

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